
供货周期: 一周
品牌: Alpco
规格: 37人份(48T)/85人份(96T)
货号: Hu-50701
CAS号: 此类产品无CAS号
关注展位 全部试剂

Hu-50701 Ⅲ型纤连蛋白域蛋白5(FNDC5)ELISA检测试剂盒 ,Other name: FNDC5 ELISA Kit ,Name: Human FNDC5 (Fibronectin Type III Domain Containing Protein 5) ELISA Kit








ELK0863c 猴碱性唾液脯氨酸丰富蛋白1(PRB1)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey PRB1 (Basic Salivary Proline Rich Protein 1) ELISA Kit

ELK0864c 猴BH3结构域凋亡诱导蛋白(Bid)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey Bid (BH3 Interacting Domain Death Agonist) ELISA Kit 

ELK0867c 猴磷酸肌醇-3-激酶(PI3K)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey PI3K (Phosphoinositide-3-Kinase) ELISA Kit

ELK0868c 猴Smad同源物4 (Smad4/MADH4)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey Smad4/MADH4 (Mothers Against Decapentaplegic Homolog 4 )ELISA Kit

ELK0869c 猴α1微球蛋白/bikunin前体(AMBP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey AMBP (Alpha-1-Microglobulin/Bikunin Precursor) ELISA Kit

ELK0870c 猴瘦素受体(LEPR)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey LEPR (Leptin Receptor) ELISA Kit

ELK0871c 猴淋巴细胞抗原6复合物基因座A(Ly6a)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey Ly6a (Lymphocyte Antigen 6 Complex Locus A) ELISA Kit

ELK0874c 猴血管性血友病因子(VWF)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey VWF (Von Willebrand Factor) ELISA Kit

ELK0875c 猴前列腺素E受体2(EP2)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey EP2 (Prostaglandin E Receptor 2 ) ELISA Kit  

ELK0878c 猴突触体相关蛋白25(SAP25)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey SAP25 (Synaptosome Associated Protein 25) ELISA Kit

ELK0879c 猴基质金属蛋白酶8(MMP-8)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey MMP-8 (Matrix Metalloproteinase 8) ELISA Kit 

ELK0880c 猴血管舒缓激肽(BK)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒   Monkey BK (Bradykinin) ELISA Kit

ELK0881c 猴乙酰胆碱酯酶关联蛋白(ACHAP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒   Monkey ACHAP (Acetylcholinesterase Associated Protein) ELISA Kit

ELK0882c 猴甲状旁腺激素样蛋白(PLP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey PLP (Parathyroid Hormone-Like Protein) ELISA Kit

ELK0883c 猴丝氨酸蛋白酶1(PRSS1)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey PRSS1 (Protease, Serine, 1) ELISA Kit 

ELK0884c 猴山梨醇脱氢酶(SDH)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey SDH (Sorbitol Dehydrogenase) ELISA Kit

ELK0885c 猴前列腺素F2α(PGF2α)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey PGF2α (Prostaglandin F2α) ELISA Kit

ELK0886c 猴Rho家族GTP酶1(RND1)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey RND1 (Rho Family GTPase 1) ELISA Kit

ELK0887c 猴抗原提呈相关转运蛋白(TAP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey TAP (Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing) ELISA Kit

ELK0888c 猴去甲肾上腺素(NA/NE)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey NA/NE (Noradrenaline/Norepinephrine) ELISA Kit

ELK0889c 猴血小板生成素(TPO)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey TPO (Thrombopoietin) ELISA Kit 

ELK0890c 猴β位淀粉样前体蛋白裂解酶1(BACE1)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey BACE1 (Beta-site APP Cleaving Enzyme 1) ELISA Kit

ELK0891c 猴细胞色素C(Cyt-C)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey Cyt-C (Cytochrome C) ELISA Kit

ELK0892c 猴肺耐药蛋白(LRP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey LRP (Lung Resistance-Related Protein) ELISA Kit

ELK0893c 猴芳基硫酸酯酶B(ASB)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒   Monkey ASB (Arylsulfatase B) ELISA Kit

