
美资力可仪器(上海)有限公司诚聘应用开发专员 Application Development specialist,坐标北京,你准备好了吗?

  • 仪器直聘-老鱼
  • 私聊


  • 职位名称:应用开发专员 Application Development specialist
    ·Provide Applications support for pre and post sales activities for the TOFMS and gcxgc product line
    ·Technical presentations on seminars, conference and workshop, both online and offline
    ·Demonstrations both in the Shanghai Lab and at customer sites
    ·Run customer samples, generate reports in an effort to support sales
    ·Provide post sales training, development training program and delivery training courses
    ·Maintenance the website and social public platform
    ·Support installed site to help customers be successful, Maintain installed base customer satisfaction
    ·Visit, communicate and collaborate with customers based on our solution and the keen understanding of the customers
    ·Collaborate closely with team leader to ensure business growth


    ·BS degree or above (master is preferred) in analytical chemistry of biology, life science, food, environment .etc, have interests in chemical experiment and science instrument
    ·Solid experience on separation science especially gcMS/LCMS is preferred,especially good at gcxgc and TOFMS applications or methods development is a plus.
    ·quick learning, good communication skill, self-motivated, hard working and good team player
    ·Good at webpage design and experience on IT discipline is a plus.
    ·Fluent skills on PPT are a compulsory
    ·Willing to learn new technical and new skills
    ·Must have the ability to work independently, have effective interpersonal communication skills, listening, speaking and written skills.
    ·Read and written communication skills in English
    ·Strong interpersonal and presentation skills.
    ·Ability to travel frequently.


    公司介绍: 力可简介
      美 国 力 可 公 司 (LECO)始 创 于 1936年 ,今 天 已 经 发 展 成 为 拥 有约2,300多 名 员 工,在 全 球 设 有 25家 子 公司 及 代 表 处 的 规 模;以 生 产 用 于 冶 金、机 械 、能 源、化 工、农 业、食 品 安 全、生 命 科 学、环 境 分 析 及 科 研 开 发 领 域 的 各 种 分 析 测 试仪 器 和 设 备 为 主...查看全部

