1【题名】Thy-1 glycoprotein: structure, distribution, and ontogeny
【作者】Crawford JM, Barton RW.1986 Feb;54(2):122-35
【杂志缩写】:Laboratory Investigation
【年, 卷(期), 起止页码】:1986 Feb;54(2):122-35
【全文链接】: ... gy%22%5BJour%5D%20AND%2054%5Bvolume%5D%20AND%20122%5Bpage%5D
2【题名】The human Thy-1 molecule
【作者】Dalchau R, Daar AS, Fabre J
【杂志缩写】:Immunology Series
【年, 卷(期),起止页码】 1989;45:185-96.Links
3【题名】The discovery of Thy-1 and its development
【作者】Reif AE.
【杂志缩写】:Immunology Series.
【年, 卷(期), 起止页码】: 1989;45:3-45
4【题名】Characterization of Thy-1 with monoclonal antibodies and evidence of Thy-3
【作者】Naquet P, Barbet J, Pont S, Marchetto S, Barad M, Devaux C, Rougon G, Pierres M.
【杂志缩写】:Immunology Series.
【年, 卷(期), 起止页码】:1989;45:99-117
5【题名】Isolation and purification of a Thy-1-like glycoprotein from sheep brain and its distribution in ovine tissues
【作者】Sheldrake RF, Crocker BD, Husband AJ
【杂志缩写】:Res Vet Sci
【年, 卷(期), 起止页码】:1987 May;42(3):358-64