

型号: PL10100
产地: 其他国家
品牌: Ekspla
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Laser micromachining as the material processing technology on small and very small scale is finding numerous real world applications. Together with the newest technologies diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) lasers are moving from research laboratories to production lines.
PL10100 – a picosecond high power and high pulse energy laser – from the very beginning is designed to be a versatile tool for variety of industrial material processing applications.
PL10100 is an OEM rugged compact laser with 10 W output power at 1064 nm. It features high pulse energy (up to 200 &micro;J), high beam quality (M&sup2; < 1.5) and a very high repetition rate (up to 100 kHz) of typically 10 ps pulses. Optional harmonics are available at 532, 355 and 266 nm.
PL10100 consists of diode-pumped mode-locked Nd:YVO4 oscillator, pulse picker and diode-pumped regenerative amplifier. The optical part is placed in a robust, precisely machined monolithic aluminum alloy block that can be used as a separate module for extremely compact OEM-solutions. The system is sealed and its output parameters remain stable in wide range of environmental conditions over a long period. Designed for hands-free operation, the PL10100 offers a maximum of reliability due to optimized layout, PC-controlled operation, a built-in self-diagnostics and advanced status reporting. A superior beam quality allows to easily focus the laser beam into the smallest spot size at various working distances and to reach laser fluences sufficient for processing of virtually any material.
PL10100 has been designed as a low-maintenance-costs solution. All replacements of consumables can be done at user facilities by trained technicians.


High pulse energy up to ~ 200 &micro;J
Up to 100 kHz repetition rate
Short pulse duration ~10 ps
High stability and excellent beam quality M2<1.5
10 W output power at 1064 nm
Reliable hands-free operation
Compact, sealed and rugged design
PC control and remote control keypad
Low maintenance costs
Single-phase mains electrical connection
No external cooling water

北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供EksplaPL10100工业级半导体泵浦皮秒激光器,EksplaPL10100产地为其他国家,属于激光产品,除了PL10100工业级半导体泵浦皮秒激光器的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供皮秒激光器、PL3140 皮秒Nd:YLF激光器、Ekspla SL330型SBS压缩皮秒激光器,欧兰科技客服电话400-860-5168转1446,售前、售后均可联系。

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北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供EksplaPL10100工业级半导体泵浦皮秒激光器,EksplaPL10100产地为其他国家,属于激光产品,除了PL10100工业级半导体泵浦皮秒激光器的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供皮秒激光器、PL3140 皮秒Nd:YLF激光器、Ekspla SL330型SBS压缩皮秒激光器,欧兰科技客服电话400-860-5168转1446,售前、售后均可联系。
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当前位置: 欧兰科技 仪器 PL10100工业级半导体泵浦皮秒激光器


