
检测样品 美容/修饰类化妆品

检测项目 水杨酸苯酯

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TSK-GELApplication Data Sheet 精神神经症药物的分离(1) TSK-GEL 色谱柱用用数据集(2) 医药品和化妆品 TSK-GEL 色谱柱应用数据集(2) -医药品和化妆品- 总 目录 1 关 于T S K - G E L 反 相 色 谱 分 析 柱 2 2 医 药 品 分 析 应 用 数 据 5 3 化 妆 品 分 析 应 用 数 据 29 1.关于TSK-GEL反相色谱分析柱 硅胶基质反相色谱柱 色谱柱 官能团/键合方式 封端 含碳量(%) 粒径(um) 孔径(nm) 特长 ODS-100Z C18alkyl, monomeric Y 20 5,3 10 首选色谱柱 ODS-100V C18alkyl, monomeric Y 15 5,3 10 首选色谱柱 ODS-120T C18alkyl, polymeric Y 22 5 12 ODS-120A C18alkyl, polymeric N 22 5 12 芳香族系样品 ODS-100S C18alkyl, polymeric Y 19 5 10 耐碱能力强(适用pH范围宽) ODS-80Ts C18alkyl, monomeric Y 15 5 8 ODS-80Ts QA C18alkyl, monomeric Y 15 5 8 适用于认证实验的色谱柱 ODS-80TM C18alkyl, monomeric Y 15 5 8 Super-ODS C18alkyl, polymeric Y 8 2 10 高速高分辨率 ODS 色谱柱 OligoDNA RP C18alkyl, monomeric N 11 5 25 寡聚核酸分析用 ODS 色谱柱 Octyl-80Ts C8alkyl, monomeric Y 10 5 8 Super-Octyl C8alkyl, polymeric Y 5 2 10 高速高分辨率C8色谱柱 Super-Phenyl phenyl, polymeric Y 3 2 10 高速高分辨率苯基色谱柱 与C18, C8有相同的分离选择性 CN-80Ts CN, monomeric Y 9 5 8 氰丙酰基反相色谱柱 TMS-250 C1alkyl, monomeric Y 5 10 25 蛋白质分离用反相色谱柱 聚合物基质反相色谱柱 色谱柱 官能团/键合方式 封端 含碳量(%) 粒径(um) 孔径(nm) 特长 0ctadecyl-2PW C18alkyl, monomeric 5 10-20 多肽分离 Octadecyl-4PW C18alkyl, monomeric 7 50 高分子量多肽分离 Phenyl-5PW RP C18alkyl, monomeric — 10 100 蛋白质分离 Octadecyl-NPR C18alkyl, monomeric 2.5 nonporous 无孔型(或非多孔型) ODS 反相色谱柱比较示意图 (疏水性及表面极性) 1.60 1.70疏水性(K’-/K’g) 1,80 K'B:苯的容量因子 K'T:甲苯的容量因子 K'MB:甲基苯甲酸的容量因子 2.医药品分析应用数据 目录 应用数据编号 标题 页码 2-1 精神神经症药物的分离(1) 2-2 精神神经症药物的分离(2) 7 2-3 非类固醇类抗炎症药物的分离 8 2-4 抗组胺药物的分离 8 2-5 黄嘌呤衍生物的分离 9 2-6 抗癫痫病药物的分离 9 2-7 三环类抗抑郁症药物的分离 10 2-8 镇静剂有效成分(苯海拉明)的分离 10 2-9 西吡氯铵的分离 11 2-10 抗晕动病药物有效成分(盐酸氯苯苄嗪)的分离 11 2-11 抗晕动病药物有效成分(乘晕宁)的分离 12 2-12 牙周病治疗药物有效成分的分离 12 2-13 普鲁卡因酰胺的分离 13 2-14 阿托品、东莨菪碱的分离 13 2-15 肉碱盐酸盐的分离 14 2-16 盐酸普鲁卡因的分离 14 2-17 卡络磺钠的分离 15 2-18 氢化可的松琥珀酸的分离 15 2-19 醋酸可的松的分离 16 2-20 维生素E醋酸酯的分离 16 2-21 醋酸泼尼松龙的分离 17 2-22 醋酸地塞米松的分离 17 2-23 环扁桃酯的分离 18 2-24 双嘧达莫的分离 18 2-25 司可巴比妥钠的分离 19 2-26 地塞米松的分离 19 2-27 去炎松的分离 20 2-28 曲安奈德的分离 20 目录 应用数据编号 标题 页码 2-29 烟酸的分离 21 2-30 氟米龙的分离 21 2-31 碘、水杨酸、苯酚醑剂的分离 22 2-32 利血平的分离 22 2-33 禾利多卡因的分离 23 2-34 感冒药物成分的分离 23 2-35 姜黄色素的分离(姜黄萃取物) 24 2-36 橘皮苷的分离(香橙萃取物) 24 2-37 槟榔碱的分离 25 2-38 肉桂酸的分离(桂皮萃取物) 25 2-39 甘草中的甘草酸的分离 26 2-40 东莨菪浸膏的分离 26 2-41 乌头碱的分离 27 2-42 服用肌松弛药物琥珀胆碱自杀者尿液的LC/MS/MS分析 27 TSK-GEL 2-1 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x 15 cm) 3 Eluent : 50 mmol/L 2 sodium phosphate buffer (pH2.2) /CH3CN=60/40 1 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV(230 nm) Temperature :40℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 10 mg/L Samples 1: haloperidol 2 : reserpine 3 : diazepam 5 10 15 2-2精神神经症药物的分离(2) Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5pm 2 (4.6 mml.D.×15 cm) 1 Eluent :25mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer (pH7.5) /CH3CN =60/40 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (230 nm) Temperature : 40℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Samples 4 1 : nitrazepam (10 mg/L) 2 : reserpine (10 mg/L) 3 3 : haloperidol (3 mg/L) 4 : diazepam (3 mg/L) min 0 2 2 6 8 2-3非类固醇类抗炎症药物的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x25 cm) Eluent :H3PO4 in (CH3CN/H2O=60/40), pH2.2 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (230 nm) Temperature : 40°C Inj.volume : 10 pL Concentration: 50 mg/L Samples 1: ketoprofen 2 : flurbiprofen 3 : indometacin 4: ibuprofen 2-4抗组胺药物的分离 1 2 0 2 4 6 8 min Column :TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm 1 (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) 2 Eluent :CH3OH/H2O= 30/70 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (254 nm) Temperature :40°℃ 3 Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 100 mg/L Samples 1: theobromine 2 : theophylline 3 : caffeine 2 4 6 8 min 2-6抗癫痫病药物的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5pm (4.6 mml.D.