CANNON Instrument Company announces release of a new Thermoelectric Bending-Beam Rheometer (TE-BBR Pro). Manufactured solely in our USA facility, the TE-BBR Pro is designed as an advanced controlled stress instrument for research of asphalt emulsions, binders, mix designs, and forensic studies.
The TE-BBR Pro achieves temperatures from zero to -40 degrees Celsius using environmentally-friendly Peltier cooling technology in which the solid-state bath vessel and its liquid content are totally self-contained, thereby eliminating costly and potentially hazardous mechanical refrigeration components.

The TE-BBR Pro is capable of applying a maximum force of 44 N with a resolution to 1.4 mN, and a maximum deflection of -2.5 to +7.5 mm with a resolution to .15μm. Offered initially for specimens 12.7 mm wide and 6.4 or 12.7 mm thick on any span of 100, 120, 140, or 160mm.
The CANNON TE-BBR Pro features self-contained high resolution acquisition electronics which allows for totally programmable stress rates, stress profiles and test periods via the control PC.

Additional information about the TE-BBR Pro is available at Cannon Instrument Company.


当前位置: 上海邦安检测 动态 TE-BBR Pro


