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检测样品 煤炭

检测项目 碳氢氮

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


Carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen determination is part of the ultimate analysis of coal fuel material, aiding in characterizing the material and providing information that can be utilized in calculating material/energy balances and efficiencies, as well as emission potentials for the coal fuel. The carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen results for a coal material are also utilized to evaluate the reactivity potential for its use in a liquefaction or gasification process.


LECO Corporation3000 Lakeview Avenue|St. Joseph, MI 49085| Phone: 800-292-6141|269-985-5496info@leco.com·www.leco.com|ISO-9001:2015 Q-994| LECO is a registered trademark of LECO Corporation.LCRM= LECO Certified Reference Material; LRM = LECO Reference Material and are registered trademarks of LECO Corporation.Form No. 203-821-6167/20-REV0C 2020 LECO Corporation Application Note Instrument: CHN828Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Coal LECO Corporation; Saint Joseph, Michigan USA Carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen determination is partof the ultimate analysis of coal fuel material, aiding incharacterizing the material and providing informationthat can be utilized in calculating material/energybalances and efficiencies, as well as emissionpotentials for the coal fuel. The carbon, hydrogen, andnitrogen results for a coal material are also utilized toevaluate the reactivity potential for its use in aliquefaction or gasification process. LECO CHN828 is a combustion carbon, hydrogen,and nitrogen determinator that utilizes a pure oxygenenvironment in a vertical quartz furnace, ensuringcomplete combustion and superior analyte recovery. Sample Preparation Samples must be of a uniform consistency to producesuitable results. Samples should be prepared inaccordance to ASTM D2013. Reference materialsshould be prepared as directed by the certificate priorto analysis. In accordance with ASTM D5373, coalsamples should be analyzed "as received" andanalytical values should be corrected for moisturefollowing analysis. Moisture values should bedetermined within the same day the coal samples areanalyzed. Method Reference ASTM D5373-Standard Test Methods for Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen inAnalysis Samples of Coal. LCRM, LRM,NIST, or other suitable reference materials.Note: ASTM Method D5373 requires the use of pure compoundsfor calibration. Method Parameters* Gas Type HeliumFurnace Temperature 950°CAfterburner Temperature 850°CNominal Mass 1.0000 gPurge Cycles 3 Ballast Parameters* Ballast Equilibrate Time 10 sBallast Not Filled Timeout 300 sAliquot Loop Fill Pressure Drop 200 mm HgAliquot Loop Equilibrate Time 6sDose Loop Size Large (10 cm)Interleave Analysis NoSample Drop Detection Disabled Element Parameters* Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Integration Delay 4s ** 4s Starting Baseline 15 s ** 15s Post Baseline Delay 0 s ** 14s Use Comparator No ** No Integration Time 13s ** 35 s Use Endline Yes ** Yes Endline Delay 19 s ** 25 s Ending Baseline 15 s ** 15 s Use Hydrogen Yes Correction *Refer to CHN828 Operator's Instruction Manual for Parameterdefinitions. **Hydrogen determination is performed using a "stop-flow"analysis technique; therefore, the element parameters forhydrogen are not adjustable. Burn Profile TYPICAL RESULTS Data was generated utilizing linear, full regression calibrations for carbon and hydrogen determination, and a linear,forced through origin calibration for nitrogen determination using fractional masses (0.05 g to 0.140 g) of LECO502-642 (Lot 1017) Phenylalanine (65.42% C, 6.77% H, and 8.46%N). Drift Correction was performed utilizing~0.1 g of LECO 502-642 (Lot 1017) Phenylalanine. The calibrations and drift corrections were verified using LECO502-896-250 (Lot 1001) EDTA (41.00 %C, 5.52%H, 9.56%N). Coal samples were analyzed as received and correctedfor moisture in accordance with ASTM D5373. Mass (g) Carbon (%) Hydrogen (%) Nitrogen (%) LECO 502-680 0.0999 83.0 4.25 1.20 Lot# 18277 0.1042 82.9 4.24 1.19 Coal 0.1031 82.8 4.23 1.20 82.3%±0.6% C 0.1064 82.7 4.24 1.19 4.21%±0.43%H 0.1087 82.8 4.24 1.19 1.21%±0.13%N Avg= 82.8 4.24 1.19 S= 0.1 <0.01 <0.01 LECO 502-681 0.1062 77.8 4.99 1.48 Lot#19066 0.0991 77.7 4.99 1.48 Prox-Plus Coal 0.1042 77.9 4.99 1.48 77.5%±1.0%C 0.1042 77.9 4.98 1.47 4.99%±0.17%H 0.1039 77.9 4.97 1.48 1.45%±0.07%N Avg= 77.8 4.98 1.48 S= 0.1 0.01 <0.01 LECO 502-682 0.0956 71.6 4.69 1.48 Lot#19115 0.0956 71.8 4.70 1.48 Prox-Plus Coal 0.1019 71.7 4.69 1.47 71.4%±1.1%C 0.0989 71.7 4.70 1.48 4.76%±0.10% H 0.1005 71.6 4.68 1.47 1.44%±0.04% N Avg= 71.7 4.69 1.48 S= 0.1 0.01 < 0.01 利用力可公司的LECO CHN828分析煤炭中碳氢氮的含量,可以获得重复性很好的数据。

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