×15 cm) 2 3 5 Eluent : 0.1 mol/L sodium phosphate buffer (pH2.2)/CH3OH= 50/50 Flow rate :1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (220 nm) Temperature : 40°C 4 Inj. volume :10 pL Samples 1: ethosuximide (250 mg/L) 2 : primidone (50 mg/L) 3: phenobarbital (50mg/L) 4 : phenytoin (25mg/L) 5: carbamazepine (25 mg/L) 0 2 4 6 8 10 min 0 5 10 2-8镇静剂有效成分(苯海拉明)的分离 Column :TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.×15cm) Eluent :10mmol/L SDS in (H2O/CH3CN =40/60) Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (220nm) Temperature : 40℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 50 mg/L Samplediphenhydramine 2-10抗晕动病药物有效成分(盐酸氯苯苄嗪)的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6mml.D. x15cm) Eluent : 20 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer (pH3.5)/CH3CN=50/50 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (230 nm) Temperature : 40°℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 50 mg/L Sample meclizine dihydrochloride 2-11抗晕动病药物有效成分(乘晕宁)的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm 1 (4.6mml.D.x25 cm) Eluent : 10mmol/L sodium hexanesulfonate in H2O/CH3CN=65/35 (pH2.2, H3PO4) Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV(230 nm) Temperature :40℃ Inj. volume : 10pL 2 Concentration: 0.1 mg/L Samples 1 : 8-chlorotheophyline 2: diphenhydramine 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 min 2-12牙周病治疗药物有效成分的分离 Column :TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x25 cm) Eluent : 5mmol/L SDS in H2O/CH3CN=35/65 (pH2.2, H3PO4) Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (248nm) Temperature :40°C Inj. volume : 10 pL Samples 1: chlorhexidine hydrochloride (0.1 g/L) 2: B-glycyrrhetinic acid (0.2 g/L) 2-13普鲁卡因酰胺的分离 Column : TSKgelODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x 15 cm) Eluent :25 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer (pH7.0) /CH3CN/CH3OH= 80/10/10 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (210 nm) Temperature :40°℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 50 mg/L Samples 1: procainamide 2 :N-acetylprocainamide 3: phenol 2-14阿托品、东莨菪碱的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm 1 (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent : 10 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer (pH2.0) /CH3CN= 85/15 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (210nm) 2 Temperature : 40°℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 0.1 mg/L Samples 1: scopolamine 2· 2 : atropine 0 2 4 6 8 10 min 2-15肉碱盐酸盐的分离 2-16盐酸普鲁卡因的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent :0.1%sodium pentanesulfonate, 50 mmol/L potassium phosphate buffer (pH3.0) /CH3OH=80/20 Flow rate : 1.0mL/min Detection : UV(254nm) Temperature : 40°C Inj. volume : 5 pL Concentration: 0.1 mg/L Samples . 1 : procaine hydrochloride 2 : caffeine 2-18氢化可的松琥珀酸的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent : 20 mmol/L sodium acetate buffer (pH4.0) /CH3CN=60/40 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (254 nm) Temperature : 40°C Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 0.1 mg/L Samples 1: hydrocortisone succinate 2: butyl p-hydroxybenzoate Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.