
实验室 全新网站 启动 ……

作者: 德国 IKAâ   公司 Mr. Andreas Reichert

    2004年3月15号, 德国IKAâ  的实验室全新网站启动了--- www.ika.net.


新网站将以全新的面目出现, 速度更快,搜索更容易, 内容时时更新, 让您眼前一亮。

在网上疲惫地寻找产品,不断地翻了一页又一页, 这已经成为过去式。 IKAâ 新网站引入 Quickfinder (快速搜索) 工具, 您只需输入产品的名字, 您就可以找到您想要的。 再单击, 即有您搜索到的产品的技术参数, 图片及相关报价等等。

IKAâ 推出 Smartfinder (智能搜索) 工具, 方便您寻找与您的应用需求刚好相符的产品。即: 输入你的相关产品参数, Smartfinder 会自动找到最合您需要的IKAâ 相关产品。Smartfinder 提供了一个寻找您感兴趣的产品的快速通道。

Product Navigation (产品引擎) 可提供所有 IKAâ 产品的最详细资料。 您可搜索所有产品,也可搜索某一类产品。每一类产品都有详尽的文字介绍, 技术参数及产品图片。 再单击, 即可得到产品配置, 附件资料及产品说明书相关信息。 产品说明书的pdf 文件可在线下载。 同时, 你可以预览任何其它类型的产品的详细信息, 便于您迅速作出比较。

网站对IKAâ 的前30种产品推出一个特别的功能, 那就是提供了这些产品的360 度 全方位图片。

在主页 “What’s new ”, 带给您最新的 IKAâ 新闻, 如新产品推出, 资料下载, 杂志文章等。

www.ika.net 是一个多语言的全球性网站。 您可以选择您喜欢的语言文字,浏览您所要的 IKAâ 信息。

您还想知道更多吗? 何不直接与 IKAâ 联系? 请点击 “Contact” 以获取详细的联系资料。

IKAâ 全体员工, 在我德国总部,中国,美国,马西, 日本,马来西亚,印度,竭诚为您服务。

去IKAâ  的新网站看一看吧, 这里有您感兴趣的,有您满意的……

TEL: 0086-20-82226772
FAX: 0086-20-82226776
E-Mail: sales@ikagz.com.cn

Counting down to ........

....... 15th March 2004, the day the new IKAâ  website goes online.

This is the day your  IKAâ World internet site will appear with its new design. The new site is now faster and easier to navigate and has all the latest information about IKAâ.

Wearisome clicking through page after page to find what you want is a thing of the past. With Quickfinder  just enter the  name of the product that interests you to call up the information you need. You are just one click away from product technical data, photos and pricing information.

Use Smartfinder  to find the product that exactly matches your application and requirements. Just enter your product parameters and Smartfinder will automatically find the IKAâ product that best suits your needs. Smartfinder provides fast access to the information and extras that interest you.

Product  Navigation will provide all the information you need about the entire IKAâ range.
You can search our entire product range or limit your search to individual product groups.
Each IKAâ product is accompanied by a full text description, a technical data sheet and photos.
Another click will take you on to information about fittings, accessories and operating manuals. Manuals are available for download in .pdf format.
This part of the site will also automatically provide you with a product overview showing all the technical data for a particular product group: This will help you to make comparisons at a glance.

For the  IKAâ TOP 30 products there is an additional feature. The site shows detailed views of these products including a 360 ° panoramic shot showing a product from all sides.

The “What’s new” section brings you the latest new about IKAâ. News about new products, brochures to download, press releases and much more.

In the future you will be able to read our global site at www.ika.net in a variety of languages.
As an IKAâ customer you will be able read the information you need in the language of your choice.
Want to know more? Why not contact us direct? For our contact details, see the “Contact” page.

Staff at our branches in USA, Brazil, China, Japan, Malaysia and India are waiting to hear from you.

Bon voyage navigating the new IKAâ World site.

IKA®-Werke GmbH & Co.KG
79219 Staufen, Germany
Tel.: 07633 831-0
Fax: 07633 831-98


当前位置: IKA 动态 IKA实验室全新网站启动(www.ika.net)


