
2018/01/25   下载量: 6


应用领域 其他
检测样本 其他
参考标准 暂无

采用LaVision公司独特的充氦肥皂泡示踪颗粒做示踪粒子,在立方米尺度量级的体空间,采用5台高性能sCMOS相机做成像记录,利用最新一代的抖盒子分析技术(Shake the box)获得了空气对流场的3D3C速度矢量场结果。


We present results from two large-volume volumetric flow experiments. The first of these, investigating a thermal
plume at low velocities (up to 0.35 m/s) demonstrates the abilities and requirements to reach volume sizes up to
and probably beyond one cubic meter. It is shown that the use of Helium filled soap bubbles (HFSBs) as tracers,
combined with pulsed LED illumination yields high particle image quality over large volume depths. A very
uniform particle imaging, both in space as well as in time enables using high particle image concentrations (up to 0.1
ppp), while still being able to accurately reconstruct the flow using Shake-The-Box particle tracking.
The experiment consisted of time-resolved volumetric flow measurements of a convectional plume within a volume
of approx. 0.55 m3
(550 liters). The light yield needed for such a large scale measurement is realized by using HFSBs
with 300 ?m diameter as tracers and illuminating the measurement region using high-power, scalable arrays of
white LEDs. Applying the Shake-The-Box algorithm, up to 275,000 bubbles could be tracked simultaneously.
Interpolating the results on a regular grid (using ‘FlowFit’) reveals a multitude of flow structures. The setup can be
scaled to larger volumes of several cubic meters, basically only being limited by the number and power of available
LEDs and high-resolution cameras with sufficient frame-rate and pixel sizes.
A second experiment showcases the possibilities to reach higher flow velocities, while still measuring within a
comparatively large volume, by applying high-speed imaging and advanced LED illumination. An impinging
turbulent jet was investigated in volumes ranging from 13 to 47 liters, depending on the repetition rate of the camera
system. The results show that even at a repetition rate of 3.9 kHz and flow speeds up to 17 m/s the tested system
was able to deliver images that allowed for a reliable and accurate tracking of bubbles.

Again, the use of more LEDs would allow for larger volumes. New generations of high-speed cameras should
enable the use of even higher flow speeds – thus enabling large-volume measurements in typical low speed wind
tunnel experiments at high spatial resolution (provided enough HFSBs can be produced).

上一篇 在一个双稳湍流涡旋火焰中,对间歇性动态的时间-频率定位
下一篇 柴油引擎环境下,燃料注入喷嘴结构对JP-8喷雾性能的影响


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当前位置: 欧兰科技 方案 立方米量级高分辨3D流场测量