×15 cm) Eluent :H2O/CH3CN=65/35 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (254 nm) Temperature :40°C Inj. volume : 10 pL 3 Concentration: 50 mg/L Samples 7 1: propyl p-hydroxybenzoate 2: butyl p-hydroxybenzoate 3: cortisone acetate 0 5 10 15 20 min 2-20维生素E醋酸酯的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.×15 cm) Eluent :H2O/CH3OH=2/98 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (284nm) Temperature : 40℃ Inj. volume : 20 pL Concentration: 0.1 g/L Samples1 : d-a-tocopherol 2 :tocopherol acetate TSK-GEL 2-21 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) 2 Eluent : H2O/CH3CN=60/40 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (254 nm) Temperature : 40 °C 1 Inj. volume : 10pL Concentration: 0.1 g/L Samples 1 : prednisolone acetate 2 : butyl p-hydroxybenzoate 0 2 2 6 8 10 12 14 min 2-22醋酸地塞米松的分离 Column :TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x 15cm) Eluent : H2O/CH3OH=65/35 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (284 nm) Temperature : 40℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 0.1 g/L 2 Samples 1: dexamethasone acetate 2 : progesterone 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 min 2-23环扁桃酯的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V5 pm 2 (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent : H2O/CH3CN= 20/80 Flow rate :1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (228 nm) 1 Temperature : 40°C Inj.volume : 10 pL Concentration: 0.1 g/L Samples 1 : cyclandelate 2 : dicyclohexyl phthalate 0 2 4 6 8 min 2-24双嘧达莫的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm 2 (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent :0.1%KH2PO4/CH3OH=20/80 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV(280nm) Temperature : 40°℃ Inj. volume : 20 pL 1 Samples 1: dipyridamole (25 mg/L) 2 : p-terphenyl (400 mg/L) 0 2 4 6 8 min TSK-GEL 2-25 2-26地塞米松的分离 1 2 4 3 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x15cm) Eluent : H2O/CH3CN=60/40 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (254 nm) Temperature : 40℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 50 mg/L Samples 1 : methyl p-hydroxybenzoate 2: ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate 3: dexamethasone 4 : propyl p-hydroxybenzoate 2-27去炎松的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm 2 (4.6 mml.D.x15cm) Eluent : H2O/CH3CN=75/25 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (254 nm) Temperature : 40°C Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 100 mg/L Samples 1 : triamcinolone 2 : methyl p-hydroxybenzoate 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 min 2-28曲安奈德的分离 1 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x15cm) Eluent : H2O/CH3CN=75/25 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (240 nm) Temperature : 40℃ Inj.volume : 10 pL Concentration: 125 mg/L Samples 1 : triamcinolone 2: prednisolone 3: triamcinolone acetonide 2-30氟米龙的分离 1 2 4 3 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x15cm) Eluent :H2O/CH3OH= 30/70 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (254nm) Temperature : 40°C Inj. volume : 20 pL Concentration: 50 mg/L Samples 1 : fluorometholone 2: butyl p-hydroxybenzoate 2-31碘、水杨酸、苯酚醑剂的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm 1 (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent : 0.1 mol/L potassium phosphate