

American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Standard Mechanical and Tribological Tests美国材料试验学会( ASTM标准)标准的机械和摩擦学测试
UMT testers can perform many ISO, ASTM and DIN standard tests.城市轨道交通测试可以执行许多的ISO , ASTM标准和DIN标准测试。 Some of them include:其中一些人包括:

mechanical tests机械试验
friction tests摩擦试验
wear tests磨损试验
scratch tests从头开始测试
adhesion tests粘附试验
hardness tests硬度测试
Shown below is are brief descriptions ofsome of the standard tests which can be done on the tool.所示的是简要说明ofsome的标准进行测试,可以做的工具。

For more information please contact us .如需更多信息,请与我们联系 。

ASTM E10-01美国ASTM E10中- 01
ASTM E92-03美国ASTM E92 - 03
ASTM E384-99美国ASTM E384 - 99
ASTM E18-05美国ASTM E18 - 05
ISO 14577-1/02国际标准化组织14577-1/02

Micro and Nano Hardness Measurements on UMT Testers 微纳米硬度测试仪测量的城市轨道交通

ASTM D 2240-00美国ASTM D 2240-00
Test Method for Measuring the Durometer of Soft Materials Using the UMT 测试测量方法Durometer用软材料的城市轨道交通

ASTM D 2509–03美国ASTM D 2509-03

Measurement of Load-Carrying Capacity of Lubricating Grease Using Macro-Tribometer mod. 测量承载力润滑脂使用宏观摩擦国防部。 UMT-3 城市轨道交通- 3

ASTM D 2981-94 (reapproved 1998) and ASTM D 3704-96 (reapproved 2001)美国ASTM D 2981-94 (重新核准1998年)和美国ASTM D 3704-96 (重新核准2001 )
Block-on-Oscillating-Ring Test Using Micro-Tribometer mod. 块上振荡环测试微摩擦国防部。 UMT 城市轨道交通

ASTM D3702-94 (Reapproved 1999)美国ASTM D3702 - 94 (重新核准1999 )

Standard Test for Wear Rate and Coefficient of Friction of Materials in Self-Lubricating Rubbing Contact with a Thrust Washer Using the Micro-Tribometer mod. 标准测试的磨损率和摩擦系数的材料的自润滑摩擦接触推力洗衣机使用微摩擦国防部。 UMT -2 城市轨道交通-2

ASTM D 5706–97 (Reapproved 2002)美国ASTM D 5706-97 (重新核准2002 )
Standard Test Method for Determining Extreme Pressure Properties of Lubricating Greases using the UMT-3 in a High Frequency, Linear Reciprocating configuration 标准试验法测定极压润滑脂润滑性能使用轨道交通- 3在高频率,线性往复配置

ASTM D 6078–99美国ASTM D 6078-99
Standard Test Method for Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels using the UMT in a ball-on-cylinder configuration 标准试验评价方法的柴油润滑性的城市轨道交通中使用的球上缸配置

ASTM D 6079-02美国ASTM D 6079-02

Standard Test Method for Evaluating Lubricity of Diesel Fuels using the UMT in a Fast Reciprocating configuration 标准试验评价方法的柴油润滑使用轨道交通在快速往复配置

ASTM G75-95美国ASTM G75 - 95

Determination of Slurry Abrasivity (Miller Number) and Slurry Abrasion Response of Materials (SAR Number) using Micro-Tribometer mod. UMT 测定浆料Abrasivity (米勒数)和泥浆材料磨损响应(特区号码)用微摩擦国防部。 城市轨道交通

ASTM G83 – 96美国ASTM G83 - 96

Cross-Cylinder Test using Micro-Tribometer mod. 跨圆筒试验使用微摩擦国防部。 UMT 城市轨道交通

ASTM G99-95美国ASTM G99 - 95
Pin on Disk Sliding Wear 引脚磁盘上的滑动磨损

Using the Micro-Tribometer mod. 利用微摩擦国防部。 UMT with Rotational Motion Drive 城市轨道交通与旋转运动驱动

