
检测样品 淀粉及淀粉制品

检测项目 理化分析

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淀粉糊化降解过程中黏度的变化 淀粉是由植物光合作用产生的葡萄糖所连接的两种大分子直链淀粉和支链淀粉组成的多糖。淀粉在食品工业上,用作增稠剂、保水剂、织构改善剂和分散剂。也广泛应用于制药工业,作为药用片剂的辅料,作为抗生素的发酵介质原料,并作为工业用胶粘剂,应用于各个领域。使用EMS粘度计测量糊化淀粉降解过程中粘度变化的例子,此粘度计可以通过密封、灭菌和非接触式测量。 用EMS粘度计对淀粉降解过程中的粘度变化,可以评价α-淀粉酶的酶降解活性。结果表明,EMS粘度计可用于最佳酶的浓度、温度和厌氧条件下的检查和评价,使酶的能力最大化。


京都電子工業株式会社KYOTOELECTRONICSAPVS-0112enMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD. 6. Procedure Application Note Change in viscosity in degradation process of gelatinized starch IndustryFood,PharmaceuticalsInstrumentViscometerMeasurement method :Electro Magnetically Spinning MethodStandards 1. Scope Starch is a polysaccharide composed of two kinds of macromolecules, amylose and amylopectin,which are linked by glucose produced by photosynthesis by plants. As a food industry, starch is used as a thickener, a water retention material, a texture improvingand dispersing agent. And it is used in the pharmaceumtaic1al industry as an excipient forpharmaceutical tablets, as a fermentation medium raw material for antibiotics, and It is alsoused in various fields as an adhesive for industrial applications. An example of measuring Change in viscosity in degradation process of gelatinized starch usingan EMS viscometer that can be measured by sealing, sterilization and non-contact will beshown below. 2. Precautions None. 3.Post-measurement procedure The sample container and the sample are discarded appropriately. 4.Apparatus EMS Viscometer Control Laptop PC 5.Reagents ·Sample :Gelatinized 3%-Potato starch solution (1,000 mPa's)" 0.03 wt% a-amylase solution·Ion exchanged water (diluent) 京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司 上海市徐汇区宜山路333号1201室电话:021-54488867 电邮: kemu-kem@163.com 网址: http://www. kem-china. com 1) Enter the following conditions in measurement condition of the sequence mode of controlsoftware. Measurement mode:Repeat modeMeasurement temperature:25℃ or 37℃Motor rotation speed:1,000 rpmMeasurement time:I (1 second : The sample with enzyme)II(5 seconds : The sample without enzyme)Repeat count:100 times(measurement is interrupted when cured)Measurement interval:1 second Waiting time for temperature stability :5 minutes 2) Place the spherical probe p4.7 mm, potato starch 0.03 g and ion exchange water 1000 uL inthe sample container, cover it with a cap and set in the instrument, heat it in advance at 55 °Cfor 5 minutes as pretreatment. 3) After raising the temperature to 75°C at 2°C per minute, warm it at 75°C for 5 minutes toprepare a gelatinized 3% potato starch solution (gelatinized starch sample). 4) Remove the gelatinized starch sample from the instrument and cool the gelatinized starchsample at room temperature. 5) Add 10 pL of 0.03 wt% a-amylase(with amylase) or ion-exchanged water(without amylase) tothe gelatinized starch sample, immediately place it in the instrument and press themeasurement button. 6) Measure another samples on the same condition after the measurement ofthe first sample iscompleted. 7.Example By added o-amylase, it was confirmed that the viscosity decreased due to degradation of potatostarch and that the degradation speed of the potato starch by the enzyme was faster at 37°C.(higher enzyme activity) than at 25°C. For reference, the measurement time of repeatedly1of 100 times was the longest about 15minutes (the shortest was about 7 minutes). Figure 1. Change in viscosity in degradation process of gelatinized starch 8.Summary The enzymatic degradation activity of a-amylase could be evaluated by viscosity variation inthe degradation process of starch used the EMS viscometer. It was suggested that the EMS viscometer could be used for investigation and evaluation in theoptimal enzyme concentration, temperature and anaerobic conditions that maximize the abilityof the enzyme. 9.References None. 都電子工業株式会社KYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD. 淀粉糊化降解过程中黏度的变化 淀粉是由植物光合作用产生的葡萄糖所连接的两种大分子直链淀粉和支链淀粉组成的多糖。淀粉在食品工业上,用作增稠剂、保水剂、织构改善剂和分散剂。也广泛应用于制药工业,作为药用片剂的辅料,作为抗生素的发酵介质原料,并作为工业用胶粘剂,应用于各个领域。使用EMS粘度计测量糊化淀粉降解过程中粘度变化的例子,此粘度计可以通过密封、灭菌和非接触式测量。 用EMS粘度计对淀粉降解过程中的粘度变化,可以评价α-淀粉酶的酶降解活性。结果表明,EMS粘度计可用于最佳酶的浓度、温度和厌氧条件下的检查和评价,使酶的能力最大化。

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