buffer (pH2.5)/CH3CN=75/25 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (270 nm) Temperature : 40°C Inj. volume : 10 pL 2 Samples 1: theophylline (12.5mg/L) 2: phenol (62.5 mg/L) 3 : benzoic acid (62.5 mg/L) 3 4 : salicylic acid (62.5 mg/L) 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 min 2-32利血平的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 um (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent :50 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer (pH2.2)/CH3CN=60/40 Flow rate : 1.0mL/min Detection : UV (268 nm) Temperature : 40°℃ Inj. volume : 20 pL Concentration: 50 mg/L Samples 1 : reserpine 2: butyl p-hydroxybenzoate TSK-GEL 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 min Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent :50 mmol/L sodium phosphatebuffer (pH2.5)/CH3OH= 70/30 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (280 nm) Temperature : 40°C Inj. volume :5pL 3 1 2 5 4 6 7 Samples 1: potassium guaiacolsulfonate 2 : acetaminophen 3 : caffeine (50 mg/L) 4: salicylamide 5 : phenol 6: chlorpheniramine maleate 7 : aspirin Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm curcumin (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent :0.1%TFA/CH3CN=55/45 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (420 nm) Temperature : 40 °C Inj. volume : 5 pL Concentration: 0.1 g/L Sample : curcumin 0 5 10 15 min 2-36橘皮苷的分离(香橙萃取物) (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) 2-37槟榔碱的分离 2-38肉桂酸的分离(桂皮萃取物) 2-39甘草中的甘草酸的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.×15 cm) Eluent : H3PO4/H2O/CH3CN=1/650/350 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (254 nm) Temperature :40°℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 25 mg/L (std.) Samples : glycyrrhizic acid (std.)licorice root min Pretreatment 1. Add 7 mL ethanol to 50 g licorice root, mix, thencentrifuge and remove the supernatant. 2. Add 2.5 mL ethanol to the residue; repeat theprocess twice. 3. Combine all extracts and make up to 20 mL toprepare sample for analysis. 2-40东莨菪浸膏的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent :0.1% sodium octansulfonate, 10 mmol/L potassium phosphate buffer (pH2.5)/CH3OH=60/40 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (210nm) Temperature :40°C Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 0.1 g/L Samples 1 : scopolamine 2· 2 : atropine TSK-GEL 2-41 Column :TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent : 50 mmol/L potassium phosphate buffer (pH2.5)/CH3CN=68/32 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection :UV (254 nm) Temperature : 40°C Inj.volume : 10 pL Concentration: 0.5 g/L Samples : aconitine 0 2 4 6 8 10 min 2-42服用肌松弛药物琥珀胆碱自杀者尿液的 LC/MS/MS分析 COOCH2CH2N+(CH3)3 Inst.:QuatroLC (Micromass)(CH2)2CCOOCH2CH2N+(CH3)3olumn: TSKgelVMpak-25 Eluent : 30 mmol/L HCOONH4/CH3CN=30/70 ) 3.化妆品分析应用数据 目录 应用数据编号 标题 页码 3-1 护肤霜中葡萄糖酸洗必太的分离 31 3-2 护手霜中麝香草酚的分离 31 3-3 氯化钾酚的分离 32 3-4 护手霜中联苯的分离 32 3-5 洁尔灭(杀藻胺;苯扎氯铵)的分离 33 3-6 护手霜中水杨酸苯酯的分离 33 3-7 护手霜中间苯二酚的分离 34 3-8 护手霜中苯氧乙醇的分离 34 3-9 护手霜中紫外线吸收剂的分离 35 3-10 乳液中尿囊素的分离 35 3-11 牙膏中醋酸盐维生素E的分离 36 3-12 护手霜中甘草酸、甘草次酸的分离 36 3-13 巯基乙酸钙的分离 37 3-14 苯酚磺酸锌的分离 37 3-15 防腐剂的分离(1) 38 3-16 防腐剂的分离(2) 38 3-17 安息香酸钠的分离 39 3-18 苯甲酸酯的分离 39 3-19 香香水中的佛手柑内酯的分离 40 3-20 护手霜中杀藻胺的分离 40 3-21 9种苯酚类抗氧化剂的分离 41 3-22 聚氨丙基双胍的分离 41 3-23 透明质酸的分离 42 3-24 硫酸软骨素的分离 42 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V5 pm chlorhexidine gluconate (4.6 mml.D.x15cm) Eluent : (sodium dodecylsulfate 1g+ CH3COOH 2 g) in (H2O/CH3CN/ THF=400/200/200 (mL)) Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (258 nm) Temperature : 40°C Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 20 mg/L (std.) 0 2 4 6 8 min Samples : chlorhexidine gluconate (std.)cream Pretreatment 1.Add 10 mL methanol to 2 g face washing foam,and shake. 