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COXEM’s SEM and EDS offer useful information about microstructures of pharmaceutical powders, such as particle size and composition. SEM can also identify any extraneous matters contained within the particle.


WINDOW FOR NANO WORLD with COXEM08 Medicinel Pharmaceuticals Overview COXEM's SEM and EDS offer useful information about microstructures of pharmaceutical powders, such as particle sizeand composition. SEM can also identify any extraneous matters contained within the particle. Cosmetic Patches Fabricated microneedle-array patches enhance collagenpermeation through the skin and supply other nutrients bypenetrating the skin with their sharp tips. These patches areimaged better by increasing the working distance (WD).Higher working distance leads to a better depth of field,which is the effective focus range. Compared to the image tothe right, the image to the left has more sample features thatremain in focus. Sunscreen In the images, sunscreen was applied to a glass plate withindentations to look for its distribution. Sunscreens containtitanium oxide (TiO2) particles. The shape and size of theseparticles affect sun protection. As particle size gets smaller,SPF protection is better but UVA protection becomes worse.Also, small particles may penetrate the skin and cause sideeffects. By looking at SEM images, it is important to measurethe size and find the balance, as small particles providegreater transparency and larger particles allow greater UVAprotection. Flat (X100,20kV)Tilted (X100,20kV) Drug Powder with ChangingAccelerating Voltage Accelerating voltage can be easily manipulated based on the sample condition and magnification. When viewing images at higher magnification, resolution isbetter when the voltage is high, but samples may be damaged.Depending on the sample type, it is sometimes better toobserve samples at low accelerating voltage. DSurface information with changing voltage D Powder damage with changing voltage 13 X5,000,10kV X5,000,20kV Colorectal Cancer Cell withScanning Transmission ElectronMicroscope (STEM) COXEM's SEM can be easily transformed into STEM byinserting a STEM detector. By detecting transmitted electronswith low voltage STEM, high-contrast images of biologicalspecimen can be acquired with bright and dark field imagingmodes. At the same time, radiation damage is reduced becausevoltage is low compared to the dedicated STEMs based onhigh-resolution TEM columns. Dark Field (DF,X5,000,25kV)Bright Field (BF, X5,000,25kV COXEM’s SEM and EDS offer useful information about microstructures of pharmaceutical powders, such as particle size and composition. SEM can also identify any extraneous matters contained within the particle.

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