ASTM G132-96美国ASTM G132 - 96
Pin Abrasion Testing 引脚磨损测试

ASTM G 133-95 (reapproved 2002)美国ASTM G 133-95 (重新核准2002 )

Ball on Flat Sliding Wear Test 球平面滑动磨损试验

ASTM G77-98 ASTM标准77 - 98

Standard Test Method for Ranking Resistance of Materials to Sliding Wear in Block-on-Ring Wear Test Using Micro-Tribometer mod. 标准试验方法排行电阻材料的滑动磨损块上环磨损试验用微摩擦国防部。 UMT-2 城市轨道交通- 2

DIN 53 513 标准53 513

Standard Test Method for Determination of Viscoelastic Properties of Elastomers using the Micro-Tribometer 标准试验方法测定的粘弹性性能的弹性体采用微摩擦

ASTM D6425-99美国ASTM D6425 - 99
Standard Test Method for Measuring Friction and Wear Properties of Extreme Pressure (EP) Lubricating Oils using the Micro-Tribometer mod. UMT-2 标准试验方法测量摩擦磨损性能的极压程序( EP )润滑油使用微摩擦国防部。 轨道交通- 2

ASTM F732-82 (reapproved 1991)美国ASTM F732 - 82 (重新核准1991 )
Evaluation of Friction and Wear Properties of Polymeric Materials for Use in Total Joint Prostheses using Micro-Tribometer mod. UMT-2 评价的摩擦磨损性能的高分子材料,用于人工关节假体采用微摩擦国防部。 轨道交通- 2

ASTM G143-96美国ASTM G143 - 96
Standard Test for Measurement of Web/Roller Friction Characteristics Using the Micro-Tribometer mod. 标准测试测量网络/滚子摩擦特性利用微摩擦国防部。 UMT-2 城市轨道交通- 2

ASTM G137-97美国ASTM G137 - 97
Standard Test Method for Ranking Resistance of Plastic Materials to Sliding Wear in a Block-on-Ring Configuration Using Micro-Tribometer mod. UMT-2 标准试验方法排行抵抗,以塑料材料的滑动磨损块上构型微摩擦国防部。轨道交通- 2

ASTM G176-03美国ASTM G176 - 03
Standard Test Method for Ranking Resistance of Plastics to Sliding Wear in Block-on-Ring Wear Test (Cumulative Wear Method) Using Micro-Tribometer mod. 标准试验方法排行抗性塑料滑动磨损块上环磨损试验(累积磨损法)利用微摩擦国防部。 UMT-2 城市轨道交通- 2

ASTM G171-03美国ASTM G171 - 03
Scratch Hardness Test Using a Diamond Stylus on the Micro-Tribometer mod. 便条硬度试验用钻石笔在微摩擦国防部。 UMT-2 城市轨道交通- 2


Contact CETR to discuss your testing needs in detail, for more information and pricing or to set up an appointment to visit our lab in Northern California. 联系CETR讨论您的测试需求的详细分析,以获取更多信息和价格,或设立一个任命访问我们的实验室在北加州。 You will surely be pleased with our wide expertise, unique equipment and friendly effective services.您一定会感到高兴,我们广泛的专业知识,独特的设备和友好的有效服务。

Copyright © 2006-2009 Center for Tribology Inc. Website design by LunaGraphica版权所有© 2006-2009中心摩擦学公司网站设计的LunaGraphica 
Automotive and Aerospace汽车和航空航天
Brake testing, paint, adhesion, tire, wiper, glass, fretting, hardness, scratch, rubber seals, bearings, CV joint, piston liner, engine制动测试,涂料,粘接,轮胎,雨刮器,玻璃,微动,硬度,从零开始,橡胶密封件,轴承,简历联合,活塞班轮,引擎


Fretting, Nano indentation, tribology, micro hardness, scratch hardness, adhesion, etc.微动,纳米压痕,摩擦学,显微硬度,刮硬度,附着力等