2. Centrifuge (5000 rpm, 10 min) and use supernatant as sample for analysis. 3-2护手霜中麝香草酚的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x25 cm) Eluent : H2O/CH3CN=50/50 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/minDetection : FL (ex;280 nm, em; 305 nm)Temperature : 40°℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 0.5 mg/L (std.) min Sample : tymol (std.)hand cream Pretreatment Add methanol to 10 g of hand cream, and agitateusing ultrasound. Make up to 100 mL with methanol then filter (PTFE, 0.5 pm). Dilute filtrate with methanol. 3-3氯化钾酚的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm 3 2 (4.6 mml.D.x25 cm) 4 Eluent : H2O/CH3OH=40/60 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (227 nm) Temperature :40 °℃ Inj.volume : 20 pL 1 Concentration: 50 mg/L Samples 1: methyl p-hydroxybenzoate 2:2-chloro-5-methylphenol 3:4-chloro-2-methylphenol 4:4-chloro-3-methylphenol 2 4 6 8 10 12 min 3-4护手霜中联苯的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.×15 cm) Eluent : H2O/CH3CN=45/55 (pH2.5,H3PO4) Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (247nm) Temperature: 40°℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 5 mg/L (std.) Sample : o-phenylphenol (std.)hand cream Pretreatment Add methanol to 1 g of hand cream, and agitate usingultrasound. Make up to 100 mL with methanol then filter (PTFE, 0.5 um). Dilute filtrate with methanol. 3-5洁尔灭(杀藻胺;苯扎氯铵)的分离 benzalkonium chloride : 3-6护手霜中水杨酸苯酯的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent : H2O/CH3CN= 40/60 Flow rate : 0.8 mL/min Detection : UV (310 nm) Temperature: 40°℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 40 mg/L (std.) Sample : phenyl salicylate (std.)hand cream Pretreatment 1. Measure 1 g of cream; add 40 mL of THF; shakeand dissolve. hand cream 2. Make up to a total of 50 mL with THF, and filterthrough 0.45 um filter (PTFE). 3. Use filtrate as sample for analysis. TSK-GEL a Tin data Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm resorcinol (4.6 mml.D.x25 cm) Eluent : H2O/CH3OH=90/10 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV(275nm) Temperature : 40C Inj. volume : 10pL Concentration: 20 mg/L Sample : resorcinol (std.) 0 5 10 15 min hand cream Pretreatment 1. Measure 1 g of cream, add solvent, shake anddissolve. 2. Make up to a total of 50 mL with the solution, andfilter through 0.45 pm filter (PTFE). 3. Use filtrate as sample for analysis. 3-8护手霜中苯氧乙醇的分离 0 2 4 6 8 min Pretreatment 1. Measure 100 mg of cream, add water/methanol at1/1 ratio; shake and dissolve. 2. Make up to a total of 50 mL with the solution, andfilter through 0.45 pm filter (PTFE). 3. Use filtrate as sample for analysis. TSK-GEL 3-9护手霜中紫外线吸收剂的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.×25 cm) Eluent : H2O/CH3OH=3/17 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (335nm) Temperature : 40℃ Inj. volume : 20 pL Concentration: 40 mg/L (std.) Sample :2-(2-hydroxy-5-methylphenyl)-benzotriazole (std.)hand cream Pretreatment 1. Measure out 0.2 g of cream into a beaker, add2 mL of THF; shake and dissolve. 2. Transfer to 50 mL graduated flask and wash withmethanol. 