
哈希水质分析仪器(上海)有限公司今日正在招聘,Senior Software Business Development Manager,坐标杭州市,高薪寻找不一样的你!


  • 职位名称:Senior Software Business Development Manager
    职位描述/要求:岗位职责Job Responsibilities:

    · 协助公司制定数字化业务在重点行业的战略规划、策略制定、新市场的孵化Assist the company to develop strategy, tactics and new market for digital business in key industries

    · 带领业务拓展团队完成年度销售目标Lead the business development team to achieve annual sales targets

    · 带领团队配合行业销售在项目执行过程中必要的商务协同和项目验收Lead the team to cooperate with the vertical sales team in the project execution, e.g., business collaboration and project commissioning

    · 实现重点客户和设计院的合作并维持良好的商务关系Achieve partnership and maintain good business relationships with key customers and design institutes

    · 针对业务线的重大项目进行跟踪,追踪过程问题,预判风险,推动项目闭环Follow up on major projects, monitoring the execution process, anticipate and solve risks and drive project closure

    · 发展并培养一批区域内的业务合作伙伴Develop and cultivate a group of business partners in the region

    · 组织对行业销售团队的产品知识和销售技巧的培训,提高行业销售团队的软件产品销售能力Organize training on product knowledge and sales skills for vertical sales teams to improve their software product sales capabilities

    · 向产品部门收集和反馈市场信息和用户需求,协调市场宣传部门进行市场宣传活动Collect market information and user needs for the product department, and coordinate with the marketing team to carry out market promotion activities

    · 培养一支优秀的业务拓展团队,使之具备优秀的能力、良好的凝聚力、高效的执行力Cultivate an excellent business development team with excellent ability, good cohesion and efficient execution

    · 合理规划团队费用支出,控制团队预算Plan and control team expenses and budget

    · 完成数字化业务销售信息收集和销售计划等各项管理工作Complete the management of digital business sales information collection and sales plan

    · 管理团队严格遵守公司的各项规章制度Manage the team to strictly follow company''s policies

    任职要求Job requirements:

    · 5年以上产品或软件解决方案类销售经验,市政类或水务行业经验优先考虑5+ years of experience in product or solution-based sales, preferably in the municipal or water industry

    · 2年以上销售团队管理经验,能根据业务线需求提供业务策划,销售活动和销售制度制定和管理工作More than 2 years’ experience in sales team management, be able to plan, manage and drive execution of the related business

    · 具备较强的数据分析能力和总结能力,能根据业务数据洞察业务问题,追踪业务进度并推动业务发展Strong data analysis capability, be able to turn data into insights and drive the business accordingly

    · 具备较高的个人素养和职业操守,较强的应变能力有敏锐的市场触觉及一定的策划活动能力Have high professional ethics, strong resilience and a keen sense of market and be able to plan sales activities according to the situation

    · 性格开朗、富有亲和力、工作踏实、有进取心,能适应较强的工作压力Open-minded, affable, practical and enterprising, able to adapt to work pressure

    · 具备在压力下同时处理多项任务的能力Ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time under pressure
    公司介绍: 哈希(HACH)成立于1947年,是可信赖的水质分析解决方案提供商。1999年,Hach公司加入美国Danaher(丹纳赫)集团,现在是Danaher集团下属的一级子公司。

    Danaher集团以183 亿美金的营业收入在2018 年美国财富500 强榜单中位列162 位,是一支拥有超过59,000 名员工的多样化团队。旗下四大平台:环境、诊断、生命科学和产品标识,一直致力于全球科学和技术的创...查看全部