CETR offers a wide range of solutions to meet your product research and analysis needs. Our fully-computerized testers of the unique acclaimed design can perform practically all common mechanical and tribological tests involving automobiles, which has made them the most widely used mechanical and tribological testers in the world CETR提供了广泛的解决方案,以满足您的产品的研究和分析的需要。我们全面计算机化测试独特的著名设计可以执行几乎所有常见的机械和摩擦学测试涉及汽车,这使得他们最广泛使用的机械和摩擦学测试在世界上

The tool comes with the optional add on environmental chambers that can go from –40 to 1000 degree C, under vacuum or under humidity or gases.该工具配备可选购买对环境商会,可从-40到1000摄氏度,在真空或在湿度或气体。

Typical tests routinely run on the CETR testers include:典型的测试经常CETR上运行的测试包括:
Bearing and its sub assemblies for wear and friction轴承及其分组件摩擦磨损
Tire wear and friction at different velocities and temperature轮胎的磨损和摩擦在不同的速度和温度
Braking efficiency under different environmental conditions制动效率在不同环境条件下
Wiper blades wear and friction with and without water雨刷摩擦磨损与不水
Glass windows scratch hardness玻璃划痕硬度
Paint and adhesives for scratch and tape peel adhesion涂料和胶粘剂的便条和磁带剥离粘连
Rubber for modulus and creep橡胶的弹性模量和蠕变
Protective coatings on engine components for wear resistance保护涂层对发动机部件的耐磨性
Piston liner for friction and wear studies活塞衬垫摩擦磨损研究
Engine parts for wear, hardness, and friction发动机零件磨损,硬度和摩擦
Fretting under very low/high temperatures微动在非常低/高温
Biodiesel nozzle, effect of viscous bio diesel生物柴油喷嘴,影响粘性生物柴油
Gears and its components for wear and friction齿轮及其部件的摩擦磨损 
Joints, knee, bone, dental, skin , hair, sutures, stent, contact lens, tissues, synovial fluids, implants, pumps, optical lens, pumps, drug delivery关节,膝关节,骨,牙齿, 皮肤 ,头发,缝线,支架,接触镜,组织,滑膜液,植入物,水泵,光学镜头,水泵,给药


Cream, hair gels, shampoo, conditioner, contact lenses, lipstick, nail varnish, razors, anti-friction creams, oil面霜,发胶,洗发水,护发素,隐形眼镜,口红,指甲油,剃刀,防摩擦面霜,石油

CETR offers a wide range of solutions to meet your mechanical and tribological testing, research and analysis needs. CETR提供了广泛的解决方案,以满足您的机械和摩擦学测试,研究和分析的需要。 If you wish to perform your own testing, CETR manufactures and sells the most advanced biomedical test instrumentation on the market.如果您想以执行自己的测试, CETR生产和销售的最先进的生物医学测试仪器市场。 Our equipment is backed by a full warranty, outstanding customer service, on-site installation and in-depth training.我们的设备得到了充分保证,出色的客户服务,现场安装和深入的培训。

If you would like testing performed for you, CETR lab performs a wide range of tests to meet your testing needs.如果你想测试你, CETR实验室进行了广泛的测试 ,以满足您的测试需求。 Strict confidentiality of your data is always guaranteed严格保密您的数据始终是保障

The tool comes with advanced features such as inline imaging and a powerful statistical software .该工具配备先进功能,如内置影像和强大的统计软件 。

