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检测项目 污染物排放校准

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Specifications Technologie-orientierte Partikel-, Analysen-und Sensortechnik Field Calibration System Field Calibration System FCS 249 for generating test andreference aerosols for validation and calibration tasks. The FCS 249 is a mobile system for the definedgeneration of reference and test aerosols. It combines the functions of an aerosol generator, aregulated flow unit and a drying unit. As a result, ambient air volume flow control FCS 249| 04 2022 Principle of operation Step-by-step preparation of an aerosol: 1. Dispersion of the aerosol substance in air bymeans of a two-substance nozzle. 2. Drying of the aerosol in a drying unit, if required. 3. Supply of particle-free mixing air to adjust theconcentration range and aerosol volume flow. 4. Passive supply of the reference aerosol to anatmospherically decoupled aerosol distributor. Example of use To minimise particulate emissions,after-treatmentsystems for motor vehicles are subject to strictregulations. Until now, the particle load at theexhaust outlet was determined by means of opacitymeasurements.Optimised engines and after-treatment systemshave leddtocasignificantreduction in particulate emissions and thus to theneed of using more sensitive methods for exhaustgas measurement. One possibility is to determinethe particle number concentration (e.g. usingcondensation particle counters orelectrical aerosolmonitors)T.h eTshee semeasuring devicesnmustbecalibrated periodically and should be validatedagainst a reference measuring system at shorterintervals. Possible test aerosols (average particle size 70 nm±20 nm)with different concentration levels when operated with isotonicsaline solution (0.9 wt.-% NaCl, from pharmacy). These reference aerosols are provided by FCS 249.With the integrated touch display, the desiredworking point can be selected. Accessories silica gel (1 kg) drying agent References and/or Patents Hillemann et al. (2022]Referenzaerosole fur die Kalibrierung vonAbgasmessgeraten. Beitrag zum Jahrestreffen derProcessNet-Fachgruppen "Grenzflachenbestimmte Systemeund Prozesse", "Partikelmesstechnik" sowie "Aerosoltechnik" switching aerosol statusOff 50k setpoint20 L/min335hPa measured0 L/minOhPa24°C aerosolon concentration[#/cm] trim 50k 250k 300k 500k 1M overview devices V 1.0.6[beta] info Operation of FCS 249 with integrated touch display. Technical specifications setting parameter particle numberconcentration in cm~setting range ≤ 106 cm[for 0.9 wt.-%NaCl solution=set up time ca. 10 minaerosolsubstances fluids (oil, suspensions orsalt solutionsLiquid level 40...80 mlopening pressure safety 200 hPa [200 mbar; 2,9 psi)valveaerosol outlet 20 l/min*power supply 230 V AC, 0,34 A, 50/60 Hzair supply internalnoise emission -pA<59 dB(A)±3 dB[A]serial interface RS 485dimensions (w×h× d] 260×480×150 mmweight 11,0kgnormative reterences/VkBl.2021, Heft 11, VO-Nr.guidelines 133. S. 640* Customised adaptations are possible on request. O Copyright 2022 Topas GmbH. Specifications are subject tochange without notice. QMS certified accordingto DIN EN ISO 9001. Topas GmbH Topas GmbH Telefon +[ echnologie-orientierte Fax +OPAS-GMBHHIDEPARTICLE UNDER CONTROLE-Mail officeldtopas-gmbh.dePartikel-,Analysen-und SensortechnikGasanstaltstraBe D-Dresden, GERMANY Internet www.topas-gmbh.de Telefon +[OPAS-GMBHDEPARTICLE UNDER CONTROLFax +[echnologie-orientiertePartikel-,Analysen-und SensortechnikGasanstaltstraBeD-Dresden, GERMANYE-Mail officeldtopas-gmbh.deInternetwww.topas-gmbh.deTMS 1.应用背景在《重型柴油车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第六阶段)》(GB17961-2018,简称“重型国六”)和《轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第六阶段)》(GB18352.6-2016,简称“轻型国六”)中,机动车实际道路行驶排放测试(即PEMS)是极其重要的一项强制性实验。PEMS实验测试的污染物主要包括CO,CO2,NOx和PN(颗粒物数量)。其中,根据法规要求,为了保障测试的准确度,气体污染物分析仪器需要每3个月进行一次线性度检查,颗粒物数量分析仪器需要每1年进行一次线性度检查。针对气体污染物分析仪器的线性检查,可以使用气体分配器对标准气体进行切割不少于10个点来完成线性度的校验。而针对颗粒物数量分析仪器的线性检查,国内大多数PEMS设备用户仍然处于应用空白。2023年7月1日之前,重型国六和轻型国六对PEMS实验中的PN测试仅有监测并报告的要求,各主机厂的关注重点大多集中在NOx排放上,对PN测试结果的准确度高低关注较少,而随着PN排放限值实施的逐渐临近,颗粒物数量分析仪器线性度校验的应用空白亟需填补。2.技术方案德国Topas生产的FCS249是一款专业的、便携移动式的、可自定义气溶胶发生参考浓度的仪器。这款仪器包含一个气溶胶发生器、一个流量控制单元和一个干燥单元。因此它提供的颗粒物数量浓度可以涵盖一个较为宽泛的工作应用范围。同时,针对不同的工作浓度应用而进行的参数设定和保存可以一键完成。 应用场景· 气溶胶测试设备的标定和验证· 机动车定期技术检查(PTI)中颗粒物计数设备的对比测试· 实际道路排放测试PEMS设备的线性度验证产品特征· 便携移动式、可自定义气溶胶发生浓度(需供电)· 无化学反应的气溶胶采样· 5个用户可自行设置的工作浓度操作准则气溶胶准备步骤: 通过两个稳定的喷嘴实现气溶胶物质在空气中的扩散。 如果有需要,在干燥单元中实现气溶胶的干燥。 提供纯净空气调节浓度范围和气溶胶体积流量。 参考气溶胶被动供应到一个大气解耦式的气溶胶分配器。应用样例为了最小化颗粒物排放,机动车的后处理系统要应对严格的法规要求。直到现在,机动车排气出口的颗粒负载测量还在沿用不透光度的测量方式。而不断升级优化后的发动机和后处理系统使颗粒物的排放已经有明显的降低,同时也衍生了对更灵敏的排气污染物测试方法的需求。于是使用凝结核粒子计数法或静电计数法来测量颗粒物数量成为主流。这些颗粒物计数仪器需要进行周期性的标定,同时需要借助参考测量仪器进行阶段性的线性度检查。 以上这些参考气溶胶就是使用FCS249发生的。点击仪器上的显示屏,即可自主选择工作浓度。技术规格设置单位颗粒物数量浓度 1/cm3设置量程20·104…106/cm3准备时间大约30分钟气溶胶物质液体(油、悬浮液或盐溶液)液位40...80ml开启压力安全阀200hpa(200mbar;2.9psi)气溶胶输出max 20 l/min供电230VAC,0.34A,50/60Hz气源内部噪声LpA≤59dB(A)±3dB(A)外形尺寸(宽*高*长)240*520*350mm重量15.2kg参考规范VkBI.2021,Heft11,VO-Nr.133,S.640

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