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检测样品 光学材料

检测项目 光谱、校准、光纤

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


在本申请说明中,通过使用具有FLH-809膜支架和具有OBF-832光纤接口的光纤的FP-8500荧光分光光度计测量样品进行比较。为了检查光谱精度,使用具有经验证的光谱发射的校准光源对光纤探针的量子效率进行校正。 关键词:荧光光谱仪,光纤,荧光光谱,荧光分光光度计


OBF-832光纤接口用于连接用于荧光材料远程采样的光纤与FP-8000系列荧光分光光度计。通过使用光纤,可以通过将探针靠近样品进行测量。光纤可用于各种测量,例如当样品大于样品室时,以跟踪原位反应,或用于在危险环境中进行测量,例如高温/低温和高压。Application NoteFP-0018 System Evaluation of SpectrofluorometerFP-8500 with Optical Fiber2/3Application Note System Evaluation of Spectrofluorometer FP-8500with Optical Fibe r The OBF-832 optical fiber i nterface is u sed to co n nect an optical f i be r for remote sampling of fluorescence materia l s wit h an FP-8000Series f lu o r escence spect r ophotometer. By using an opt i cal fibe r, measu r ement can be made by holdi n g the probe close to t h e sample. Optical fibers can b e used for a variety of measu r ements, such as when t h e sample is larger t h an the sam p le chamber , to f ollow an in-sit u react i on, or fo r measurement i n ha z ardous env ir onmen t s, such as h igh/low temperatu r e and h igh pressure . Sp e c t rof l uorometer In t h is application note, a comparison was made by measur i ng samples usi n g an FP-8500 f luorescence spectrophotometer with bot h a FLH-809 f il m holder and an opt i cal fiber with the OBF-832 optical f i ber i n ter f ace. To check for spectral accu r acy the f iber probe was corrected for q u ant u m eff i c i ency using a calibrated l i gh t source wit h a validated spectral emission. Keywords Spectrofluorometer, Optical fiber, F l uorescence spectrum, f l uorescence spectrophotometer Mea s ur e m e nt S ystem and Con di tion measurement for Ex correction data. Figure 1. Measurement system Measurement Condition Measurement Mode Fluorescence Excitation Bandwidth 10nm Emission Bandwidth 10nm Excitation Wavelength 310nm Measurement Range 400-800nm Scan Speed 100 nm/min Data Interval 0.5nm Response 1sec PMT Voltage 350 V (yellow card), 550 V (red card) 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A M easu r emen t Results Figures 2 and 3 show th e measu r ement r esults. The profiles of t he spect r a of each colored sample measured u sing both the optica l fiber and FLH-809 film holder were consistent wit h each other . These results demonstrate that the spectra l accuracy obtained using bot h the fiber probe and film holder yie l d comparable data. Figure 2. Nor m al i zed f luorescence s p ec t ra of th e yellow card Figure 3. Nor m alized fluoresce n ce spectra of the r ed ca r d JASCO INC. 28600 Mary's Cour t , E a s to n , M D 21601US A

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