
介绍几个核磁共振博客(NMR BLOG)


  • NMR Blog
    Fri - February 17, 2006
    NMR News v.46 (February 2006)

    1. Sampler changer notes
    2. New autotuning probe
    3. Walk-up or experimental interface
    4. NMR Classes
    5. Vacation

    Sampler changer notes
    If you have received the e-mail about the sample changer, **please reply to it**. I will be using the information to decide which accounts are no longer active.
    To recap:
    1. Do not put empty/full spinners under the robot fingers. Doing so results in a broken sample.
    2. Do not use broken/chipped seven-inch nmr tubes.

    Next week, there will be a rack for spinners and empty spinners should be placed on that rack. That is, no empty spinners on the sample changer rack.

    New autotuning probe
    The new autotuning probe will be installed during the week of February 27, 2006. Thus the Mercury 400 will be not available for a few days during the installation. The 10-mm polymer probe will be set up during that week, so access to the Varian 400 will be limited.

    Walk-up or experimental interface
    Users on the new 400 (Varian-400) can choose either to have a "walk-up" or "experimental" interface.
    Here are the differences:
    • Walk-up: like using the sample changer (without the sample changer). So the experiments are selected then submitted. The sample can be locked and shimmed automatically. The spectrum cannot be observed part way through the acquisition. (Acquisition is done in the background.) Experiments such as COSY or HSQC can be run simply by adding that experiment to the sample queue. Manual locking and shimming can still be done and samples are inserted/removed manually.

    • Experimental interface: manually set up experiments, multiple experiments must be queued. Experiments can be stopped in progress. Both manually locking and shimming and automatic locking and shimming are available.

    By default, I will set users with a walk-up interface unless you send me an e-mail otherwise.

    NMR Classes
    I have booked LM158 on Friday February 24 to hold classes on:
    1. VnmrJ interface and using the Varian 400 Starting at 11 AM
    2a. 2D experiments, COSY, ROESY, TOCSY, HSQC, HMBC Starting at 2 PM
    2b. 2D experiments, processing in VnmrJ
    2c. 2D experiments, running in VnmrJ
    2d. Selective 1D experiments in VnmrJ

    The classes are open to all users of the NMR facilities and have no charge.

    Sample changer special note

    This is an e-mail sent to each and every user in the NMR facility:

    Last night, between 7:25 and 7:30 PM, an empty spinner was put under the robot fingers. When the sample in the magnet was returned to its location, it broke as it was driven into the errant spinner.

    This is inconvenient: All the samples queued for the night did not run. This also broke a sample. And broken glass and sample can be introduced into the probe, which may cause damage. Probe damage is very expensive to repair.

    There is a sign on the robot arm indicating that nothing should be placed under the fingers. This is obviously not enough.

    So please review the points below. They are not arbitrary, they are to prevent this from happening again and having the robot work reliably.

    1. Do not put a sample or empty spinner or anything at all under the robot fingers. The sample in the magnet will go back there eventually and will collide with any objects left in its location. All the spaces on the table are spoken for. So do not pick a spinner from one place and put it into another.

    2. All tubes must be 7" or higher. So if your tube is seven inches tall and is chipped, do not use it on the sample changer. Stores carries eight-inch 5-mm NMR tubes at a reasonable cost. Short tubes found on the sample changer will be removed.

    3. If there is a sample sitting in a green or grey marked location, put that sample in the white rack and use that spinner. Don't shuffle the spinners around as you may put one under the robot fingers.

    4. Take the spinner out of the rack and position your tube with the depth gauge. Do not put your tube in the spinner when it is in the rack. If your tube breaks in the rack, glass and solvent are spilled over many spinners.

    5. If problems persist with carelessness in using the sample changer, a camera will be used to monitor the rack. If short tubes are continued to be placed on the rack, longer tubes will be mandated.

    All accounts on the Mercury 300/SMS changer have been deactivated and each account will be activated after I receive a reply from the e-mail. All users have been sent a copy of the e-mail. If you did not receive a copy (due to spam filters), please send me an e-mail .

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  • celan


    Stan's NMR Blog
    Feb.18, 2006
    [it] MestRe Day al CISI (Univerità di Milano)

    Nostra collega Silvia Mari mi ha chiesto di dare notizia dell'evento Mestre Day al CISI (Centro Interdisciplinare di Studi bio-molecolari e applicazioni Industriali) dell'Università di Milano il 9 Marzo 2006. Si tratta della presentazione da parte della Mestrelab Research di alcuni pacchetti software low-cost (MestReC, i-NMR, NMR Predict, NMR Dev) per applicazioni spettroscopiche della RMN, seguita da dimostrazioni pratiche.

    Maggiori dettagli sono disponibili nella locandina della giornata.
    Per partecipare (gratuitamente) basta compilare l'allegato foglio e inviarlo a Silvia.

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  • celan


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