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检测样品 茶叶

检测项目 糖、光学旋转、折射率

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


感光旋转探测器可用于光学活性材料的选择性检测。 关键词:1:茶,2:糖,3:光学旋转,4:折射率 5:高效液相色谱法 6:Finepak氨基柱;7:中-赤藓糖醇,8:D-木糖,9:D-果糖,10:D-葡萄糖,11:D-山梨醇,12:D-蔗糖。


感光旋转探测器可用于光学活性材料的选择性检测。采用感光旋转检测器(OR)和折射率检测器(RI)的组合方法对红茶和柠檬茶中的糖进行了分析。Application Note 2/3Application NoteSugar Analysis in Tea using Optical Rotation and Refractive Index Detection Sugar Analysis in Tea using Optical Rotation and Refractive Index detection Intr o d u cti o n An optical rotation detector can be used for selective d e tection of optically active materials. T h e sugar i n black and lemon teas were analyzed using a combination of optical rotation detector (OR) and re f ractive index detector (RI ). Figure 1 Chromatogram of a standard sample .Meso -erythritol is optically inac t iveand can only be detected by refractive in d ex. Jasco OR 2090 Figure 2 chromatograms of sugar -f ree black tea and lemon tea. Keyword: 1. Tea, 2. Sugar, 3. Optical Rotation, 4. Refractive I n dex 5. HPLC 6. Finepak amino column 7. Meso-Erythritol, 8. D-Xylose, 9. D-Fructose, 10. D-Glucose, 11. D-Sorbitol, 12. D-Sucrose. Condi t ions Column Temp: Injection Volume: Figure 1. Chrom a t o gram o f a st a ndard sa m pl e . 1. mes o -Er y t hr itol, 2. D-Xy l os e , 3. D-Fructos e , 4. D-G lu co se , 5. D-S o r bi t o l, 6. D-S u crose Figure 2, Limonene and Carvone have very similar UV spectra, but show differences in the IR. Co -elution in the chromatogram detected using UV as shown i n figure 3 and 4 illustrates the i nability of using UV to trigger fraction col l ection. Figure 5 shows IR chromatograms at t wo different wave number ranges and the fractions collected using those chromatograms. A Carvone sta n d a rd and Spearmint oil were separated using HPLC and fraction s 1an d 2 were compared to confirm the separation and purity as seen in Figure 6. Figure 2. Chromatog r a m o f tea samples. 1. m eso-Erythri to l, 3. D-Fruc to se, 4. D-Gl u cose, 6. D -Sucrose

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