IKA C2000,C5000,C7000全自动量热仪

技术参数 1.输入功率:1.8 kW2.外形尺寸( W x D x H):440 x 450 x 500 m m3.测量范围:最大40,000 J4.测量重复性:苯甲酸NBS 39i 动态 0.1% RSD5.KV 500冷却水系统

主要特点1.自动水控制系统,包括温度调节,量热仪内腔填充与清空2.分解氧弹自动冲氧,分解氧弹自动识别3.自动样品点火4.紧凑的,模块化的设计,容易操作5.提供天平和打印机接口,打印机,监视器和C5020 样品架接口;使用多接口卡,单台电脑可控制多达8个测量单元

仪器介绍C2000 标准型,控制型和C2000耐高压型C2000标准型和C2000控制型是IKA最新的测量液体和固体样品热值的系统。 仪器具有高度的自动化,而且操作简便。除了周边等温测量过程,用户还可以选择快速动态工作模式(缩短测量时间)。结合特别的C5012系列防卤素分解氧弹,在分析总热值的同时,使硫和卤素成分得到定量的分解。 C2000量热仪的冷却水提供,可以连接市场上标准的自动恒温器,如KV 500(131页),或者是连接到适当的固定水源。 C2000 标准型 配置有一个非常方便的操作面板来操作仪器。 C2000 控制型 出厂已包含C5040 Calwin 量热计软件。用串口把电脑和C2000 量热计连接起来就可实现控制。网络连接和特殊的数据交换可通过LIMS随时实现。 C2000高压型结合了C2000标准型和分解坩埚C 62(131页)。 C2000提供给用户的是具有优良性能价格比的仪器。

C5000 Package 1, the universal calorimeter for all kind of fuels.
The C5000 control calorimeter is a modularly composed system. The individual components make it possible to build up different versions of the system so that the device is able to adapt to the needs of the user at any time.
A high level of automation in addition to well thought out, practical accessories leave nothing more for the user to wish for. The C5000 calorimeter is the only system in the world that offers a free selection of working method for the user. Thus it is possible to perform determinations of gross calorific values in adiabatic, isoperibolic and dynamic (reduced-time) mode.
The technology of the equipment as well as the measuring procedure itself have been validated by all accepted standards such as DIN 51900, ASTM 240D, ISO 1928 and BSI.
In combination with special halogen-resistant decomposition vessels of the C5012 model series, quantitative decompositions for determining halogen and sulfur can be performed in parallel to the gross calorific value analysis.
The user-friendly and menu-controlled software makes it possible to begin working quickly and effectively with the C5000 calorimeter without a great deal of adjustment time. The user is then free to direct his or her attention entirely to the task of preparing the samples. All other processes that are necessary for determining the gross calorific value of a solid or liquid sample are completely automated. Filling and emptying the boiler with water and the entire procedure for handling oxygen are processes that run automatically and require no monitoring. The C5000 calorimeter displays the appropriate status reports on the graphics display with active background illumination. The temporal course of a measurement once it has been started as well as all current parameters of the weighed sample can be constantly monitored and arranged to provide a convenient overview.
The library functions and various correction modes can be used at any time to bring up measurements that have already been performed and to refine search parameters. The C5000 calorimeter has a separate service menu that allows for rapid access to individual maintenance functions and verification of basic system data.
As an additional automation step, the C5000 calorimeter system, just like all other combustion calorimeters from IKA, can be run with Calwin software under Win95, Win98 and WinNT. This makes for a very convenient way of working. A network connection as well as special configurations for a data exchange with LIMS can be implemented at any time.
Individual details of the functions:
· Device validation according to DIN 51900, ASTM 240D, ISO 1928, BSI etc.
· The user selects the working method: adiabatic, isoperibolic, dynamic
· Automatic rinsing and filling of the decomposition vessel with oxygen
· Automatic degassing of the decomposition vessel after combustion
· Interfaces for connection to scales, a printer, a sample rack and an external PC
· User-friendly and menu-driven software
· Special decomposition vessel for halogen and sulfur analysis available
· Controllable via Calwin for Windows calorimeter software (accessory)
Included with delivery :
C 5000 Controller
C 5003 Measurement cell
C 5010 Decomposition vessel
C 5001 Cooling-System
C 5050 Set of working items
For more information please see accessories or click here
to download a detailled pdf-brochure.
For the user manual click here.



当前位置: IKA 动态 IKA C2000,C5000,C7000全自动量热仪


