
检测样品 生物药品药物研发

检测项目 旋光度、钠灯、汞灯、高精度测量

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


本应用中使用钠灯和卤素灯测量pirarubicin的旋光度,并评估结果之间的测量误差。 关键词:pirarubicin,钠灯,卤素灯,旋光度,ORD光谱


诸如钠灯或汞灯之类的光源的发射线通常用于测量医药产品的旋光度。然而,日本药典和欧洲药典只提到使用钠灯作为光源。也可以使用使用卤素灯和带通滤波器(BPF)的偏振仪,如美国药典中所述。然而,不能避免来自传输特性的测量误差,即BPF的中心波长和发射线的波长之间的差异。本应用中使用钠灯和卤素灯测量pirarubicin的旋光度,并评估结果之间的测量误差。Application Note P-0004 Measurement of optical rotation of pirarubicin using sodium lamp and halogen lamp Introduction An emission line of light source such as a sodium lamp or a mercury lamp is usually used to measure the optical rotation of pharmaceutical products. However, the Japanese Pharmacopeia and t he European Pharmacopeia only mention the use of a sodium lamp as the l ight source. A polarimeter using a halogen lamp and a band pass filter (BPF) can also be used, as mentioned i n the United States Pharmacopeia. However , the measurement error from the transmission property, that is the difference between the center wavelength of the BPF and the wavelength of emission line, cannot be avoided. Herein, the optical rotation of pirarubicin was measured using a sodium lamp and a halogen lamp, and the measurement error between the results was evaluated. Keywords: Pirarubicin, Sodium lamp, Halogen lamp, Optica l rotation, ORD spectrum Sample preparation: 10.00 mg of pirarubicin was dissolved in chloroform for final volume of 10 ml. System J-815 CD Spectrometer ORDM-401 ORD attachment Parameters Cell pathlength: 20mm Temp.:20℃Bandwidth:lnm Data interval:0.2nm Response:I sec Scan speed:100 nm/min Wavelength: 700-560nm Accumulation: 1 Results At first, absorption and ORD spectra of pirarubicin were measured in the region of 700-560 nm to confirm the wavelength dependence of the optical rotation (Fig. 1). The absorbance increased sharply below 600 nm and optical rotation increased gradually as a result of the Cotton effect. Fig. 1 Absorption and ORD spectra of pirarubicin T el :+81-42-666-1322.Fax:+81-42-665-6512 The transmission spectrum of a BPF and the spectrum of the D-line of the sodium lamp, overlapped with ORD spectrum are shown in Fig. 2. I t i s apparent to see the signi f icant change of the speci f ic rotation in the wavelength region within the BPF. Fig. 2 ORD spectrum of pirarubicin, sodium lamp emission line and the transmission spectrum of the BPF Sample preparation: Identical sample for ORD measurement. System P-2000 Polarimeter PTC-262 Peltier thermostated cell holder Parameters Measurement temp.: 20℃ Cell pathlength: 100mm Wavelength: 589 nm (D-line of sodium and halogen lamp) Results Specific rotation of the same sample for the ORD measurement was measured using the polar i meter.When a sodium lamp is used as the l ight source, the result was [a]20=+206.6 [deg'cm²dag]. This value falls within the range stated in the Japanese Pharmacopeia. ([α]p20=+195~+215 [deg'cm²dag])On the other hand, when using a halogen l amp, the specific rotation was just inside this range ([o]58920=+196.7 [deg'cm²dag]). These two results clarify the difference in the optical rotations measured at the same wavelength (589 nm) with different lamps. Table 1 Results of the optical and specific rotation measurements Light source Optical rotation [deg] Specific rotation [deg'cm²dag Sodium lamp +0.2066 [a],20:+206.6 Halogen lamp +0.1967 [a]58920:+196.7

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《用钠灯和卤素灯高精度测量pirarubicin的旋光度》,该方案主要用于生物药品药物研发中旋光度、钠灯、汞灯、高精度测量检测,参考标准《暂无》,《用钠灯和卤素灯高精度测量pirarubicin的旋光度》用到的仪器有JASCO 全自动数字旋光仪P-2000。


