

型号: Manual MicroStage-BX
产地: 美国
品牌: MCL关注纳米
关注展位 全部仪器
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  • 25mm total motion on XY axes

  • Manual micrometer position adjustment

  • 1 μm vernier scales

  • Integrated, continuous position locking

  • Fits Olympus BX upright microscopes

  • Highly stable

Typical Applications
  • Coarse positioning for high resolution nanopositioning stages

  • Direct replacement for standard, nonlocking microscopy stages

micropositioning stage with manual micrometers for Olympus BX upright microscope

Product Description

The Manual MicroStage-BX fits onto Olympus upright BX microscopes and uses manual micrometers to control XY motion. Total XY range of motion is 25mm. Continuous internal position locking combined with excellent stability makes this stage an ideal base for Mad City Labs' high resolution nanopositioning stages. Standard, non-locking, manual microscope stages suffer from position drift if used as a coarse positioner for a fast moving nanopositioning stage. Constructed from anodized aluminum, the Manual MicroStage-BX has a specialized mounting arrangement which mates directly with the Olympus BX Series microscopes (see picture above). No additional hardware or brackets are necessary. 

For inverted microscopes, see the Manual MicroStage Series, which includes stages that are compatible with the following inverted microscopes: Olympus IX/IX2 Series, Nikon TE2000/Ti Series, Leica DMI Series, and Zeiss Axiovert/Axio Observer Series. Manual MicroStages designed to fit other setups, including direct mounting to optical tables, may also be requested. For extended XY motion (to 50mm) combined with a design that allows microscope objective nosepiece rotation on inverted microscopes, see the Manual MicroStage-LT Series.

Technical Specifications

Axes of MotionXY
Range of motion (XY)
25 mm
Graduation10 μm
Vernier graduations1 μm
Body MaterialAluminum

Additional Information

Manual MicroStage-BX Series Drawing
drawing of micropositioning stage with manual micrometers for Olympus BX upright microscope
Manual MicroStage-BX Catalog Pages
catalog pages for micropositioning stage with manual micrometers for Olympus BX upright microscope

Related Products

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  • Accessories

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相关仪器 更多


北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供MCL关注纳米MCL微定位位移台BXManual MicroStage-BX,MCL关注纳米Manual MicroStage-BX产地为美国,属于位移台,除了MCL微定位位移台BX的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供美国MCL Mad-Deck 三维集成微定位平台,欧兰科技客服电话400-860-5168转1446,售前、售后均可联系。
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