3. Add 2 mL of THF to the same beaker, wash, andadd to graduated flask together with dissolvedsolution. 4. Make up to 50 mL with methanol and use this forsample analysis. 0 5 10 15 min 3 -10乳液中尿囊素的分离 Column : TSKgel Amide-80 5 um (4.6 mml.D.x25 cm) Eluent : H2O/CH3CN= 15/85 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (210 nm) Temperature : 40℃ Inj. volume : 20 pL Concentration: 75 mg/L (std.) Samples : allantoin (std.) rotion Pretreatment 1. Measure 1 g of cream, add 10 mL of solvent; shake and dissolve. 2. Make up to a total of 20 mL with the solution, andfilter through 0.45 um filter (PTFE). 3. Use filtrate as sample for analysis. TSK-GEL a Tin datas 3-11牙膏中醋酸盐维生素E的分离 Column :TSKgelODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x25 cm) Eluent : CH3CN/2-propanol=90/10 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (280 nm) Temperature :40°℃ Inj. volume : 20 pL Concentration: 50 mg/L (std.) Samples : dl-a-tocopherol acetate (std.)tooth paste Pretreatment 1. Add 10 mL of solvent to 1 g of tooth polishingpowder, and dissolve using ultrasound. 2. Filter through 0.45 um filter (PTFE). 3. Use filtrate as sample for analysis. 3 -12护手霜中甘草酸、甘草次酸的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent : +(EDTA2Na 1g+H2O 350mL) Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (250 nm) Temperature : 40°C Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 50 mg/L (std.) Samples 1 : glycyrrhizic acid (std.) 2 : glycyrrhetinic acid (std.) hand cream Pretreatment 1. Dissolve 1 g sample in 10 mL of THF. 2. Pass 4 mL of this solution through a Sep-Pak NH2cartridge, and wash with 10 mL of methanol. 3. Elute with elution solvent (2.67% KH2PO4/CH3CN=50/50) to prepare sample for analysis. TSK-GEL 3-14苯酚磺酸锌的分离 Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x15 cm) Eluent : 0.1mol/L potassium phosphate buffer (pH2.3)/CH3OH=97/3 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (230 nm) Temperature : 40°C Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 20 mg/L Sample : zinc phenolsulfonate 2 4 6 min Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D. x15 cm) Eluent : (50 mmol/L NaH2PO4/ CH3OH/CH3CN =50/35/15)+2 mmol/L hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride (pH5.2) Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (235nm) Temperature : 40°℃ Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 50 mg/L Samples 1: methyl p-hydoroxybenzoate 2: dehydroacetic acid sodium salt 3: ethyl p-hydoroxybenzoate 4 : sorbic acid sodium salt 5 : iso-propyl p-hydoroxybenzoate 6:n-propyl p-hydoroxybenzoate 7 : iso-butylp-hydoroxybenzoate 8 : n-butyl p-hydoroxybenzoate 9 : salicylic acid sodium salt 3-16防腐剂的分离(2) Column : TSKgel ODS-100Z 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.x25 cm) Eluent : 50 mmol/L sodium phosphate buffer (pH6.8)/CH3OH= 40/60 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (270 nm) Temperature: 40°C Inj. volume : 5 pL Concentration:50 mg/L Samples 1: methyl p-hydroxybenzoate 2: ethyll p-hydroxybenzoate 3: iso-propyl p-hydroxybenzoate 4: n-propyl p-hydroxybenzoate 5: iso-butyl p-hydroxybenzoate 6 : n-butyl p-hydroxybenzoate 3-18苯甲酸酯的分离 Column :TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm Column : TSKgel ODS-100V 5 pm (4.6 mml.D.