检测样品 锂电池
检测项目 限用物质含量
钻石会员 3289 篇解决方案
The new 6475 triple quadrupole LC/MS system with MassHunter 12 utilizes a unique metadata framework that assists in the direct transfer, import, and resolution of previously created methods. Methods are meant to be directly opened in the acquisition system, such that production labs with a large library of in-use methods require minimum effort for transfer into the new platform.Here we present a demonstration and metadata framework to handle the direct method transfer from a “legacy” triple quadrupole LC/MS instrument to anovel triple quadrupole LC/MS hardware and software platform with minimal adjustments and similar performance for accelerated incorporation into the production environment.
安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司为您提供《High fidelity legacy-to-modern method transfer on the 6475 triple quadrupole LC/MS platform for large output production labs》,该方案主要用于锂电池中限用物质含量检测,参考标准《暂无》,《High fidelity legacy-to-modern method transfer on the 6475 triple quadrupole LC/MS platform for large output production labs》用到的仪器有Agilent 6475 三重四极杆液质联用仪。