
中国NMR用户维权事件进展 布鲁克中国售后主管停职


  布鲁克总裁Falko Busse1月10日对维权委员主持人金长文教授上周五(1月4日)的公开信作出了回复,在信中主要对当前的情况提出了以下三点解决方案,并希望于1月底与维权委员会会面:


  2.建立特别工作组,并直接向Falko Busse本人汇报工作。工作组负责收集用户投诉,解决用户问题,以期对整体售后服务,服务报价,组织机构设置,商务流程等必要的方面做出改进意见,工作组将拜访客户分析不同的售后案例,并非常欢迎用户维权委员会对工作小组工作做出支持和反馈。



  1. 感谢Falko Busse总裁为调查和解决中国的服务问题所采取的行动。中国用户维权委员会共有80名成员,涵盖了中国所有的高场核磁共振谱仪所在单位,可以帮助提供必要的信息,以协助Michael Engelhardt博士在中国的工作开展和调查。

  2. 感谢Falko Busse总裁正视Bruker在中国区服务、定价、组织设置和业务流程等方面所存在的问题以及改变当前状况的意愿,维权委员会认为这对于整体解决Bruker服务问题至关重要。为了促进这一进程,委员会可以帮助在布鲁克特别工作组和中国核磁共振用户之间进行协调。同时,委员会成员愿意分享他们的建议,并将代表性的反馈以更有效的方式发送给Bruker。委员会还希望和Burker公司共同努力,在用户和公司管理团队之间建立一种长期、有效的沟通方式。

  3. 用户维权委员会正在建立一个核心工作组,由若干代表委员会成员组成,他们将直接与您的工作组就广大用户关切的问题、有效的建议进行沟通。

  以下是金长文教授(1月11日)以及Falko Busse(1月10日)公开回复信原文:

  Dear Dr. Falko Busse,

  Dear Bruker Corporate Management Team,

  Thank you for your reply, and we appreciate your actions towards investigating and resolving the service problems in China. In particular, we welcome your change of the personnel to take charge of the China support team for the meantime. Our committee, containing a total of 80 members and covering all high-field NMR spectrometers in China, can help provide necessary information to assist Dr. Michael Engelhardt with his work and investigation in China.

  We also appreciate your proposals in making changes regarding Bruker’s service offering, pricing, organizational set-up and business process, etc, which we do think is essential to resolve the Bruker service problems as a whole. To help facilitate the progress, our committee can coordinate direct communications between the Bruker task force and the Chinese NMR-users.

  In addition, our committee members can share with you their suggestions for more efficient ways of sending representative feedbacks to Bruker, and together we could figure out a way to set up a long-term, effective way of communication between the users and your management team.

  In the meantime, we are setting up a core working group consisting of a number of representative committee members, who will communicate directly with your task force regarding our concerns, suggestions and feedbacks.

  Finally, I am happy to meet you in person by the end of this month, and I expect that we will see some progress before our meeting.

  Yours sincerely,

  Prof. Changwen Jin, Ph.D.

  Chief Scientist, Beijing NMR Center,

  Peking University, Beijing, China


  Special Committee for NMR-users Affairs

  Chinese Society of Magnetic Resonance

  Dear Chairmen Prof. Changwen Jin,

  dear Spokesman Prof. Huiru Tang,

  dear members of the Special Committee for NMR-users Affairs, dear customers,

  I regret very much that direct communication between us seems to be obstructed at this time and that the in person meeting last week in Beijing with Dr. Kamlowski, our global Head of Service, was terminated after a relatively short duration. We have been working hard to understand your concerns and are somewhat disappointed that our first approach incl. the eight point action plan was not appreciated by the Committee representatives that were attending the meeting on your behalf.

  We continue to be convinced that having your support on specific feedback regarding service issues would allow us to develop more efficient improvement actions that would help us to address the problems faster and rebuild a positive customer experience of the NMR community in China in the long term.

  In the meantime we plan to follow through on our action plan are as follows:

  With immediate effect, the China support team will be managed ad interim by Dr. Michael Engelhardt (VP, Head of Center of Competence and 2nd level Support), who will work out of our Beijing office. Our Director of Field Service in China, Henry Xu, is suspended by Jan 7th from his current position for the duration of our investigation and analysis.

  A task force has been established reporting to me to work through all of the individual complaints, to address them, and also propose changes to our entire service offering, service pricing, organizational set-up and business process wherever necessary.

  The task force will, therefore, reach out to users and customers in order to analyze the different cases, and would very much appreciate your support and feedback in this investigation.

  We will work oout a concept for a new customer survey, and would very much appreciate to do that in alignment with the Special Committee. The objective is to capture representative feedback on service quality and customer satisfaction in order to have a performance baseline and understanding that is accepted by the community.

  I propose that Bruker updates this distribution on a regular base about the progress of the activities. However, as indicated earlier, we would also appreciate your direct feedback very much, which would enable us to learn and act faster. To this end, I would be happy to make myself available for a conference call or a personal meeting whenever helpful, e.g. on Monday 28th January, to review the outcome of our Taskforce activities in January and related next steps before Spring Festival.

