
供货周期: 一周
品牌: IBL
规格: 96T/48T
货号: Ra-20413
CAS号: 此产品无CAS号
关注展位 全部试剂

Ra-20413 大鼠FMS样酪氨酸激酶3配体(Flt3L)ELISA试剂盒 ,brand name: Rat FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand,Flt-3L ELISA Kit ,规格:96T/48T,别名: 大鼠FMS样酪氨酸激酶3配体(Flt3L)ELISA检测试剂盒, 大鼠FMS样酪氨酸激酶3配体(Flt3L)检测试剂盒







4)购买大鼠FMS样酪氨酸激酶3配体(Flt3L)ELISA试剂盒30000ipad mini一台;


EIA(B002)-024831 人抗血小板抗体IgM(PA-IgM)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human platelet antibodies IgG/M/A,PA-IgG/M/A ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.188ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.313-20ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024832 人抗眼肌抗体(EMAb)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human eye muscle antibody,EMAb ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 1.875ng/mL ,检测范围: 3.125-200ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024833 人抗眼肌抗体(EMAb)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human eye muscle antibody,EMAb ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024834 人抗眼肌抗体(EMAb)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: EMAb ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024835 人抗眼肌抗体(EMAb)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: EMAb ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024836 人抗氧化低密度脂蛋白抗体(OLAb)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human OLAb ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024837 人抗药蛋白(SRI)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human SRI ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024838 人抗胰蛋白酶(AT)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human Anti-trypsin,AT ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024839 人抗胰蛋白酶(AT)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human Anti-trypsin,AT ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.375ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.625-40ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024840 人抗胰岛素受体抗体(AIRA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-insulin receptor antibody,AIRA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75pg/mL ,检测范围: 31.25-2000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024841 人抗胰岛素受体抗体(AIRA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-insulin receptor antibody,AIRA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.563mIU/mL ,检测范围: 0.938-60mIU/mL

EIA(B002)-024842 人抗胰岛素受体抗体(AIRA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: AIRA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024843 人抗乙酸胆碱受体抗体(Anti-AChR)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human Anti-AChR ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 3.75ng/mL ,检测范围: 6.25-400ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024844 人抗乙酰胆碱受体抗体(AChRab)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human AChRab ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024845 人抗乙酰胆碱受体抗体(Anti-AChR)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human Anti-AChR (Anti-Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.938ng/mL ,检测范围: 1.563-100ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024846 人抗乙酰胆碱受体抗体(Anti-AChR)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Anti-AChR ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75pg/mL ,检测范围: 31.25-2000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024847 人抗乙酰胆碱受体抗体(Anti-AChR)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human Anti-AChR (Anti-Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.563ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.938-60ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024848 人抗乙型肝炎病毒e抗体(HBeAb)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-hepatitis B virus e antibody,HBeAb ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.938ng/mL ,检测范围: 1.563-100ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024849 人抗乙型肝炎病毒e抗体(HBeAb)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-hepatitis B virus e antibody,HBeAb ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75pg/mL ,检测范围: 31.25-2000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024850 人抗乙型肝炎病毒表面抗体(HBsAb)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-hepatitis B virus surface antibody,HBsAb ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0pg/mL ,检测范围: 0pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024851 人抗乙型肝炎病毒表面抗体(HBsAb)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-hepatitis B virus surface antibody,HBsAb ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 1.875ng/mL ,检测范围: 3.125-200ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024852 人抗乙型肝炎病毒核心IgM抗体(HBcAb-IgM)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-hepatitis B virus core IgM,HBc-IgM antibody ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.938ng/mL ,检测范围: 1.563-100ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024853 人抗乙型肝炎病毒核心抗体(HBcAb)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-hepatitis B virus core antibody,HBcAb ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024854 人抗乙型肝炎病毒核心抗体(HBcAb)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-hepatitis B virus core antibody,HBcAb ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.844pg/mL ,检测范围: 1.406-90pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024855 人抗硬皮病抗体70(SCL70)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-scl70 antibody,SCL70/topoⅠELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.938ng/mL ,检测范围: 1.563-100ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024856 人抗硬皮病抗体70(SCL70/topo)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: SCL70/topo ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0pg/mL ,检测范围: 0pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024857 人抗硬皮病抗体70(SCL70/topoⅠ)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-scl70 antibody,SCL70/topoⅠELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75ng/mL ,检测范围: 31.25-2000ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024858 人抗硬皮病抗体70(topoⅠ)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-scl70 antibody,SCL70/topoⅠELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.188ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.313-20ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024859 人抗原肽转运蛋白1(TAP1)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human TAP1 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.234ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.391-25ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024860 人抗原提呈关联转运蛋白(TAP)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human TAP ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0pg/mL ,检测范围: 0pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024861 人抗原提呈相关转运蛋白(TAP)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human transporter associated with antigen processing,TAP ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0pg/mL ,检测范围: 0pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024862 人抗原提呈相关转运蛋白(TAP)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human TAP (Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 75pg/mL ,检测范围: 125-8000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024863 人抗原提呈相关转运蛋白(TAP)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human TAP (Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 9.375pg/mL ,检测范围: 15.625-1000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024864 人抗原提呈相关转运蛋白/T细胞活化蛋白(TAP)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human transporter associated with antigen processing,TAP ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0pg/mL ,检测范围: 0pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024865 人抗载脂蛋白A1抗体(Apo A1-Ab)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human Apo A1-Ab (Anti-Apolipoprotein A1 Antibody) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 37.5pg/mL ,检测范围: 62.5-4000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024866 人抗载脂蛋白A1抗体(ApoA1-Ab)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human Apo A1-Ab (Anti-Apolipoprotein A1 Antibody) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 75pg/mL ,检测范围: 125-8000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024867 人抗载脂蛋白抗体(AAHA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human AAHA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.938ng/mL ,检测范围: 1.563-100ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024868 人抗载脂蛋白抗体(AAHA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: AAHA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 46.875pg/mL ,检测范围: 78.125-5000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024869 人抗载脂蛋白抗体A1(Apo A1)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-apolipoprotein A1 antibody,Apo A1 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 9.375pg/mL ,检测范围: 15.625-1000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024870 人抗载脂蛋白抗体A1(ApoA1)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: ApoA1 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 9.375pg/mL ,检测范围: 15.625-1000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024871 人抗载脂蛋白抗体A1(ApoA1)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-apolipoprotein A1 antibody,Apo A1 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 9.375pg/mL ,检测范围: 15.625-1000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024872 人抗增生抗体靶分子1(TAPA1)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human TAPA1 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 28.125pg/mL ,检测范围: 46.875-3000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024873 人抗增殖细胞核抗原抗体(PCNA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human prolifeRating cell nuclear antigen antibody,PCNA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024874 人抗增殖细胞核抗原抗体(PCNA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human prolifeRating cell nuclear antigen antibody,PCNA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 75pg/mL ,检测范围: 125-8000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024875 人抗着丝点抗体(ACA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human Anticentromere Antibody,ACA/CENP ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.469ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.781-50ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024876 人抗着丝点抗体(ACA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: ACA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024877 人抗着丝点抗体(ACA/CENP)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human Anticentromere Antibody,ACA/CENP ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 56.25pg/mL ,检测范围: 93.75-6000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024878 人抗着丝点抗体(CENP)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human Anticentromere Antibody,ACA/CENP ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0pg/mL ,检测范围: 0pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024879 人抗中性粒(ACA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-centrol and centrosome antibody,ACA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75pg/ml ,检测范围: 31.25-2000pg/ml

