
检测样品 固体废物

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The Power to Change Energy Into Information Xenemetrix Application Note # XE-2015-3295 Qualitative analysis of Heavy elements in Waskeproducton EDXRF Analyzer X-Calibur Eli Aharoni, Xenemetrix LTD. 16/7/2015 aviveWaste product sample was alyzed using the Xenemetrix X-Calibur Bench-top system. Thequalitative analysis of the sample shows no peak at the position of the Cd, Hg,and Seelements ofoterest, how eser Ni and other elements were detected. Xenemetrix 1. Introduction The X-Calibur is an excellent bench-top XRF analyzer for qualitative and quantitative analysisof elements. It offers an accurate, fast, precise, simple and non-destructive analysistechnique well suited for the quantitative analysis of elements in different types of samples.The X-Calibur employs state-of-the-art closed coupled optics, which enable avex powerfuland count efficient analysis. The high count rate is translated into excellent precision andlow detection levels of all elements. Objective Qualitative analysis of Cd, Hg, Ni and Se elements in waste prpcict sample. 2. Experimental Equipment 公 All measurements were conducted using an X-Calibur equipped with Silicon Drift Detector(SDD) at air atmosphere. The acquisition time wag 600 seeper spmple. Sample Preparation No sample preparation was reguired: 有Measurement Parameters 技 All measurement pavarfeteks are easily ontrolled through the software. Operators simplychoose the correct metbod from theanalysis screen (there may be more than one methodstored). The results can be roported using a variety of different options: results are reportedon the displayscreen; reselt repoft can be sent to an external printer; results can be savedin the datab ase historywthin the analyzer. Exberiment A sample pf Waste product was received for qualitative analyses. The sample was analysedusing a Rh tube ilter (aimed to improve all peaks to background ratio) in order to detect allelements. The sample was also analyzed using other tube filter to selectively reduce thebackground at the position of each of the heavy elements that are the elements of interest. Xenemetrix Instrument Configuration: X-Calibur Tube Excitation: Max 50W, Air-cooled X-ray, Rh anode Detection: Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) Atmosphere: Air 3. Results Qualitative analysis The result of the qualitative analysis is presented in spectrum inVigures 1. The positions ofthe peaks of the elements of interests are marked at the spectrum shown in Figures 1;however none of the elements Hg, Cd and Se are detected id the spectrum. Other elementswere found and are marked in spectrum in the figureselow. 2380 1598 Fig 1: Waste product sample seatrum by Rh filter. The detected elements are shown in thespectrum Ni was detected. Sekective backgraund reduction to enhance any possible peak of the 5 elements of interestThe sample wasanalyzed using specific tube filters (metal foils) for each element of interest.Se (Rhfilter) is below limit of detection, Cd (W filter) is below limit of detection, Ni-Fefilter,Hg (Gu filter) is below limit of detection, Ni (Fe filter) was detected and can be alsoseen by the Kh filter. Conclusion As shown in this report, the use of the Xenemetrix X-Calibur EDXRF system gives excellentperformance results of the elements in the waste product sample. Qualitative analysisshowed no sign of any of the 3 specific elements (Cd, Hg and Se), but did detect Ni and otherelements. In order to improve limit of detection of the elements of interest a qualitative Xenemetrix analysis with standards is recommended.Other elements were found in the samples (as: Fe,Ca, Zn etc.). Xenemetrix The Power to Change Energy Into Information Witten by: Eli Aharoni. 用使料Ramat Gabriel Industrial Zone, 6 Hatikshoret St., Migdal Haernek 231Q901, Israel Email: info@xenemetrix.com Web: www.xenemetrix.com Tel: +972-4-9891313 0 Fax: +9 Tube Eli Aharoni Application Note # XE- 通过使用Xenemetrix公司X-Calibur台式荧光光谱仪对废物产品中的重元素进行分析,判断被测样品中的重元素,体现X-Calibur的优越分辨率,说明EDXRF在废物产品中的元素分析得以应用。

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辽宁捷成科技有限公司为您提供《废物产品中重元素检测方案(能散型XRF)》,该方案主要用于固体废物中(类)金属及其化合物检测,参考标准《暂无》,《废物产品中重元素检测方案(能散型XRF)》用到的仪器有Xenemetrix 能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪 X-Calibur。


