


  • 谁能帮我看看卡片号2-1273 NiS1.03的数据的ref. 来源,多谢了。偶没有PDF数据库
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  • XRD


    Nickel Sulfide
    Ni S1.03   
    Radiation=CuKa    Lambda=1.5418    Filter=Ni
    Calibration=    d-Cutoff=    I/Ic(RIR)=
    Ref= Biltz, W.
    Z. Anorg. Chem., 228 294 (1936)
    Hexagonal - Powder Diffraction, P63/mmc (194)    Z=1.94    mp=
    Cell=3.44x5.35    Pearson=hP3.94 (As Ni)
    Density(c)=5.500    Density(m)=4.89A    Mwt=91.72    Vol=54.83    F(26)=3.8(0.200,34)
    Ref= Ibid.

    Strong Line: 1.99/X 1.72/8 1.30/7 0.79/9 0.80/8 1.06/7 1.04/7 0.82/7 2.98/6 1.10/6
    NOTE: For Ni S1.03 a=3.442, c=5.35, C=1.555; for Ni S1.19 a=3.426, c=5.31, C=1.550.
    PDF#24-1021(Deleted Card): QM=Doubtful(?); d=(Unknown); I=Diffractometer
    Nickel Sulfide
    Ni7 S6   
    Radiation=CuKa1    Lambda=1.5405    Filter=Ni
    Calibration=    d-Cutoff=    I/Ic(RIR)=
    Ref= Kullerud, Yund.
    J. Petrol., 3 126 (1962)
    Orthorhombic - Powder Diffraction, Bmmb (63)    Z=3.24    mp=
    Cell=3.274x16.157x11.359    Pearson=oC42.12 ($GA Ni7 S6)
    Density(c)=5.402    Density(m)=5.360    Mwt=603.26    Vol=600.87    F(28)=4.2(0.127,52)
    Ref= Fleet.
    Acta Crystallogr., Sec. B, 28 1237 (1972)
    Strong Line: 1.88/X 2.71/9 2.44/7 2.47/6 2.92/5 1.81/5 1.64/5 1.72/5 1.76/4 2.79/3
    NOTE: Synthesized from Ni and S (31.89 wt.%) at 500 C, stable in presence of vapor below 573 C.
    Inverts in part to $GB-Ni7 S6 on heating at 300 C to 350 C for 7-15 days.
    Pattern indexed at Department of Physics, University College, Cardiff, Wales.
    To replace 00-014-0275.
    Deleted by 00-054-0931, more complete, higher QM, LRB 7/03.

    +关注 私聊
  • sian


    哎呀,为什么NiS1.03后第二个Ref= Ibid. 后面没有期刊名字,是个空行??

    huangjw 发表:Nickel Sulfide
    Ni S1.03   
    Radiation=CuKa    Lambda=1.5418    Filter=Ni
    Calibration=    d-Cutoff=    I/Ic(RIR)=
    Ref= Biltz, W.
    Z. Anorg. Chem., 228 294 (1936)
    Hexagonal - Powder Diffraction, P63/mmc (194)    Z=1.94    mp=
    Cell=3.44x5.35    Pearson=hP3.94 (As Ni)
    Density(c)=5.500    Density(m)=4.89A    Mwt=91.72    Vol=54.83    F(26)=3.8(0.200,34)
    Ref= Ibid.

    Strong Line: 1.99/X 1.72/8 1.30/7 0.79/9 0.80/8 1.06/7 1.04/7 0.82/7 2.98/6 1.10/6
    NOTE: For Ni S1.03 a=3.442, c=5.35, C=1.555; for Ni S1.19 a=3.426, c=5.31, C=1.550.
    PDF#24-1021(Deleted Card): QM=Doubtful(?); d=(Unknown); I=Diffractometer
    Nickel Sulfide
    Ni7 S6   
    Radiation=CuKa1    Lambda=1.5405    Filter=Ni
    Calibration=    d-Cutoff=    I/Ic(RIR)=
    Ref= Kullerud, Yund.
    J. Petrol., 3 126 (1962)
    Orthorhombic - Powder Diffraction, Bmmb (63)    Z=3.24    mp=
    Cell=3.274x16.157x11.359    Pearson=oC42.12 ($GA Ni7 S6)
    Density(c)=5.402    Density(m)=5.360    Mwt=603.26    Vol=600.87    F(28)=4.2(0.127,52)
    Ref= Fleet.
    Acta Crystallogr., Sec. B, 28 1237 (1972)
    Strong Line: 1.88/X 2.71/9 2.44/7 2.47/6 2.92/5 1.81/5 1.64/5 1.72/5 1.76/4 2.79/3
    NOTE: Synthesized from Ni and S (31.89 wt.%) at 500 C, stable in presence of vapor below 573 C.
    Inverts in part to $GB-Ni7 S6 on heating at 300 C to 350 C for 7-15 days.
    Pattern indexed at Department of Physics, University College, Cardiff, Wales.
    To replace 00-014-0275.
    Deleted by 00-054-0931, more complete, higher QM, LRB 7/03.