  Yours sincerely,

  Falko Busse

  Dr. Falko Busse

  Group President Bruker BioSpin









  布鲁克总裁Falko Busse1月10日对维权委员主持人金长文教授上周五(1月4日)的公开信作出了回复,在信中主要对当前的情况提出了以下三点解决方案,并希望于1月底与维权委员会会面:


  2.建立特别工作组,并直接向Falko Busse本人汇报工作。工作组负责收集用户投诉,解决用户问题,以期对整体售后服务,服务报价,组织机构设置,商务流程等必要的方面做出改进意见,工作组将拜访客户分析不同的售后案例,并非常欢迎用户维权委员会对工作小组工作做出支持和反馈。



  1. 感谢Falko Busse总裁为调查和解决中国的服务问题所采取的行动。中国用户维权委员会共有80名成员,涵盖了中国所有的高场核磁共振谱仪所在单位,可以帮助提供必要的信息,以协助Michael Engelhardt博士在中国的工作开展和调查。

  2. 感谢Falko Busse总裁正视Bruker在中国区服务、定价、组织设置和业务流程等方面所存在的问题以及改变当前状况的意愿,维权委员会认为这对于整体解决Bruker服务问题至关重要。为了促进这一进程,委员会可以帮助在布鲁克特别工作组和中国核磁共振用户之间进行协调。同时,委员会成员愿意分享他们的建议,并将代表性的反馈以更有效的方式发送给Bruker。委员会还希望和Burker公司共同努力,在用户和公司管理团队之间建立一种长期、有效的沟通方式。

  3. 用户维权委员会正在建立一个核心工作组,由若干代表委员会成员组成,他们将直接与您的工作组就广大用户关切的问题、有效的建议进行沟通。

  以下是金长文教授(1月11日)以及Falko Busse(1月10日)公开回复信原文:

  Dear Dr. Falko Busse,

  Dear Bruker Corporate Management Team,

  Thank you for your reply, and we appreciate your actions towards investigating and resolving the service problems in China. In particular, we welcome your change of the personnel to take charge of the China support team for the meantime. Our committee, containing a total of 80 members and covering all high-field NMR spectrometers in China, can help provide necessary information to assist Dr. Michael Engelhardt with his work and investigation in China.

  We also appreciate your proposals in making changes regarding Bruker’s service offering, pricing, organizational set-up and business process, etc, which we do think is essential to resolve the Bruker service problems as a whole. To help facilitate the progress, our committee can coordinate direct communications between the Bruker task force and the Chinese NMR-users.

  In addition, our committee members can share with you their suggestions for more efficient ways of sending representative feedbacks to Bruker, and together we could figure out a way to set up a long-term, effective way of communication between the users and your management team.

  In the meantime, we are setting up a core working group consisting of a number of representative committee members, who will communicate directly with your task force regarding our concerns, suggestions and feedbacks.

  Finally, I am happy to meet you in person by the end of this month, and I expect that we will see some progress before our meeting.

  Yours sincerely,

  Prof. Changwen Jin, Ph.D.

  Chief Scientist, Beijing NMR Center,

  Peking University, Beijing, China


  Special Committee for NMR-users Affairs

  Chinese Society of Magnetic Resonance

  Dear Chairmen Prof. Changwen Jin,

  dear Spokesman Prof. Huiru Tang,

  dear members of the Special Committee for NMR-users Affairs, dear customers,

  I regret very much that direct communication between us seems to be obstructed at this time and that the in person meeting last week in Beijing with Dr. Kamlowski, our global Head of Service, was terminated after a relatively short duration. We have been working hard to understand your concerns and are somewhat disappointed that our first approach incl. the eight point action plan was not appreciated by the Committee representatives that were attending the meeting on your behalf.

  We continue to be convinced that having your support on specific feedback regarding service issues would allow us to develop more efficient improvement actions that would help us to address the problems faster and rebuild a positive customer experience of the NMR community in China in the long term.

  In the meantime we plan to follow through on our action plan are as follows:

  With immediate effect, the China support team will be managed ad interim by Dr. Michael Engelhardt (VP, Head of Center of Competence and 2nd level Support), who will work out of our Beijing office. Our Director of Field Service in China, Henry Xu, is suspended by Jan 7th from his current position for the duration of our investigation and analysis.

  A task force has been established reporting to me to work through all of the individual complaints, to address them, and also propose changes to our entire service offering, service pricing, organizational set-up and business process wherever necessary.

  The task force will, therefore, reach out to users and customers in order to analyze the different cases, and would very much appreciate your support and feedback in this investigation.

  We will work oout a concept for a new customer survey, and would very much appreciate to do that in alignment with the Special Committee. The objective is to capture representative feedback on service quality and customer satisfaction in order to have a performance baseline and understanding that is accepted by the community.

  I propose that Bruker updates this distribution on a regular base about the progress of the activities. However, as indicated earlier, we would also appreciate your direct feedback very much, which would enable us to learn and act faster. To this end, I would be happy to make myself available for a conference call or a personal meeting whenever helpful, e.g. on Monday 28th January, to review the outcome of our Taskforce activities in January and related next steps before Spring Festival.

  Yours sincerely,

  Falko Busse

  Dr. Falko Busse

  Group President Bruker BioSpin