×25 cm)Eluent : H2O/CH3CN/CH3OH=2/1/1 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Detection : UV (268nm) Temperature : 40°℃ Inj.volume : 10 pL Concentration: 0.5 mg/L (std.) Samples : 5-methoxypsoralen (std.)perfume Pretreatment 1. Measure 0.4 g of sample, and using a 100-mLseparatory funnel, add 30 mL water, 5 g sodiumchloride,and 30 mL ether; shake for 10 minutes,and isolate the ether layer. perfume 2. Add an additional 20 mL ether to the water layerand extract. 3. Combine the ether layers, dry with 10 g anhydroussodium sulfate, blow dry with dry nitrogen, andcondense to approximately 1 mL. 4. Load condensate onto a florisil column usingether/petroleum ether (7/3), and inject 20 mL ofether/petroleum ether (7/3). 5. Elute with 10 mL of ether/acetone (1/1) andcondense eluate to approximately 1 mL using drynitrogen. 6. Add solvent to condensate to prepare 2-mLsample for analysis. Column : TSKgel SuperAW2500 benzalkonium chloride (4.6 mml.D.×15 cm) Eluent : 50 mmol/L NaCIO4 in (H2O/CH3CN=50/50) Flow rate : 0.6 mL/min Detection : UV (265 nm) Temperature: 40°C Inj. volume : 10 pL Concentration: 1 g/L (std.) 0 2 4 6 8 min Sample : benzalkonium chloride (std.)hand cream Pretreatment 1. Measure 4 g of cream, dissolve in methanol tomake up 100 mL. 2. Filter through a 0.45-um (cellulose acetone) filter. 3. Dilute filtrate 4-fold with distilled water to preparesample for analysis. 3-2199种苯酚类抗氧化剂的分离 TSKgel ODS-100V 5pm Samples 1:PG (propyl gallate) 2:THBP((2,4,5-trihydroxybutyrophenone) 3:TBHQ. (tert-butyl hydroquinone) 4:NDGAA((nordihydroguaiaretic acid) 5: BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) 6:OG (octyl gallate) 7:HMBPP(4-hydroxymethyl-2,6-di-tert-butylphenol) 8:DG (dodecyl gallate) 9:BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) 3-22聚氨丙基双胍的分离 Column : TSKgel SuperAW3000 (6.0 mml.D. x15 cm) Eluent :1.0%H3PO4 Flow rate : 0.6 mL/min Detection : UV (235nm) Inj. volume :5pL Temperature :40℃ Concentration: 2 g/L Samples : polyaminopropyl biguanide Hyaluronic acid sodium salt A (from Rooster Comb) Hyaluronic acid sodium salt B (from Rooster Comb) 3-24硫酸软骨素的分离 Column : TSKgel GMPWxL×2 (7.8 mml.D.×30 cm×2) Eluent : 0.1 mol/L NaNO3 Flow rate : 1.0 mL/min Temperature :40°℃ Inj. volume : 100 pL Detection :RI Concentration: 1.0 g/L Sample : chondroitin sulfate TSK-GEL 索 TOSOH CORPORATIONBIOSCIENCE DIVISION Address: Shiba-Koen First Bldg.3-8-2 Shiba, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-8623, Japan TEL: +81-3-5427-5180FAX: +81-3-5427-5220 E-mail: hlc@tosoh.co.jp Website: www.separations.asia.tosohbioscience.com HLC database: www2.tosoh.co.jp/hlc/hlcdb.nsf/StartE?OpenForm TOSOH BIOSCIENCE LLC Address: 3604 Horizon Drive, Suite 100 King of Prussia, PA 19406, USA TEL:+1-484-805-1219 FAX:+1-610-272-3028 E-mail: info.tbl@tosoh.com Website: www.tosohbioscience.com TOSOH BIOSCIENCE GmbH Address: Zettachring 6, 70567 Stuttgart, Germany TEL: +49-711-13257-0FAX: +49-711-13257-89 E-mail: Info.sep.eu@tosohbioscience.com Website: www.tosohbioscience.com TOSOH ASIA PTE. LTD Address: 63 Market Street #10-03 Singapore 048942TEL: +65-6226-5106FAX: +65-6226-5215 E-mail: Info.tsas@tosoh.com Website: www.separations.asia.tosohbioscience.com 东曹(上海))生物科技有限公司 地址:上海市徐汇区宜山路1289号B座3F,301室 电话: +86-21-3461-0856 传真:+86-21-3461-0858 电邮: info@tosoh.com.cn 网址: www.separations.asia.tosohbioscience.com HLC、TSK-GEL、TSKgel、BioAssist、EcoSEC、Enantio、Enviropak、TOYOPEARL、TOYOPEARLMegaCap、ToyoScreen、TOYOPEARLPAK 和 TOYOPAK 均是 TOSOH公司的注册商标。 未经 TOSOH公司书面同意,本产品目录中的内容不得全部或部分使用或复制。 产品目录的内容可能会随时发生更改,恕不另行通知。 TOSOH公司版权所有 TSK-GELTSK-GEL Application Data Sheet()

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