Typical tests routinely run on the CETR testers for bio-materials include:典型的测试经常CETR上运行测试的生物材料包括:
Surgical needles with force penetration equipment手术针头穿透力设备
Surgical sutures for friction, durability, knot strength, bending, tension and abrasion外科缝线的摩擦,耐久性,打结强度,弯曲,拉伸和抗磨损
Catheters for wear and friction导管摩擦磨损
Stents for fatigue and wear支架的疲劳和磨损
Cardio balloons for multi axis flexibility and strength心气球多轴的灵活性和力量
Dental materials for wear, grinding, erosion and hardness牙科材料的磨损,研磨,腐蚀,硬度
Orthopedic joins for wear and friction骨科加入的摩擦磨损
Creams and lotions for skin etc.面霜和乳液的皮肤等
Skin for elasticity, smoothness and moisturinsing action皮肤弹性,光滑和moisturinsing行动
Razor blades for cutting action刀片切割行动
Hair for elasticity, softness, tendency to angle and friction.头发的弹性,柔软度,倾向角和摩擦。
Shampoo and hair conditioners and its effrct on hair洗发水和头发调理及其effrct的头发
Contact lenses for friction, scratch and wear隐形眼镜的摩擦,划痕和磨损
Eye glasses for abrasion, and scratch resistance.眼镜的磨损,以及抗划伤性。
Soaps and cleaners for detergents肥皂和清洁剂的洗涤剂
For various biomaterials for hardness , creep, fatigue, strehngth, stress, strain, and varios为各种生物材料的硬度,蠕变,疲劳, strehngth ,应力,应变,并varios
other nano mechanical properties其他纳米力学性能

Synovial fluids for tribological studies滑膜液的摩擦学研究 
CETR offers a wide range of solutions to meet your tribology and mechanical testing, research and analysis needs. CETR提供了广泛的解决方案,以满足您的摩擦学和力学试验,研究和分析的需要。

If you wish to perform your own tests, CETR manufactures and sells the world's most advanced tribometers, backed by a full warranty, outstanding customer service, on-site installation and in-depth training.如果您想以执行自己的测试, CETR生产和销售世界上最先进的tribometers支持下,充分保证,出色的客户服务,现场安装和深入的培训。

If you would like testing performed for you, CETR lab performs a wide range of tests to meet your testing needs. Strict confidentiality of your data is always guaranteed.如果你想测试你, CETR实验室进行了广泛的测试,以满足您的测试需求。严格保密您的数据始终是保障。

Our single-platform, multiple-configurations fully-computerized UMT testers of the unique acclaimed modular design can perform practically all common tribological tests, which has made them the most widely used tribometers in the world.我们的单一平台,多种配置完全计算机化测试的城市轨道交通的独特赞誉模块化设计可以执行几乎所有常见的摩擦学测试中,这使得他们使用最广泛的tribometers世界。

Some of the typical tests routinely run on the UMT-series tribometers:一些典型的测试通常运行在城市轨道交通系列tribometers :

Pin/ball-on-disc with an either reciprocating (spiral wear track) or rotating (crater-like wear track) or stationary (circular wear track) upper pin or ball (from 1 to 25 mm) on an either rotating or stationary disc (up to 150 mm),引脚/球盘有任何往复(螺旋磨痕)或旋转(火山口状磨痕)或固定(圆形磨痕)上引脚或球(从1到25毫米)的一个非此即彼旋转或固定光盘(最多为150毫米) ,

Disc/ring-on-ring/disc with both or one of the disc/ring rotating,光盘/环上环/光盘双方或其中一个光盘/环旋转,

Pin/ball-on-plate with an either reciprocating or rotating or stationary upper pin/ball (from 1 to 25 mm) on an either linearly-reciprocating or stationary plate (up to 150 mm),引脚/球上板的一个非此即彼往复式或旋转或静止上引脚/球(从1到25毫米)的一个非此即彼的线性往复或固定板(高达150毫米) ,

Flat-on-flat with self-aligning specimen holders and at least one of them linearly-reciprocating; when both of them are linearly reciprocating in perpendicular axes, a controlled ratio of their frequencies allows for either circular (ratio of 1) or butterfly-wings (ratio of 2) or other programmable wear track patterns,平面上的平面与自我调整标本持有人,至少其中之一线性往复;当他们两人都是在垂直线性往复轴,控制率的频率允许任何通知(比例为1 )或蝴蝶翅膀(比2 )或其他可编程磨痕形态,

Block-on-ring/wheel with a rotating ring/wheel/bearing/seal (including standard Timken and Falex rings) and either stationary or sliding block or plate: Block-on-ring/wheel用旋转环/轮/轴承/密封(包括标准Timken和Falex环)和任何固定或滑动块或板:
Seal Durability Test | PDF file, 213 Kb 密封耐久性试验 | PDF文件, 213 kb的

