用汞灯365 nm测量氢溴酸右美沙芬的旋光

2019/12/22   下载量: 0


应用领域 制药/生物制药
检测样本 化药制剂
检测项目 理化性质>旋光度

Optical rotation of Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide in accordance with the U.S. Pharmacopeia, is requested to be measured at 325 nm, however there is no emission line of 325 nm available in the polarimeter using Na lamp or Hg lamp as light source. Therefore, for the measurement of optical rotation of Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide, a polarimeter with halogen lamp as a light source and interference filter (325 nm) has been usually used, but as shown in Fig. 1, the optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) spectrum, there is a very steep slope in the short wavelength range near 325 nm, where even a very small error in the wavelength of interference filter may cause a very large error in the optical rotation measurement, which will makes the accurate measurements very difficult. On the other hand, if the measurement by using 365nm is allowed, since no wavelength error is expected, the measurement of optical rotation can be implemented with much higher accuracy. In this experiment, Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide was measured using polarimeter with Hg lamp (365 nm), polarimeter with Halogen lamp and interference filter (325 nm) and polarimeter with ORD attachment.


Optical rotation of Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide in accordance with the U.S. Pharmacopeia, is requested to be measured at 325 nm, however there is no emission line of 325 nm available in the polarimeter using Na lamp or Hg lamp as light source. Therefore, for the measurement of optical rotation of Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide, a polarimeter with halogen lamp as a light source and interference filter (325 nm) has been usually used, but as shown in Fig. 1, the optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) spectrum, there is a very steep slope in the short wavelength range near 325 nm, where even a very small error in the wavelength of interference filter may cause a very large error in the optical rotation measurement, which will makes the accurate measurements very difficult. On the other hand, if the measurement by using 365nm is allowed, since no wavelength error is expected, the measurement of optical rotation can be implemented with much higher accuracy. In this experiment, Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide was measured using polarimeter with Hg lamp (365 nm), polarimeter with Halogen lamp and interference filter (325 nm) and polarimeter with ORD attachment.

上一篇 使用CD分析安非他命及其对映异构体
下一篇 蔗糖和薄荷醇的旋光测定


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当前位置: JASCO 方案 用汞灯365 nm测量氢溴酸右美沙芬的旋光


