NiPS3 crystals 三硫化磷镍晶体

NiPS3 crystals 三硫化磷镍晶体


货号 4601041 价格 ¥ 7030


NiPSe3 is a quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnet in the bulk form while it's magnetic response in the monolayer limit remain largely unknown.NiPS3 crystals all crystallize in C2/m space group geometry. These crystals were grown by a vapor transport at our faciltilies to bring defect free vdw crystals. Based on our experience, the amount of vacancy defects plan a vital role is their stability as well as FM response.

Perfect crystallization: In our growth process, we pay close attention to creating perfect crystals, each and every crystal is handled and characterized under vacuum or Argon environment.
Sample packaging: Samples are purged with Ar gas multiple times, pumped down to 1E-6 Torr pressures to ensure crystals do not interact with the residual gases.
Fresh samples: Crystals are always freshly grown and immediately shipped out. 
Full characterization: Samples are characterized using variety of techniques all under inert gas conditions to confirm the crystalline quality.
Properties of NiPS3 crystals

NiPS3 crystals 三硫化磷镍晶体信息由上海巨纳科技有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于NiPS3 crystals 三硫化磷镍晶体报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应NiPS3 crystals 三硫化磷镍晶体外,上海巨纳科技有限公司还可为您提供德国2DNext大面积机械剥离单层材料尺寸>50*50umFeTeSe 硒化碲铁晶体 (Iron Selenide Telluride)Exfoliated WSe2 monolayer 机械剥离单层二硒化钨薄膜等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。


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