Cylinder-on-cylinder, with either one or both of them rotating and one of them sliding on the other at the programmable angle from 0 (parallel axes) to 90 degree (perpendicular axes),缸上缸,与其中一个或两个人轮流担任,其中一个滑动的其他在可编程角从0 (平行轴) ,以90度(垂直轴) ,

Screw-in-nut or drill-in-hole, with either screw/drill or nut/hole rotating and either the same or other specimen moving in and out of the thread/hole:螺旋螺母或钻探孔,无论螺钉/演习或螺母/黑洞旋转,并可以在同一或其他标本移动进出线程/孔:

Tribology Testing of Fasteners: Optimization of Materials | PDF file, 318 Kb 摩擦学测试紧固件:优化材料 | PDF文件, 318 kb的

Numerous tests of fuels, oils, greases and solid lubricants:许多试验燃料,油料,油脂和固体润滑剂:
Paper at World Tribology Congress on Oil Testing (PDF) 纸在世界石油大会的摩擦学测试( PDF格式)
Lubricating Properties of Oils | PDF 润滑性能的油 | PDF格式

Numerous tests of coatings:许多试验涂料:
Multi-Sensor Testing of Thin and Thick Coatings for Adhesion and Delamination | PDF file, 59 Kb 多传感器检测薄膜和厚膜涂料的附着力和分层 | PDF档案, 59 kb的

In all these and numerous other tests, the UMT can perform an automated synchronized control of several specimen motions with linear speeds from 0.1 micron/s to 30 m/s (7 orders of magnitude!) and angular speeds ranging from 0.001 to 7,000 rpm, under the precision loads from 1 ?N to 1 kN (9 orders of magnitude!). In these unprecedented wide ranges, the UMT can automatically monitor a number of process parameters in-situ with a high sampling rate:在所有这些以及许多其他的测试中,城市轨道交通可以执行自动同步控制的几个标本的议案线性速度从0.1微米/秒至30米/秒( 7个数量级! )和角速率范围从0.001到7000转,负载下的精度从1 ? N至1千牛顿( 9个数量级! ) 。在这些前所未有的广泛的范围内,可以自动监测城市轨道交通的一些工艺参数原位高采样率:

Normal load (servo-controlled, constant or changing, eg, sinusoidal),正常负荷(伺服控制,不断地或改变,如正弦波) ,

Friction force, torque and coefficient (static and dynamic),摩擦力,扭矩和系数(静态和动态)

Wear depth and rate,磨损深度和速度,

Contact high-frequency acoustic emission,联系高频率声发射,

Electrical contact resistance,电气接触电阻,

Temperature and humidity.温度和湿度。

The above tests can be performed in optional controlled environmental conditions, including temperature from -25C to 1,000 C, humidity from 5 to 95 %RH, various gases, vacuum (to 10E-6 torr).在上述的测试可在任择控制环境条件,包括温度, 25 ℃至1000 ç ,湿度5日至95 %相对湿度,各种气体,真空(以10E条6子) 。

For more detailed descriptions and information please click the link below:如需更详细的说明和资料,请点击以下链接:

UMT Main | PDF 城市轨道交通主要 | PDF格式

For some of the archival-quality test results obtained by scientists all over the world on the UMT testers, please follow the links below.对于其中的一些档案,质量检测结果的科学家在世界各地的城市轨道交通测试,请按照下面的链接。

Published Papers 发表论文


Contact CETR to discuss your testing needs in detail, for more information and pricing or to set up an appointment to visit our lab in Northern California. 联系CETR讨论您的测试需求的详细分析,以获取更多信息和价格,或设立一个任命访问我们的实验室在北加州。 You will surely be pleased with our wide expertise, unique equipment and friendly effective services.您一定会感到高兴,我们广泛的专业知识,独特的设备和友好的有效服务。

Copyright © 2006-2009 Center for Tribology Inc. Website design by LunaGraphica版权所有© 2006-2009中心摩擦学公司网站设计的LunaGraphica 



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