20. Glassware Food /
Beverage Use Products –
Externally Decorated3
NIOSH Method No.
9100 (Mod.) /
EPA 3050B
(San Francisco Superior
Court, CGC-05-
Colored materials used for decorating product:
a. The exterior surface produces a result of
1.0 micrograms or less lead and
8.0 micrograms or less cadmium using a
Ghost WipeTM test, or
b. All colored markings contain
600 ppm or less (0.06%) total lead and
4800 ppm or less (0.48%) total cadmium.
AND: If there is decoration in the external
Lip & Rim Area, the product must comply
with those requirements.
Children’s products must meet the
requirements of (b).
Products not complying with the specified limits must
be labeled:
“WARNING: The materials used as colored
decorations on the exterior of {this product}
contain lead and/or cadmium, chemicals known to
the State of California to cause birth defects or
other reproductive harm. ”
{this product} may be replaced by the following
these products or the following products.
21. Glassware Food /
Beverage Use Products
External Decorations within
in the Lip & Rim Area
EPA 3050B
(San Francisco Superior
Court, CGC-05-
All exterior decoration that extends into the
Lip & Rim Area must contain
200 ppm or less (0.02%) total lead, and
800 ppm or less (0.08%) total cadmium.
Products not complying with the specified limits must
be labeled:
“WARNING: The materials used as colored
decorations on the exterior of {this product}
contain lead and/or cadmium, chemicals known to
the State of California to cause birth defects or
other reproductive harm. ”
{this product} may be replaced by the following
these products or the following products.
22. Glassware Non-
Food/Beverage Use Products
– Externally Decorated3
Includes: vases, candle
holders, ashtrays, boxes,
pencil holders, desk sets,
frames, figurines, bathroom
accessories, garden
ornaments, flower/plant
holders/pots, wall hangings,
lamps, pet dishes,
suncatchers, and other like
NIOSH Method No.
9100 (Mod.) /
EPA 3050B
(San Francisco Superior
Court, CGC-05-
Colored materials used for decorating product:
a. The exterior surface produces a result of
1.0 micrograms or less lead and
8.0 micrograms or less cadmium using a
Ghost WipeTM test, or
b. All colored markings contain
600 ppm (0.06%) or less total lead and
4800 ppm (0.48%) or less total cadmium,
c. All decorated surfaces produce a result of
4.0 micrograms or less lead and
32.0 micrograms or less cadmium using a
Ghost WipeTM test.
Children’s products must meet the
requirements of (b).
Products not complying with the specified limits must
be labeled:
“WARNING: The materials used as colored
decorations on the exterior of {this product}
contain lead and/or cadmium, chemicals known to
the State of California to cause birth defects or
other reproductive harm. ”
{this product} may be replaced by the following
these products or the following products.
23. Ceramicware Food /
Beverage Use Products –
Externally Decorated3
Ceramic includes
earthenware, stoneware,
porcelain and bone china.
NIOSH Method No.
9100 (Mod.) /
EPA 3050B/
Full Immersion Test
ASTM C738-94
(R1999) (Mod.)
(San Francisco Superior
Court, CGC-05-
Colored materials used for decorating product:
a. The exterior surface produces a result of
1.0 micrograms or less lead and
8.0 micrograms or less cadmium using a
Ghost WipeTM test, or
b. All colored markings contain
600 ppm (0.06%) or less total lead and
4800 ppm (0.48%) or less total cadmium,
c. The product achieves a result of
0.99 ppm or less lead and
7.92 ppm or less cadmium, by the full
immersion test.
AND: If there is decoration in the external Lip
& Rim Area, the product must comply with
those requirements.
Children’s products must meet the
requirements of (b).
Products not complying with the specified limits must
be labeled:
“WARNING: The materials used as colored
decorations on the exterior of {this product}
contain lead and/or cadmium, chemicals known to
the State of California to cause birth defects or
other reproductive harm. ”
{this product} may be replaced by the following
these products or the following products.
24. Ceramicware Food /
Beverage Use Products
External Decorations within
in the Lip & Rim Area.
Ceramic includes
earthenware, stoneware,
porcelain and bone china.
ASTM C927-80
(R2004) /
EPA 3050B
(San Francisco Superior
Court, CGC-05-
All exterior decoration that extend into the Lip
& Rim Area must
a. Yield test results with a concentration
level of:
0.5 ug/ml or less lead and 4.0 ug/ml or
less cadmium, using ASTM C927-80
(R2004), or
b. Contain:
200 ppm (0.02%) or less total lead and
800 ppm (0.08%) or less total cadmium.
Products not complying with the specified limits must
be labeled:
“WARNING: The materials used as colored
decorations on the exterior of {this product}
contain lead and/or cadmium, chemicals known to
the State of California to cause birth defects or
other reproductive harm. ”
{this product} may be replaced by the following
these products or the following products.
25. Ceramicware /Non-
Food / Beverage Use
Products – Externally
Includes: vases, candle
holders, ashtrays, boxes,
pencil holders, desk sets,
frames, figurines, bathroom
accessories, garden
ornaments, flower/plant
holders/pots, wall hangings,
lamps, pet dishes,
suncatchers, and other like
Ceramic includes
earthenware, stoneware,
porcelain and bone china.
NIOSH Method No.
9100 (Mod.) /
EPA 3050B/
Full Immersion Test
ASTM C738-94
(R1999) (Mod.)
(San Francisco Superior
Court, CGC-05-
Colored materials used for decorating product:
a. The exterior surface produces a result of
1.0 micrograms or less lead and
8.0 micrograms or less cadmium using a
Ghost WipeTM test, or
b. All colored markings contain
600 ppm (0.06%) or less total lead and
4800 ppm (0.48%) or less total cadmium,
c. The product achieves a result of
0.99 ppm or less lead and
7.92 ppm or less cadmium, by the full
immersion test, or
d. All decorated surfaces produce a result of
4.0 micrograms or less lead and
32.0 micrograms or less cadmium using a
Ghost WipeTM test.
Children’s products must meet the
requirements of (b).
Products not complying with the specified limits must
be labeled:
“WARNING: The materials used as colored
decorations on the exterior of {this product}
contain lead and/or cadmium, chemicals known to
the State of California to cause birth defects or
other reproductive harm. ”
{this product} may be replaced by the following
these products or the following products.