LaVision 汽车玻璃空间频率响应(SFR)检测系统
LaVision 汽车玻璃空间频率响应(SFR)检测系统
LaVision 汽车玻璃空间频率响应(SFR)检测系统

LaVision 汽车玻璃空间频率响应(SFR)检测系统

型号: Glass-SFR
产地: 德国
品牌: LaVision GmbH
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Automotive Imaging for Safer Driving

The Automotive Imaging system provides comprehensive measurements with highest precision for safer automotive driving. Diopter measurements as well as ADAS image analysis are carried out with just the same hard- and software tools.

For diopter measurements the inspected windshield is placed in front of a high-resolution digital camera recording images of a calibration pattern displayed on a wide-screen monitor behind the windshield. The measured displacement field of the pattern through the windshield yields directly the diopter map. The field of view is freely selectable changing the camera position and can cover the whole windscreen or smaller segments like the ADAS viewport. Fully automated diopter measurements are carried out on car glass test benches as well as inspecting already installed windscreens from inside of the car.

Product Information


The same imaging system quantifies the image quality of the ADAS camera performance in terms of the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), image contrast and relative brightness (transmission). Other image quality indicators like secondary-image separation according to ECE R43 can be added to the test sequence as well.

Diopter map of driver’s view
MTF contrast map of ADAS camera system with a plastic foil covering the right image side

System Features
  • multi-functional Automotive Imaging system: diopter maps and ADAS image quality testing

  • ADAS image quality: 2D MTF analysis, image contrast and brightness

  • flexible use: on optical test bench or from inside of the car

  • original ADAS image performance tests using onboard camera

  • simple system setup, fully automated operation

  • fast image recording for dynamic measurements

System Benefits
  • testing the complete imaging chain for safer driving

  • root cause analysis to localize weak points in imaging system

  • shorter R&D times, faster and efficient prototyping

  • real ADAS test conditions for autonomous driving

Multiple Test Scenarios

Test bench configuration

Testing installed windshields Using onboard ADAS camera

北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供LaVision GmbHLaVision 汽车玻璃空间频率响应(SFR)检测系统Glass-SFR,LaVision GmbHGlass-SFR产地为德国,属于进口CMOS相机,除了LaVision 汽车玻璃空间频率响应(SFR)检测系统的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多CMOS相机,欧兰科技客服电话400-860-5168转1446,售前、售后均可联系。


北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供LaVision GmbHLaVision 汽车玻璃空间频率响应(SFR)检测系统Glass-SFR,LaVision GmbHGlass-SFR产地为德国,属于进口CMOS相机,除了LaVision 汽车玻璃空间频率响应(SFR)检测系统的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供更多CMOS相机,欧兰科技客服电话400-860-5168转1446,售前、售后均可联系。
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