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检测项目 阴极荧光分析设备

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Increasing emphasis on fuel economy requires electrification of the vehicle powertrain, sup- ported by the use of new power semiconductor devices dedicated to automotive applications. Present electric vehicle systems rely exclusively on silicon-based power management, but silicon power devices are rapidly approaching maturity, and their performances are limited to address new requirements of all electric propulsion systems including high-current (200 to 600 A), high-voltage (100 to 600 V) and low-loss power semiconductor switches. Moreover, further enhancements on silicon are incremental, while the cost of advancements are increasingly uneconomical


阴极荧光分析设备SEM-CL在GaN及功率电子方面的应用 Applications on GaN for Power Electronic Nevi n e R och a t CEA, L E T I, MINA T EC Campus Increasing emphas i s on fue l economy requires electrification of the vehicle powertrain, sup- ported by the use of new power semiconductor devices dedicated to automotive applications. Present electric vehicle systems rely exclusively on sil i con-based power management, but si l icon power devices are rapidly approaching maturity, and their performances are limited to address new req u irements of all electric propuls i on systems including high-cur r ent (200 t o 600 A),high-voltage (100 to 600 V) and l ow-loss power semiconductor switches. Moreover, further enhancements on silicon are increment a l, while the co s t of advancement s are increasingly uneconomical . S a mple :GaN/Al0.25Ga0.7sN /Al 5G aosN/AlogGaoN/AIN/Si p o l i sh e d c ross sec tion be f ore (left i ma ge) and a f t er Mg+ i mplan t a t i on (r i ght i mage) fo r GaN p t ype do p i ng . SEM and CL h y perspectra l image tr eated with c l assic a l l east squa r e fi tt in g procedu r e u s i n g a set o f re f e ren c e c o mp on e nt spect r a . Mg doped s am p l e show a low i nte n si t y lu min e scenc e z on e due to de f ect o f Mg im planta ti o n . Next generation elec t ric vehicles require game changing power management solutions with signi f icantly higher efficiency an d differentiat i ng system-level advantages compared to present systems. Therefore, new electronic materials S a and device structures are nee d e d .(Gallium Nitr i de(GaN)switches are projected d to hhave a 100×performance advantage over silicon-based devices.owing to their excellent materia l properties such as high electron mobility, high breakdown f i eld, and high elec t ron veloc i ty. Recent progres s i n GaN epitaxial growth technology allows the e n ma n ufactur i ng of (GaN-on-S i wafers with high quali t y, low cost, and large wafer size. Due to its compat i bi li ty with high-volume silicon fabs, the GaN -on -Si technology platform can be produced in large volume, resulting in superior performance and reduced system cost, making this technology a true game changer for automot i ve applications . Cathodoluminescence is one of the key techniques used in semiconductor physics. It i s able to provide characterization of II I -V thin film materials with a spatial resolution compatible with the size of the devices, opening a wide field of research. The Attolight CL system, thanks to its innovative conf i guration, provides the following advantages: · High field of view that allow the quantification of Threading Di s location Defect (TDD) by su r face defect mapping. · Hyperspec tr al mapping with a cquis i t i on speed compatible with a good spatial resolution, lead i ng to full structure characterization on polished cross section. ▪ Highly stable cryostage allowing high resolution measurement at 10 K givi n g information of spatial dist r ibution of defects to monitor material doping for example. Mg profile Depth (pm) SIMS pr of i les o bt a in on t he s a me i m p l a nted s a mple. D e pt h of def e c t z o ne d e te cte d by C L is matching t h e de pth d e tect ed o n SIMS pr ofile.

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