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Rt®-XLSulfur 填充/微填充柱分析含量低至ppb级硫化物的最佳色谱柱。不需要PTFE柱管。柱子和端口接头都经 Sulfinert® 处理,惰性最强。最高耐受温度为290 °C。


百道亨仪器备设(北京)限有公司 010-67968866 18911200309 Petrochemical Applications Rt@-XLSulfur Packed GC Column for Analysisof Low-Level Sulfur Compounds in C1-C6Hydrocarbon Streams The analysis of sulfur compounds in C1-C6 hydrocarbon streams by gas chromatography (GC) is an important application in thepetrochemical field. The presence of sulfur compounds in petroleum products can affect the longevity and performance of catalystsused in hydrocarbon processing. As requirements for sulfur detection become more stringent, the importance of good chromato-graphic separation of the hydrocarbons from the sulfur compounds and the inertness of the analytical column increases. Detectorsused for sulfur determination generally are specific (e.g., sulfur chemiluminescence detection,FPD, PFPD) and help eliminatepositive response from chromatographic interferences. Unfortunately, when high levels of hydrocarbons elute through the detectorsimultaneously with sulfur compounds, the signal for sulfur is quenched and area counts are nonlinear. For a successful analysis,the analytical column must resolve the hydrocarbons from the sulfur compounds listed in Figure 1. Hydrocarbons are non-reactive but sulfur compounds, especially hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan, are easily adsorbed byundeactivated surfaces. Therefore, there are two areas of concern with micropacked or packed column sulfur analysis: one is theinertness and selectivity of the solid support, and the other is the inertness of the tubing walls. Packed and micropacked columnstypically use metal tubing for ruggedness but the surface is very adsorptive for sulfur compounds. PTFE tubing is also an option, butit has a limited temperature range, is permeable, and will expand and contract during temperature changes. These characteristicswill negatively affect column efficiency and stability. Restek designed the Rt-XLSulfur column to accomplish the challenging separation of hydrocarbons from sulfur compounds. Allparts of the column have been optimized for inertness. The packing material is extensively deactivated for the analysis of low ppbvlevels of hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan, and then is prepared to achieve the proper selectivity and required resolution(Figure 1). Analysis of 50 ppbv sulfur compounds using a 1 mL gas loop and a sulfur chemiluminescence detector (SCD) showsexcellent response (Figure 2). The interior tubing walls of the Rt-XLSulfur column are treated with a Sulfinert coating, a passivation technique designed todeactivate metal surfaces. This coating is found to be very inert for all sulfur compounds, including hydrogen sulfide and methylmercaptan. Another issue that is routinely overlooked with packed columns is that their end plugs are known to adsorb sulfurcompounds. For that reason, Restek also treated the end plugs in the Rt-XLSulfur column with Sulfinertpassivation. The extracare taken with the surfaces in this column result in a more accurate analysis of trace sulfur compounds in hydrocarbon processes. Figure 1 The Rt-XLSulfur micropacked column separates hydrocarbons from sulfur compounds. Figure 2 The Rt-XLSulfur column is sensitive enough for 50 ppbv sulfur compounds. PATENTS & TRADEMARKS Restek@ patents and trademarks are the property of Restek Corporation. (See www.restek.com/Patents-Trademarks for full list.) Other trademarks appearing in Restek@ literature or on its websiteare the property of their respective owners. The Restek@ registered trademarks used here are registered in the United States and may also be registered in other countries. RESTEK Lit. Cat.# PCAN1498-UNVo 2012 Restek Corporation. All rights reserved. 百道亨仪器备设(北京)限有公司 Innovative Chromatography Solutionswww.restek.com Printed in the U.S.A. Rt®-XLSulfurGC柱进行分析C1-C6低硫化合物的分析订货信息:货号内径 长度 外径 适用色谱仪  包装量 80484-01800 2mm 1m 1/8英寸 通用 ea. 80484-01810 2mm 1m 1/8英寸 Agilent ea. 80484-01840 2mm 1m 1/8英寸 PE Auto Sys ea. 80485-01800 2mm 2m 1/8英寸 通用 ea. 80485-01810 2mm 2m 1/8英寸 Agilent ea. 80485-01820 2mm 2m 1/8英寸 Varian ea. 80485-01840 2mm 2m 1/8英寸 PE Auto Sys ea. 80482-01800 3.1mm 1m 3/16英寸 通用 ea. 80483-01800 3.1mm 2m 3/16英寸 通用 ea.          气相色谱法(GC)对C1-C6烃源中硫化合物的分析是石油化工领域的重要应用。石油产品中含硫化合物的存在,会影响烃加工过程中催化剂的寿命和性能。随着硫检测的要求越来越严格,从硫化合物中分离出碳氢化合物的重要性和分析柱的惰性也越来越重要。用于硫测定的检测器一般都是特异性的(如硫化学发光检测、FPD、PFPD),并有助于消除色谱干扰的阳性反应。不幸的是,当高水平的碳氢化合物与硫化合物同时通过探测器时,硫的信号被熄灭,区域计数是非线性的。为了获得成功的分析,分析柱必须从图1所示的硫化合物中分解碳氢化合物。            碳氢化合物是无反应的,但硫化合物,尤其是硫化氢和硫醇甲,很容易被未失活的表面吸附。因此,微包装或填充柱硫分析有两个方面的问题:一是固体支撑的惰性和选择性,二是管壁的惰性。填料和微填料柱通常使用金属管道加固,但表面对硫化合物非常吸附。聚四氟乙烯管也是一种选择,但它的温度范围有限,是可渗透的,在温度变化过程中会膨胀和收缩。这些特性会对柱的效率和稳定性产生负面影响。             Rt®-XLSulfur列来完成具有挑战性的碳氢化合物从硫化合物的分离。这一列的所有部件都经过了优化,以达到惰性。包装材料广泛失效分析ppbv水平低的硫化氢、甲硫醇,然后准备实现所需的适当的选择性和分辨率(图1)。分析50 ppbv硫化合物用1毫升硫气体循环和化学发光检测器(SCD)显示了出色的响应(图2)。        色谱柱内壁Rt-XLSulfur采用Sulfinert®涂料工艺,金属表面钝化技术设计。这种涂层对所有硫化物都是惰性的,包括硫化氢和甲基硫醇。另一个经常被人们忽略的问题是,它们的末端塞子会吸附硫化物。也因为这个原因,采用末端Sulfinert钝化。在这一列中,对表面的额外注意使得对烃类过程中痕量硫化合物的分析更加精确。 

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