M2N(微纳伙伴) 电镜用样品台 样品台


货号 10-002012-100 价格 面议





We offer a comprehensive choice of standard pin stubs to support virtually all applications. The standard SEM pin stubs are compatible with  Thermo Fisher, FEI, Philips, Tescan, Phenom, Aspex, RJLee,  AmRay, Cambridge Instruments, Leica, CamScan, Aspex, ETEC and Novascan SEMs. They are made from vacuum grade aluminium. They are machined according to the original manufacturer's specifications and dimensions. The flat pin stubs from 12.7mm to 38mm diameter are grooved for easy and clean handling. The most used pin stubs are the ?12.7 mm and the ?25.4 mm pin stubs. Pins are all 3.2mm diameter with a length of either 8mm or 9.5mm. The ?12.7 mm pin stubs are also available in brass, copper and high purity carbon.

The full range of standard SEM pin stubs and mounts include:

  • Flat SEM pin stubs

    • 6.4, 9.5, 12.7, 19, 25.4, 32, 38, 50, 63 and 100mm stub diameter

    • Special 12.7mm stub diameter with a flate side and 12.7mm stub in       brass and copper.

  • Angled pin stubs to quickly image or      analyse a sample under 30°, 45°, 70° or 90° w/o tilting the sample stage:

    • 12.7mm stub diameter with 30°, 45°, 45/90° and 70° pre-tilt in       various heights

    • 25mm diameter with 45°, 45/90°,  double 45/90° and double 90°

    • 32mm diameter with 45°and double 90°

  • Flat Pin stubs with extra height.      Useful for marking, shorter working distance or to make your own custom      stubs. Available as:

    • 12.7mm diameter with 4mm and 6mm extra height and 25.4mm diameter       with 4mm extra height

  • Low profile 12.7 and 25mm pin stubs to      enable very short working distances for high resolution SEM imaging and      FIB operations. Horizontal (flat), 90° pre-tilt, 38° pre-tilt (for FEI      systems) and 35° pre-tilt (Tescan systems)

  • Engraved pin stubs with lines and      numbers for mounting multiple samples or for relocating a sample. Stub      diameters are 12.7, 19, 25.4 and 32mm.

  • Swivel pin mount with a top diameter      of 15mm which can be tilted 90o both ways.

  • Dish cylinder stub with 12.7mm stub      diameter for sample preparation of solutions or fluids directly on the      stub. The dish design prevent fluid from dripping of the stub. Sample can      be dried on the SEM stub.

  • Cambridge S4 stub, which is not a pin stub      but used on many SEMs with pin stubs.  A Cambridge S4 holder or Cambridge S4 adapter is needed for      the Cambridge S4 stub.

  • SEM pin stub extenders to quickly      adjust height and bring samples closer to the polepiece.

 If you need an SEM sample pin stub which is not offered in the list below, please contact us. We can manufacture custom sample stubs or suggest a solution with other sample stubs.

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