A Fast and Robust GC/MS/MS Analysis of 203 Pesticides in 10 Minutes in Spinach

2024/02/26   下载量: 0


应用领域 食品/农产品
检测样本 小麦粉
检测项目 理化分析>其他
参考标准 /

Abstract This application note describes two approaches for achieving robust, multiresidue pesticide analysis in 10 minutes by GC/MS/MS, while maintaining sufficient chromatographic resolution for the analysis of over 200 pesticides in spinach; a challenging high chlorophyll, fresh matrix. First, the conventional 15 × 15 m (0.25 mm × 0.25 μm) midcolumn backflush configuration was used with an accelerated oven ramp, yielding an analysis time of 10 minutes. Second, a minibore 10 × 10 m (0.18 mm × 0.18 μm) midcolumn backflush configuration was used, enabling a fast 10-minute analysis time. The latter method was precisely scaled using the Agilent GC method translation technique. It was shown that midcolumn backflushing enabled method robustness and extended maintenance-free operation of the system by minimizing column trimming and source cleaning. Results demonstrate that the Agilent 7000E and 7010C triple quadrupole GC/MS systems delivered excellent linearity over a concentration range of 0.1 to 1,000 parts per billion (ppb). Method robustness was shown with 700 consecutive injections of a spinach extract, spiked with pesticides at 20 ppb, that spanned over 175 hours of continuous running of the GC/TQ.



There is a growing demand for more rapid methods for the identification and quantitation of chemical residues in food analysis without sacrificing method robustness and chromatographic performance. Conventional methods for multiresidue pesticide analysis typically take at least 20 minutes, resulting in longer sample cycle times. As a result, the GC/MS analysis time for a batch of samples could easily span over several days. This causes a sample analysis bottleneck and limits lab productivity. Therefore, shortening the GC/MS analysis time will undoubtedly improve sample analysis throughput and eventually laboratory productivity. However, shortened GC methods usually involve trade-offs in method robustness or performance. This application note focuses on demonstrating two fast GC/MS/MS methods using (a) the Agilent 8890 GC and 7000E triple quadrupole GC/MS system and (b) the Agilent 8890 GC and 7010C triple quadrupole GC/MS system. The presented methods provide a shortened run time of 10 minutes, while maintaining robust system performance in the challenging spinach extract, without loss in sensitivity or method performance.

上一篇 采用液相色谱-四极杆串联飞行时间高分辨质谱分析锂电池中的碳酸酯有机溶剂组分
下一篇 Analysis of Semivolatile Organic Compounds with US EPA 8270E Using the Agilent 7000E Triple Quadrupole GC/M


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