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检测样品 化药制剂

检测项目 理化性质

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京都電子工業株式会社KYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.APVS-0103en APVS-0103en6. Procedure Application Note Temperature dependence of viscosity of commercially available eye drops IndustryPharmaceuticalInstrumentViscometerMeasurement method :Electro Magnetically Spinning MethodStandards 1. Scope Viscosity of eye drops is an important element to cover the surface of the eyes and to preventevaporation of tears by replenishing moisture. Examples of measuring the temperature dependence of the dynamic viscosity ofcommerciallyavailable eye drops using an EMS viscometer that can be measured by sealing, sterilization andnon-contact were shown below. 2.Precautions When performing measurement below the ambient temperature, make sure to introduce dry airto the instrument before starting measurement in order to prevent dew condensation. 3. Post-measurement procedure The sample container and the sample are discarded appropriately. 4.Apparatus EMS Viscometer.Control Laptop PC · Dry Air Unit Compressor 5.Reagents Sample:3 kinds of the commercially available eye drops 京都电子工业式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司 上海市徐汇区宜山路333号1201室电话:021-54488867 电邮: kemu-kem@163.com 网址: http://www.kem-china. com 1) Enter the following conditions in measurement condition of the sequence mode of controlsoftware. Measurement mode :Sequence mode Measurement temperature :10-40℃ (5℃ interval) Motor rotation speed :1,000 rpm Measurement time :I(1 second) Repeat count :10 times Measurement interval :5 seconds Waiting time for temperature stability :10 minutes 2) Place an aluminum spherical probe of o 2 mm and a sample of 300 uL in a container, coverwith a cap and packing, set the sample container in the EMS Viscometer, and press themeasurement button. 3) Measure another samples on the same condition after the measurement of the first sample iscompleted. 7. Example The viscosity measurement results about the temperature dependence of the commercially.available eye drops A, B and C are shown in Figure 1 and Table 1 to 3. The temperature dependence of the viscosity is confirmed for all eye drops The eye drops C is a low viscosity sample almost equal to water. However, for the eye drops Aand B, the viscosity at 10℃ is 10mPa's or more and a high viscosity compared with the eyedrops C. For your information, it takes about 80 minutes to measure the temperature dependence of theviscosity of one kind of eye drops, therefore 3 kinds of all eye drops can be measured withinabout 4 hours. Figure 1. Measurement result about the temperature dependence of the viscosity of eye drops 京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司 上海市徐徐区宜山路333号1201室电话:021-54488867 电邮: kemu-kem@163.com 网址: http://www.kem-china.com Table 1. Measurement result about the temperature dependence of the viscosity for eye drops A (mPas) Frequency ofmeasurement Temperature (℃) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1st 15.1 11.7 9.45 7.66 6.28 5.19 4.33 2nd 15.0 11.7 9.42 7.66 6.28 5.19 4.33 3rd 15.1 11.7 9.38 7.67 6.28 5.19 4.32 4th 15.0 11.7 9.37 7.67 6.28 5.19 4.34 5th 15.0 11.7 9.36 7.67 6.28 5.17 4.33 6th 15.0 11.7 9.35 7.73 6.28 5.17 4.32 7th 15.0 11.7 9.35 7.70 6.28 5.21 4.33 8th 15.0 11.7 9.37 7.68 6.29 5.18 4.31 9th 14.9 11.7 9.35 7.71 6.29 5.17 4.34 10th 15.0 11.6 9.45 7.68 6.29 5.18 4.32 Mean 15.0 11.7 9.39 7.68 6.28 5.18 4.33 Standard deviation 0.1 0.0 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 RSD (%) 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 Table 2. Measurement result about the temperature dependence of the viscosity for eye drops B(mPa's) Frequency ofmeasurement Temperature (℃) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1st 11.1 9.03 7.46 6.21 5.21 4.40 3.68 2nd 11.1 9.02 7.48 6.17 5.22 4.39 3.69 3rd 11.1 9.03 7.48 6.21 5.21 4.35 3.73 4th 11.1 9.02 7.52 6.25 5.21 4.36 3.70 5th 11.1 9.02 7.52 6.25 5.21 4.36 3.70 6th 11.1 9.01 7.49 6.25 5.21 4.34 3.70 7th 11.1 9.01 7.41 6.25 5.21 4.34 3.68 8th 11.1 9.00 7.45 6.24 5.15 4.34 3.69 9th 11.1 9.08 7.46 6.26 5.19 4.34 3.69 10th 11.1 9.04 7.43 6.25 5.20 4.35 3.69 Mean 11.1 9.03 7.47 6.23 5.20 4.36 3.70 Standard deviation 0.0 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 RSD (%) 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 Table 3. Measurement result about the temperature dependence of the viscosity for eye drops C (mPa's) Frequency ofmeasurement Temperature (℃) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1st 1.62 1.44 1.40 1.19 0.99 0.87 0.82 2nd 1.62 1.45 1.40 1.19 0.99 0.88 0.80 3rd 1.62 1.44 1.40 1.19 0.98 0.88 0.82 4th 1.63 1.44 1.42 1.19 0.99 0.87 0.82 5th 1.62 1.44 1.41 1.19 0.99 0.87 0.82 6th 1.62 1.43 1.42 1.19 0.99 0.87 0.84 7th 1.62 1.43 1.42 1.18 0.99 0.87 0.83 8th 1.62 1.43 1.44 1.17 0.98 0.87 0.84 9th 1.63 1.43 1.43 1.17 0.98 0.87 0.85 10th 1.63 1.43 1.44 1.17 0.99 0.87 0.84 Mean 1.62 1.44 1.42 1.18 0.99 0.87 0.83 Standard deviation 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 RSD (%) 0.3 0.5 1.1 0.8 0.5 0.5 1.8 8. Summarv The temperature dependence of the viscosity of the commercially available eye drops can bemeasured. The difference of the temperature dependence can be confirmed according to the kinds ofeyedrops such as smooth eye drops like water or a little viscous eye drops. Moreover, even the same eye drops has comparatively large temperature dependence, therefore,the feeling of putting the eye drops might be influenced depending on the temperature to beused in the summer or winter. 9. References None. 京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司电话:021-54488867 电邮: kemu-kem@163.com 都電子工業株式会社KYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD 滴眼液在不同温度下黏度变化的研究测量市售滴眼液粘度的温度依赖性。温度依赖性的差异可以根据滴眼液的种类来确定,如光滑的滴眼液或少量的粘性眼药水。此外,即使是相同的滴眼液也有较强的温度依赖性。因此,根据夏季或冬季使用的温度,可能会影响滴眼液的感觉。

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