
Analytica 2006--德祥再次获胜的战场

9月21日16:00,2006慕尼黑上海分析生化展(Analytica 2006)的大幕终于徐徐落下。这次盛会为中国分析仪器行业众多厂家、供应商、客户提供了更多的合作契机。


Analytica 2006--德祥再次获胜的战场screen.width-300)this.width=screen.width-300">
Analytica 2006--德祥再次获胜的战场screen.width-300)this.width=screen.width-300">
    德祥科技的长期友好合作伙伴:超临界流体专业品牌美国 Thar公司副总裁Mr. Todd Palcic,以高纯气体发生器著称的 英国Domnick Hunter公司总裁Mr.John Fyfe, 样品前处理专家德国Gerstel公司销售经理Bernd Wisend,及石化行业顶尖品牌Viscotek的销售经理Mr. Ali等15个供应商的高层领导均亲抵上海,参加展会,对Analytica 2006表现出了高度重视,同时,对德祥科技的不断发展壮大和市场开拓力度表示了肯定。德祥科技的新合作伙伴——有固体药物制剂专家之称的德国Pharmatest总裁及其夫人Mr. & Mrs. Faehler亦表示:与德祥合作将是一个双赢的方案,通过德祥广泛的销售网络和行业经验,我们相信德祥科技能够在较其它分销商更短的时间内扩大我们产品的市场占有率。德祥CEO余恩照则表示:与世界仪器领跑者合作,我们将领跑中国仪器。

Analytica 2006--德祥再次获胜的战场screen.width-300)this.width=screen.width-300">
Analytica 2006--德祥再次获胜的战场screen.width-300)this.width=screen.width-300">
    Analytica 2006再次证明了“德祥品牌”,德祥将与您携手共进,共创明天的辉煌。

Analytica China 2006 – a glorious field of Tegent Technology

Though the curtain of Analytica China 2006 has been rung done on Sep.21st, it leaves suppliers, distributors, and customers of analytical instrument industry extensive opportunities for further cooperation.
To attend such a glittering occasion, Tegent Technology, a leading provider of instrument industry in China invested considerable amount of labor and capital, and prosecuted a series of image promotion activities. Tegent exhibited quite a few precious Demo instruments, covering various fields of analytical instrument industry. In the exhibition, the reliable and effective operation, outstanding booth design, professional and energetic teams of Tegent successfully built the real “Tegent Brand”, which attracted several new suppliers to initiatively seek cooperation opportunity with it.
It was Tegent’s honor to have the presences of 15 foreign suppliers, which containing its old friends, new partners, as well as potential partners to support the exhibition. Specifically speaking, old friends of Tegent who attended Analytica China 2006 included: Mr. Todd Palcic – vice president of Thar Technology (USA), Mr. John Fyfe, Divisional Director of Domnick Hunter (UK), Mr. Bernd Wiesend, sales manager of Gerstel (Germany), and Mr. Ali Soleymannezhad, sales manager of Viscotek (USA), etc.  New partners of Tegent included: Mr. Faehler, CEO of Phamatest (Germany) and his wife Mrs. Faehler, Christian Apfel, Area Sales Manager Asia of Schott Instruments (Germany), and David Bell, sales manager of Mass Spec Solutions (UK), etc. Their presence not only showed their great attention to Analytica China 2006, but also expressed their certainty to the market deploitation ability of Tegent. In the exhibition, Mr. and Mrs. Faehler said: to cooperate with Tegent Technology will bring about mutual benefit; because of its broad sales network and rich experience, Tegent has the ability to increase the market share of Pharmatest products in a shorter time compared with other distributors. Stephen Yu, CEO of Tegent Technology also believes that: to work with leading brand of international instrument industry, Tegent will lead the way of instrument industry in China.  
Analytica China 2006 witnessed the “Tegent Brand” once again. Tegent is willing to build up a glorious tomorrow with all its suppliers and customers hand in hand.






