Cannon PulpVIS™

Cannon Instrument Company is excited to unveil the latest addition to our line of specialized
automated viscometers, the PulpVIS™. Designed specifically with operational simplicity in mind, the
PulpVIS ™ provides quick and reliable Pulp viscosity results with a touch of your finger. This portable
and rugged viscometer is ideal for any site that needs laboratory quality viscosity measurements.
Everything is included to get started – all you need to provide are sample and cleaning solvent!
PulpVIS™ Features:
• As much as 5X Faster than Manual Technologies
• Low Cost of Ownership for Automated Pulp Viscosity System
• True Pulp Viscosity Measurement: per Tappi T230/PAPTAC G.24P
• Automatic Sample Flow Time Measurement and KinVIS Calculation
• Automatic Tube Cleaning
• Reliable: Only 2 Moving Internal Parts
• Easy To Use: Graphical Touch Screen w/ optional printer
• Small Sample Volume: 0.5 Ml


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