
2019/08/19   下载量: 0


应用领域 其他
检测样本 其他
参考标准 暂无

采用美国Artium 公司的PDI-200MD型相位多普勒粒子干涉仪,测量了水喷雾中的液滴粒径和速度等参数。研究了水喷雾对多“细胞”结构常规爆轰的影响。


    Detonation propagation in heterogeneous media has been an old topic interesting researchers for both propulsion improvements and hazards prevention ([1], [2]). In this large context, a more specific topic has been investigated by Thomas et al. ([3], [4]) where they highlighted conditions to mitigate detonations and deflagrations propagating in hydrocarbon-air atmospheres with water spray having large droplets (greater than 100 um). These studies revealed the strong influence of small droplets (lower than 30 um) in quenching a detonation and a deflagration, and defined that a detonation quenching is obtained with velocity deficits up to 10 % of the theoretical detonation velocity in a dry atmosphere.
    Furthermore, recent numerical ([5]) and experimental works ([6], [7]) confirmed the role of fine sprays in dampening a detonation. In [7] the authors also showed the strong influence of a spray with 10 um droplets in enlarging cellular structures and thus slowing down the kinetic processes, without significantly impacting the detonation velocity propagation and the pressure profiles observed downstream of the detonation front.
    To follow the previous works, this paper presents preliminary results dealing with a detonation propagation in C2H4+3O2+ZAr, for an equivalence ratio  ranging from 0.8 to 1.1, with an argon dilution Z = 28 which refers to a 90 % dilution in mass, with a fine water spray reaching an apparent density of approximately 130 g=m^3. Pressure results, detonation velocities, cellular structures have been recorded and are analyzed, along with a spray characterization. As the previous study [7] describes the experimental apparatus involved in these experiments and gathers results of ethylene-air detonation diluted with the same water
spray (approximately same mass fraction, arithmetic and Sauter mean diameter), only a brief description of the set-up is recalled. The numerous experimental results will then be compared with this work: detonation velocity analysis, cellular structure and pressure analysis. Conclusions are drawn afterwards.

上一篇 在一个双稳湍流涡旋火焰中,对间歇性动态的时间-频率定位
下一篇 人工膜肺的研制


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当前位置: 欧兰科技 方案 水喷雾对多“细胞”结构常规爆轰的影响


