高精度酒精度测定仪测量智利白葡萄酒中的酒精含量 应用资料精计测量酒精含量。

检测样品 葡萄酒及果酒

检测项目 理化分析

关联设备 共2种 下载方案


测定智利白葡萄酒中乙醇含量(体积%),相对密度(t/t)和密度(g/cm3)的应用。高精度酒精度测定仪ALM-155可用于测定酿酒过程中。技术说明: 酒精样品必须按照当地法规规定的程序蒸馏,然后才能用该酒精计测量酒精含量。


高精度酒精度测定仪测量智利白葡萄酒中的酒精含量 应用资料测定智利白葡萄酒中乙醇含量(体积%),相对密度(t/t)和密度(g/cm3)的应用。高精度酒精度测定仪ALM-155可用于测定酿酒过程中。技术说明: 酒精样品必须按照当地法规规定的程序蒸馏,然后才能用该酒精计测量酒精含量。KGM KYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.APDA-0214ov enLK-MKYOTO ELECTRONICSMANUFACTURING CO.,LTD.1/1 Application Note Determination of alcohol content in Chilean white wine byAlcohol meter Industry Food and BeverageInstrument Alcohol meterMeasurement method Resonant frequency oscillation, GB 5009.225 1. Scope This is an example about determination of the alcohol content (vol%), specific gravity (t/t) anddensity (g/cm’) in Chilean white wine. The alcohol meter can be used enough for determination ofthese applications on the wine making process. Technical note: The alcohol sample must be distilled as per the procedure specified on localregulations before the alcohol content can be measured with this alcohol meter. 2. Apparatus 5. Procedure A: Alcohol content (vol%): Take distilled sample solution into beaker Introduce the sampling nozzle into the beaker Press [Meas.] button on the instrument B: Specific gravity (t/t) and Density (g/cm): Take wine sample solution into beaker Introduce the sampling nozzle into the beaker )Press [Meas.] button on the instrument 6. Measurement results Procedure A Procedure B Alcohol (vol%) at 20℃ S.G. (t/t) Density (g/cm’) 1 13.06 0.99209 0.99031 2 13.05 0.99210 0.99032 3 13.06 0.99209 0.99031 Mean 13.06 0.99209 0.99031 SD 0.01 0.00 0.00 RSD(%) 0.04 0.00 0.00 ( 网址: http://www.kem-china.com )

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可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司-日本京都电子(KEM)为您提供《高精度酒精度测定仪测量智利白葡萄酒中的酒精含量 应用资料精计测量酒精含量。》,该方案主要用于葡萄酒及果酒中理化分析检测,参考标准《暂无》,《高精度酒精度测定仪测量智利白葡萄酒中的酒精含量 应用资料精计测量酒精含量。》用到的仪器有ALM-155高精度酒精度测定仪(GB 5009.225-2023)、DA-130N手持式数字酒精计/酒精浓度计。


