职位名称:Service Engineer-色谱 职位描述/要求:Provide high level technical support to customers including installation, maintenance, troubleshooting and necessary trainings in the service areas for instrument. Manage territory service activity and ensure high quality service to meet company measurements (Service KPIs) and service business target. Maintain high customer satisfaction in the field service work, resolves customer concerns and complaints. Promote service contracts to fulfill customer need. Participate and cooperate with team to accomplish the team goals. Provides summarized regular reports to manager on time. Follow Company and Service team’s operational policy. 公司介绍: PerkinElmer股份有限公司是一家全球性的业界著名技术领先公司,其业务集中在三个领域——生命科学、光电子学和分析仪器。 PerkinElmer是分析仪器行业无可争议的技术领先和主导者。珀金理查德和埃尔默查理斯于1937年4月19日创立PerkinElmer公司,1944年,PerkinElmer公司进入分析仪器的全新领域,并成功推出世界上第一台商用红外分光光度计-12型。这项新技术...查看全部