
供货周期: 一周
品牌: Sigma-Aldrich
规格: 48/96孔
货号: Go-20015
CAS号: 此产品无CAS号
关注展位 全部试剂



















EIA(B004)-017426 人ATP酶(ATP)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human ATP ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75pg/mL ,检测范围: 31.25-2000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017427 人Attractin蛋白(ATRN)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human ATRN ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 9.375pg/mL ,检测范围: 15.625-1000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017428 人AT丰富结合域1A(ARID1A)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human ARID1A ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017429 人Axis抑制蛋白2(AXIN2)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human AXIN2 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 1.875ng/mL ,检测范围: 3.125-200ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017430 人Axotrophin蛋白(AXOT)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human AXOT ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.188ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.313-20ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017431 人A激酶PRKA锚定蛋白12(Akap12)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human Akap12 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 37.5pg/mL ,检测范围: 62.5-4000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017432 人A激酶PRKA锚定蛋白12(Akap12)ELISA Kit ,Products name: AKap12 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 9.375pg/mL ,检测范围: 15.625-1000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017433 人A组链球菌多糖抗原(ASPAg)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human ASP Ag ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 4.688pg/mL ,检测范围: 7.813-500pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017434 人A组链球菌菌壁多糖抗体(ASP)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human antibody to group A streptococcal polysaccharide,ASP ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75pg/mL ,检测范围: 31.25-2000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017435 人A组链球菌菌壁多糖抗体(ASP)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human antibody to group A streptococcal polysaccharide,ASP ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 9.375pg/mL ,检测范围: 15.625-1000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017436 人A组链球菌菌壁多糖抗体(ASP)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human ASP ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 9.375pg/mL ,检测范围: 15.625-1000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017437 人Bassoon蛋白(BSN)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BSN ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75pg/mL ,检测范围: 31.25-2000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017438 人Battenin蛋白(BTS)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BTS ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 14.063pg/mL ,检测范围: 23.438-1500pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017439 人BB抗体(BB-Ab)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BB-Ab ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.188ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.313-20ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017440 人Bcl2关联X蛋白(Bax)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human Bax ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 9.375pg/mL ,检测范围: 15.625-1000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017441 人Bcl2关联永生基因3(BAG3)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BAG3 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017442 人Bcl2拮抗/杀伤因子1(BAK1)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BAK1 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 37.5pg/mL ,检测范围: 62.5-4000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017443 人Bcl2同源拮抗剂1(BAK1)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BAK1 (Bcl2 Antagonist/Killer 1) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 37.5pg/mL ,检测范围: 62.5-4000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017444 人Bcl2同源拮抗剂1(BAK1)ELISA Kit ,Products name: BAK1 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 28.125pg/mL ,检测范围: 46.875-3000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017445 人Bcl2同源拮抗剂1(BAK1)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BAK1 (Bcl2 Antagonist/Killer 1) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 37.5pg/mL ,检测范围: 62.5-4000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017446 人Bcl-2相关X蛋白(BAX)ELISA Kit ,Products name: BAX ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.188ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.313-20ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017447 人Bcl-2相关X蛋白(BAX)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human Bcl-2 associated X protein, Bax ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0pg/mL ,检测范围: 0pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017448 人Bcl-2相关X蛋白(BAX)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human Bcl-2 associated X protein, Bax ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.188ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.313-20ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017449 人Bcl-2相关X蛋白(BAX)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BAX ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 2.344ng/mL ,检测范围: 3.906-250ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017450 人Bcl-2相关X蛋白(BAX)ELISA Kit ,Products name: BAX ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 46.875pg/mL ,检测范围: 78.125-5000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017451 人BCL2相关死亡促进因子(BAD)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BAD (Bcl2 Associated Death Promoter) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017452 人BCL2相关死亡促进因子(BAD)ELISA Kit ,Products name: BAD ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017453 人BCL2相关死亡促进因子(BAD)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BAD (Bcl2 Associated Death Promoter) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017454 人Bcl2相关髓细胞白血病序列1(MCL1)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human MCL1 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 1.875ng/mL ,检测范围: 3.125-200ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017455 人BCL2修饰因子(BMF)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BMF (Bcl-2 Modifying Factor) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.375ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.625-40ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017456 人BCL2修饰因子(BMF)ELISA Kit ,Products name: BMF ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017457 人BCL2修饰因子(BMF)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BMF (Bcl-2 Modifying Factor) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017458 人Bcl-2样蛋白1(BCL2L1)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BCL2L1 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017459 人Bcl-2样蛋白1(BCL2L1/BCL-X)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BCL2L1/BCL-X (Bcl-2 Like Protein 1/Bcl2 Associated X Protein) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.563mIU/mL ,检测范围: 0.938-60mIU/mL

EIA(B004)-017460 人Bcl-2样蛋白1(BCL2L1/BCL-X)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BCL2L1/BCL-X (Bcl-2 Like Protein 1/Bcl2 Associated X Protein) ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017461 人Bcl2样蛋白11(BCL2L11)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BCL2L11 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75pg/mL ,检测范围: 31.25-2000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017462 人BH3结构域凋亡诱导蛋白(Bid)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BH3 interacting domain death agonist,Bid ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.563ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.938-60ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017463 人BH3结构域凋亡诱导蛋白(Bid)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BH3 interacting domain death agonist,Bid ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017464 人BH3结构域凋亡诱导蛋白(Bid)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human Bid ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 3.75ng/mL ,检测范围: 6.25-400ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017465 人BH3相互作用域死亡激动剂(Bid)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human Bid ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.938ng/mL ,检测范围: 1.563-100ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017466 人BH3相互作用域死亡激动剂(Bid)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Bid ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75pg/mL ,检测范围: 31.25-2000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017467 人bikunin前体(AMBP)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human alpha-1-microglobulin/bikunin precursor,AMBP ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75pg/mL ,检测范围: 31.25-2000pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017468 人Biopyrrin蛋白(BPn)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BPn ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.938ng/mL ,检测范围: 1.563-100ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017469 人BMP激活素膜结合抑制因子同源物(BAMBI)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BAMBI ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 1.875ng/mL ,检测范围: 3.125-200ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017470 人BMP结合内皮调节因子(BMPER)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BMPER ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0pg/mL ,检测范围: 0pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017471 人BP180抗体(anti-BP180-Ab)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human anti-BP180-Ab ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.938ng/mL ,检测范围: 1.563-100ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017472 人BP180抗体(BP180-Ab)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BP180-Ab ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.844pg/mL ,检测范围: 1.406-90pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017473 人B-Raf原癌基因丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶(BRAF)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BRAF ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.094ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.156-10ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017474 人BTG3关联核蛋白(BANP)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BANP ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0.938ng/mL ,检测范围: 1.563-100ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017475 人B-黑色素瘤抗原(BAGE)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BAGE ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 0pg/mL ,检测范围: 0pg/mL

EIA(B004)-017476 人B-黑色素瘤抗原2(BAGE2)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BAGE2 ELISA Kit ,灵敏度: 18.75ng/mL ,检测范围: 31.25-2000ng/mL

EIA(B004)-017477 人B-黑色素瘤抗原3(BAGE3)ELISA Kit ,Products name: Human BAGE3 ELISA Kit 绵羊白介素1β检测试剂盒代测灵敏度: 0.188ng/mL ,检测范围: 0.313-20ng/mL


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