EIA(B002)-024880 人抗中性粒/中心体抗体(ACA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-centrol and centrosome antibody,ACA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 2.8130000000000002ng/mL ,检测范围: 4.6879999999999997-300ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024881 人抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体(cANCA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody,cANCA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.93799999999999994ng/mL ,检测范围: 1.5629999999999999-100ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024882 人抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体(cANCA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody,cANCA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 9.375pg/mL ,检测范围: 15.625-1000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024883 人抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体(CANCA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: CANCA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.375ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.625-40ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024884 人抗中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶抗体(ANEA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human ANEA (Anti-Neutrophil Elastase Antibody) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 9.375pg/mL ,检测范围: 15.625-1000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024885 人抗中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶抗体(ANEA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: ANEA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024886 人抗中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶抗体(ANEA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human ANEA (Anti-Neutrophil Elastase Antibody) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 4.6879999999999997ng/mL ,检测范围: 7.8129999999999997-500ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024887 人抗中性粒细胞核周抗体(pANCA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human Perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody,pANCA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.188ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.313-20ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024888 人抗中性粒细胞核周抗体(pANCA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human Perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody,pANCA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75pg/mL ,检测范围: 31.25-2000pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024889 人抗中性粒细胞核周抗体(PANCA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: PANCA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B002)-024890 人抗中性粒细胞抗体(ANA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-neutrophil antibody,ANA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0pg/mL ,检测范围: 0pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024891 人抗中性粒细胞抗体(ANA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human anti-neutrophil antibody,ANA ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0pg/mL ,检测范围: 0pg/mL

EIA(B002)-024892 人抗中性粒细胞颗粒抗体(ANEA)检测试剂盒 ,Products name: Human ANEA ELISA Kit 大鼠FMS样酪氨酸激酶3配体(Flt3L)ELISA试剂盒,灵敏度: 0pg/mL ,检测范围: 0pg/mL


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当前位置: 弘顺生物 试剂 大鼠FMS样酪氨酸激酶3配体(Flt3L)ELISA试剂盒


