


  • 1 GB/T 4718-1996 火灾报警设备专业术语 Terms in connection with fire alarm equipments
    2 GB 10408.6-1991 微波和被动红外复合入侵探测器 Combination microwave and passive infrared intrusion detector
    3 GB 10408.7-1996 超声和被动红外复合入侵探测器 Combination ultrasonic and passive infrared intrusion detector
    4 GB 12662-1990 爆炸物销毁器技术条件 Specification for disruptor
    5 GB 12663-1990 防盗报警控制器通用技术条件 General specifications for burglar-alarm control units
    6 GB 12664-1990 便携式 X射线安全检查设备技术条件 Specification for portable X-Ray security inspect equipment
    7 GB/T 12800-1991 声学 紧急撤离听觉信号 Acoustics—Audible emergency evacuation signal
    8 GB 12899-1991 手持式金属探测器 技术条件 Specification for hand-held metal detectors
    9 GB 13533-1992 拆除爆破安全规程 Saftey regulations for explosive demolition
    10 GB/T 13954-1992 特种车辆标志灯具 Special warning lights for road vehicles
    11 GB 15207-1994 视频入侵报警器 Video motion detector
    12 GB 15208-1994 微剂量X射线安全检查设备 Micro-dose X-ray security inspection system
    13 GB 15209-1994 磁开关入侵探测器 Magnetic switch intrusion detectors
    14 GB 15210-1994 通过式金属探测门通用技术条件 General specification for walk--through metal detecting doorway
    15 GB/T 15211-1994 报警系统环境试验 Environmental testing for alarm systems
    16 GB 15322-1994 可燃气体探测器技术要求和试验方法 Technical requirements and test methods for combustible gas detectors
    17 GB 15407-1994 遮挡式微波入侵探测器技术要求和试验方法 Performance criteria and test methods for microwave interruption intrusion detector
    18 GB/T 15408-1994 报警系统电源装置、测试方法和性能规范 Alarm system power units, test methods and performance criteria
    19 GB 15745-1995 小型民用爆破器材仓库安全标准 Safety standard on site magazines of commercial blasting materials
    20 GB 16282-1996 119火灾报警系统通用技术条件 General technical conditions for 119 fire alarm system
    21 GB/T 16283-1996 固定式灭火系统基本术语 Fundamental terminology of fixed extinguishing systems
    22 GB/T 16571-1996 文物系统博物馆安全防范工程设计规范 Designed criterion of security and alarm enginering for cultural museums series
    23 GB/T 16572-1996 防盗报警中心控制台 Security alarm centre control stations
    24 GB/T 16624-1996 防暴枪通用技术条件 General specification of anti-riot gun
    25 GB/T 16676-1996 银行营业场所安全防范工程设计规范 Security and alarm enginering specification for banking business place
    26 GB/T 16677-1996 报警图像信号有线传输装置 Transfer equipment of alarm picture signal through cable
    27 GB 16796-1997 安全防范报警设备 安全要求和试验方法 Safety requirements and methods for security alarm equipment
    28 GB 16810-1997 保险柜耐火性能试验方法 Test methods for fire resistance of cotainers
    29 GB/T 10408.8-1997 振动入侵探测器 Vibration intrusion detectors
    30 GB 16999-1997 人民币伪钞鉴别仪 Counterfeit RMB--Banknote discriminating device
    31 GB/T 17000-1997 防伪全息产品通用技术条件 Universal technical requirements of anti-counterfeiting holographic products
    32 GB/T 17002-1997 防伪印刷产品生产管理规范 Standardization of production management for anti-counterfeiting printing products
    33 GB/T 17004-1997 防伪技术术语 Anti-counterfeiting technological terminology
    34 GB 17565-1998 防盗安全门通用技术条件 General specification for burglary resistant safety door

