LaVision 标定板
LaVision 标定板
LaVision 标定板
LaVision 标定板
LaVision 标定板

LaVision 标定板

型号: Calibration Plates
产地: 德国
品牌: LaVision GmbH
关注展位 全部仪器
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Calibration Plates


3D Calibration Plate

The basis for accurate multi-dimensional strain experiments is a precise calibration of the two (or more) cameras. LaVision employs a fully empirical calibration method, which does not involve measuring physical angles or distances. It has been proven to be highly accurate and reliable. 
For the calibration of stereoscopic camera systems LaVision provides 3D Calibration Plates with defined separation of the calibration planes and mark spacing.

In contrast to widely used single-sided calibration targets movement of the plate through the volume or taking several views is typically not required. In the most cases taking a single image from the 0-plane position of the specimen is sufficient to calibrate the entire volume. This option is very useful if there is not enough space available to move a calibration plate to different positions or if there is simply no access (e. g. in a closed heating chamber).
  • high precision dot pattern

  • two-level double-sided pattern suitable for simultaneous calibration from opposite sides

  • fiducials for automatic mark search identifying front and back side automatically

  • screw thread on border for easy mounting


Single-sided Single Plane (SSSP) Calibration Plate

The Single-sided Single Plane (SSSP) Calibration Plate is a widely used tool for calibrating 2D and 3D DIC setups. The calibration procedure when using this type of plate utilises several views of the plate at different positions and orientations within the depth of focus of the system. Marks are automatically detected, and all detected marks provide information which is used in the bundle adjustment calibration algorithm. During this live calibration procedure, the intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are calculated.

An additional feature of the plates are printed speckle patterns on the rear side, allowing the user to perform rigid body shift (0% strain) tests to quantify the uncertainty within the system.

  • suitable for calibration of 2D and 3D StrainMaster DIC systems

  • high precision dot pattern with three fiducials for orientation detection

  • lightweight and easy to handle

  • plates are provided with printed speckle pattern on the back side for 0 strain test according to VDI standard 2626


Micro Calibration Plates

These Micro Calibration Plates can be used for calibration purposes for μDIC StrainMaster systems with small scale fields of views (FoV).
There are various types of plates available with several targets of different dot diameters and distances.


  • glass substrate with protective coating

  • orange glass substrate- orange fluorescence when excited with green light

Product Information

北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供LaVision GmbHLaVision 标定板Calibration Plates,LaVision GmbHCalibration Plates产地为德国,属于其它无损设备,除了LaVision 标定板的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供LaVision 紧凑型全场立体应变测试分析仪、LaVision StrainMaster DVC 体视全场应变测量系统、LaVision StrainMaster 形变应变成像测量系统,欧兰科技客服电话400-860-5168转1446,售前、售后均可联系。

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北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供LaVision GmbHLaVision 标定板Calibration Plates,LaVision GmbHCalibration Plates产地为德国,属于其它无损设备,除了LaVision 标定板的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供LaVision 紧凑型全场立体应变测试分析仪、LaVision StrainMaster DVC 体视全场应变测量系统、LaVision StrainMaster 形变应变成像测量系统,欧兰科技客服电话400-860-5168转1446,售前、售后均可联系。
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