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铜锌冶炼行业 、有色金属中汞、除汞、汞监测检测方案(测汞仪)

检测样品 其他

检测项目 汞、除汞、汞监测

关联设备 共4种 下载方案




MONITORING OF THE MERCURY REMOVAL PROCESS AT SULPHURIC ACID PRODUCTION PLANTS INTRODUCTION Sulphuric acid is an important byproduct at zinc and copper plants. Copper and zinc ores often have elevated mercury content. During heating in the process of roasting, mercury is evaporated from the ore and, if not removed, will finally appear in the sulphuric acid. The elevated mercury content in sulphuric acid that is further used in the food and other industries is not permitted, so various mercury removal methods are used in the sulphuric acid production process. Mercury removal from the roast gases may be effectively controlled by the RA-915M/RA-915AM mercury analyzers, as its distinctive feature – Zeeman background correction of the nonselective absorption – allows mercury determination even in the presence of high contents of SO2. Thanks to this fact sulphuric acid manufacturers can monitor the efficiency of the mercury removal process on-line, and take action before mercury contaminates the final product. Furthermore, the mercury concentration in the final product – concentrated sulphuric acid – may be easily controlled by a conventional cold vapor technique using RA-915M mercury analyzer with RP-92 attachment. MEASURING METHOD The method of direct determination of elemental mercury in the process gas is based on the measurement of atomic absorption in the single-path analytical cell of a mercury analyzer RA-915M/RA-915+ with Zeeman background correction. Differentiation into oxidized and elemental mercury species is needed if the gas is not passed through a wet scrubber, and can be performed with LUMEX sorbent traps. ANALYSIS FEATURES Direct on-line analysis of elemental mercury without sample preparation. Low cost. Fast and simple method, which can be readily mastered by plant personnel after a short training. Speciation into Hg(2+) and Hg(0), where needed, with the use LUMEX sorbent traps. MEASUREMENT RANGE The measurement range of the mercury concentration in gas samples is 1–5.000 µg/m3. EQUIPMENT AND REAGENTS The following equipment and materials are used for analysis: Mercury analyzer RА-915М (RА-915 AM for continuous operation); RP-92 attachment (only for analysis of final product); LUMEX sorbent traps and PYRO attachment if speciation is required; PC with Windows® 2000/ХР/Vista/7/8 and RAPID dedicated software. The information in this leaflet is supplemental. To get more specific information on this method, please contact the developer of this method Lumex Instruments Group. NORTH AMERICA Lumex Instruments Canada 0890278 B.C. Ltd. E-mail: info@lumexinstruments.com www.lumexinstruments.com EUROPE Lumex Analytics GmbH E-mail: info@lumexanalytics.de www.lumexanalytics.de RUSSIA Lumex-Marketing LLC E-mail: sales@lumex.ru www.lumexinstruments.com CHINA Beijing Lumex Analytical Equipment Co. Ltd. E-mail: lumex@lumex.com.cn www.lumexcn.com 硫酸是锌厂和铜厂的重要副产品。铜矿石和锌矿石的汞含量通常也较高。在焙烧过程中加热时,汞从矿石中蒸发,如果不除去,最终会在硫酸中出现。硫酸在食品和其他工业中进一步使用中是不允许含有汞的。因此在硫酸生产过程中需要采用特殊工艺除汞。焙烧气体中的汞去除效率可以由RA-915M/RA-915AM汞分析仪进行有效监测,因为其独特的特征——塞曼背景校正的非选择性吸收-即使在高含量SO2的存在下也可以实现汞的准确测定。

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LUMEX INSTRUMENTS (鲁美科思分析仪器)为您提供《铜锌冶炼行业 、有色金属中汞、除汞、汞监测检测方案(测汞仪)》,该方案主要用于其他中汞、除汞、汞监测检测,参考标准《暂无》,《铜锌冶炼行业 、有色金属中汞、除汞、汞监测检测方案(测汞仪)》用到的仪器有LUMEX在线空气测汞仪RA-915AM(汞分析仪)、LUMEX连续在线烟气汞监测仪OLM915J、LUMEX便携烟气汞采样系统OLM30B、LUMEX傅立叶红外光谱仪FT-08。


