动态温度控制系统的极至-----Magnum 91

Magnum 91是JULABO最新推出的动态温度控制系统,它集各种最新温度控制技术于一身,致力于解决实验中遇到的各种复杂的温度控制需求

Magnum 91 - Highly Dynamic Temperature Control System

The ,Magnum 91‘ highly dynamic temperature control system is the ideal solution for demanding external temperature applications, like e.g. temperature control of reactors up to 50 litres. The advantages are rapid heat-up and cool-down within the working temperature range from –91 to +250°C as well as an immediate control of exothermic and endothermic reactions. The water-cooled unit offers a heating capacity of 6 kW as well as a cooling capacity of up to 5 kW. With the intelligent ICC cascade temperature control rapid results with high precision are reached. For time and temperature depending processes there is an integrated programmer with 6x60 program steps. Additionally the system has a closed tempering circuit, here the advantages are a reduced oxidation and a longer lifetime of the bath fluid – unpleasant odors and vapors do not get outside.  
o For highly precise, external temperature applications
o Rapid heating and cooling
o Wide working temperature ranges without changing fluids
o Bright VFD display and interactive LCD dialog display
o Highly precise ICC cascade temperature control
o RS232/RS485 interface for PC connection
o Electronically adjustable pump stages
o External Pt100 sensor connection
o Integrated programmer with 6x60 program steps
o Early warning system for low liquid level
o 3-point calibration
o TCF Temperature Control Features
o Adjustable high temperature cut-off
o Classification 3 according to DIN12876-1
o IP class according to IEC 529: IP20

Working temperature range -91 ... 250 °C    
Temperature control ICC  
Temperature stability external 0.05 °C
Display VFD + LCD    
Display resolution 0.01 °C
Integrated programmer available  
Heater capacity 6000 W    
Cooling capacity 200   20   -20   -40   -60   -80         °C
3500   5000   4500   4000   2500   600         W

Refrigerant R404a + R23  
Pump capacity Pressure:   2200 mbar  
Flow rate: 24-35 l/min
Digital interfaces RS232, RS485, optional Profibus  
External Pt100 sensor connection available
Filling volume 21.5 Liters
Dimensions (W x L x H) 71 x 88 x 165 cm
Weight 420 kg
Ambient temperature 5…40 °C
Classification according to DIN 12876-1 3 (FL)  



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