9月21日16:00,2006慕尼黑上海分析生化展(Analytica 2006)的大幕终于徐徐落下。这次盛会为中国分析仪器行业众多厂家、供应商、客户提供了更多的合作契机。


Analytica 2006--德祥再次获胜的战场screen.width-300)this.width=screen.width-300">
Analytica 2006--德祥再次获胜的战场screen.width-300)this.width=screen.width-300">
    德祥科技的长期友好合作伙伴:超临界流体专业品牌美国 Thar公司副总裁Mr. Todd Palcic,以高纯气体发生器著称的 英国Domnick Hunter公司总裁Mr.John Fyfe, 样品前处理专家德国Gerstel公司销售经理Bernd Wisend,及石化行业顶尖品牌Viscotek的销售经理Mr. Ali等15个供应商的高层领导均亲抵上海,参加展会,对Analytica 2006表现出了高度重视,同时,对德祥科技的不断发展壮大和市场开拓力度表示了肯定。德祥科技的新合作伙伴——有固体药物制剂专家之称的德国Pharmatest总裁及其夫人Mr. & Mrs. Faehler亦表示:与德祥合作将是一个双赢的方案,通过德祥广泛的销售网络和行业经验,我们相信德祥科技能够在较其它分销商更短的时间内扩大我们产品的市场占有率。德祥CEO余恩照则表示:与世界仪器领跑者合作,我们将领跑中国仪器。

Analytica 2006--德祥再次获胜的战场screen.width-300)this.width=screen.width-300">
Analytica 2006--德祥再次获胜的战场screen.width-300)this.width=screen.width-300">
    Analytica 2006再次证明了“德祥品牌”,德祥将与您携手共进,共创明天的辉煌。

Analytica China 2006 – a glorious field of Tegent Technology

Though the curtain of Analytica China 2006 has been rung done on Sep.21st, it leaves suppliers, distributors, and customers of analytical instrument industry extensive opportunities for further cooperation.
To attend such a glittering occasion, Tegent Technology, a leading provider of instrument industry in China invested considerable amount of labor and capital, and prosecuted a series of image promotion activities. Tegent exhibited quite a few precious Demo instruments, covering various fields of analytical instrument industry. In the exhibition, the reliable and effective operation, outstanding booth design, professional and energetic teams of Tegent successfully built the real “Tegent Brand”, which attracted several new suppliers to initiatively seek cooperation opportunity with it.
It was Tegent’s honor to have the presences of 15 foreign suppliers, which containing its old friends, new partners, as well as potential partners to support the exhibition. Specifically speaking, old friends of Tegent who attended Analytica China 2006 included: Mr. Todd Palcic – vice president of Thar Technology (USA), Mr. John Fyfe, Divisional Director of Domnick Hunter (UK), Mr. Bernd Wiesend, sales manager of Gerstel (Germany), and Mr. Ali Soleymannezhad, sales manager of Viscotek (USA), etc.  New partners of Tegent included: Mr. Faehler, CEO of Phamatest (Germany) and his wife Mrs. Faehler, Christian Apfel, Area Sales Manager Asia of Schott Instruments (Germany), and David Bell, sales manager of Mass Spec Solutions (UK), etc. Their presence not only showed their great attention to Analytica China 2006, but also expressed their certainty to the market deploitation ability of Tegent. In the exhibition, Mr. and Mrs. Faehler said: to cooperate with Tegent Technology will bring about mutual benefit; because of its broad sales network and rich experience, Tegent has the ability to increase the market share of Pharmatest products in a shorter time compared with other distributors. Stephen Yu, CEO of Tegent Technology also believes that: to work with leading brand of international instrument industry, Tegent will lead the way of instrument industry in China.  
Analytica China 2006 witnessed the “Tegent Brand” once again. Tegent is willing to build up a glorious tomorrow with all its suppliers and customers hand in hand.