ELK0895c 猴抗中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶抗体(ANEA)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey ANEA (Anti-Neutrophil Elastase Antibody) ELISA Kit

ELK0896c 猴泛素蛋白连接酶E3成分N-识别蛋白4 (UBR4)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey UBR4 (Ubiquitin Protein Ligase E3 Component N-Recognin 4) ELISA Kit

ELK0897c 猴嗅素4(OLFM4)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey OLFM4 (Olfactomedin 4) ELISA Kit 

ELK0898c 猴纤溶酶-抗纤溶酶复合物(PAP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey PAP (Plasmin-Antiplasmin Complex) ELISA Kit

ELK0899c 猴结缔组织活化肽Ⅲ(CTAPⅢ)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒   Monkey CTAPIII (Connective Tissue Activating Peptide III) ELISA Kit

ELK0900c 猴三叶因子2(TFF2)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey TFF2 (Trefoil Factor 2) ELISA Kit 

ELK0901c 猴全细胞色素C合酶(HCCS)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey HCCS (Holocytochrome C Synthase) ELISA Kit 

ELK0902c 猴成纤维细胞生长因子受体4(FGFR4)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey FGFR4 (Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 4) ELISA Kit 

ELK0903c 猴基质Gla蛋白(MGP)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey MGP (Matrix Gla Protein) ELISA Kit

ELK0904c 猴补体1抑制因子(C1INH)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒   Monkey C1INH (Complement 1 Inhibitor) ELISA Kit

ELK0905c 猴胰高血糖素样肽1(GLP-1)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey GLP-1 (Glucagon Like Peptide 1) ELISA Kit

ELK0906c 猴肾损伤分子1(KIM-1)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey KIM-1 (Kidney Injury Molecule 1) ELISA Kit

ELK0907c 猴抗心磷脂抗体IgM(ACA-IgM)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey ACA-IgM (Anti-Cardiolipin Antibody IgM) ELISA Kit

ELK0908c 猴凝血因子ⅩⅢ(F13)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey F13 (Coagulation Factor ⅩⅢ) ELISA Kit

ELK0909c 猴神经型一氧化氮合酶(NOS1/nNOS)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey NOS1/nNOS (Nitric Oxide Synthase 1, Neuronal) ELISA Kit

ELK0910c 猴前列腺素内过氧化物合酶2(PTGS2/COX-2)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey PTGS2/COX-2 (Prostaglandin Endoperoxide Synthase 2) ELISA Kit 

ELK0911c 猴尿嘧啶核苷磷酸化酶2(UPP2)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey UPP2 (Uridine Phosphorylase 2) ELISA Kit

ELK0912c 猴G蛋白偶联受体37(GPR37)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey GPR37 (G Protein Coupled Receptor 37) ELISA Kit

ELK0913c 猴膀胱癌抗原(UBC)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey UBC (Urinary Bladder Cancer Antigen) ELISA Kit

ELK0914c 猴失调症蛋白质1(ATXN1)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey ATXN1 (Ataxin 1) ELISA Kit 

ELK0915c 猴XIII型胶原 (COL13)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey COL13 (Collagen Type XIII) ELISA Kit

ELK0916c 猴白介素4(IL-4)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey IL-4 (Interleukin 4) ELISA Kit

ELK0917c 猴白细胞分化抗原CD109(CD109)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey CD109 (Cluster of Differentiation 109) ELISA Kit 

ELK0918c 猴凝溶胶蛋白(GS)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey GS (Gelsolin) ELISA Kit

Ⅲ型纤连蛋白域蛋白5(FNDC5)ELISA检测试剂盒ELK0919c 猴细胞角蛋白20(CK20/KRT20)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey CK-20/KRT20 (Cytokeratin 20) ELISA Kit

ELK0920c 猴胞浆型磷脂酶A2(cPLA2)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey cPLA2 (Cytosolic Phospholipase A2) ELISA Kit

ELK0921c 猴C型凝集素结构域家族2成员C(CLEC2C)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒 Monkey CLEC2C (C-Type Lectin Domain Family 2 Member C) ELISA Kit 


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