
TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

导读:行业知名专家齐聚第三届 “药物及诊断试剂研发与质控——测量与标准,质量与安全(TD-MSQS 2020)” 国际研讨会。

2020年11月10-12日,中国计量科学研究院和国际计量局拟联合举办第三届 “药物及诊断试剂研发与质控——测量与标准,质量与安全(TD-MSQS 2020)” 国际研讨会,以期进一步促进该领域的学术交流和技术发展,提升企业的研发水平和产品质量。本次会议将在南京市政府的支持下,在江苏省南京市举行。以下为本次与会的部分嘉宾介绍。

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Christa M. COBBAERT

Professor of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine.

Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), Leiden, the Netherlands.

Christa Cobbaert is heading the Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Department at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) in Leiden, the Netherlands. Her scientific research is on medical test development and evaluation, with a major focus on standardization, for the sake of better patient outcome. Her work resulted in ~170 original publications and appointments on (inter)national positions because of her expertise on metrological traceability of test results.


TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Fouad ATOUF

Vice President of United States Pharmacopeia

Fouad Atouf is Vice President, Science—Global Biologics, for USP. He leads all scientific activities related to the development and maintenance of documentary and reference standards for biotherapeutics and advanced therapies. Prior to joining USP in 2006, his research at the U.S. National Institutes of Health focused on developing methods for the development of cell-based therapies for the treatment of diabetes. Dr. Atouf earned his Ph.D. in Cell Biology from the Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France.


TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Ian Young

Professor of Medicine Queen’s University Belfast,Chair of the Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM)

Ian Young is Professor of Medicine at Queen’s University Belfast, and Deputy Medical Director and Consultant Chemical Pathologist at Belfast Health and Social Care Trust.  In addition, he is Chief Scientific Advisor to the Department of Health, Northern Ireland, and Director of Research for Health and Social Care. His main clinical and research interests are in nutrition and lipid metabolism, particularly in relation to cardiovascular disease prevention and management of patients with complex lipid disorders. He is author of over 400 published research papers.  He is Past-President of the Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, UK, and Chair of the Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM). He Chair of the UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition.  He is Associate Editor for the journal Clinical Chemistry, and a member of the editorial boards of a number of other international journals.   

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍


Director of Chemistry Department, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures Pavillon de Breteuil (BIPM)

Dr. Robert Wielgosz is the Director of the Chemistry Department within the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) in Sèvres, France. He is responsible for the establishment, development and management of the BIPM program in Metrology in Chemistry, which includes international comparisons of chemical standards from National Metrology Institutes (NMIs), and capacity building programmes for Metrology for Accurate Patient Care, Safe Food and Feed and Clean Air. He is the Executive Secretary for the Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance; metrology in chemistry and biology (CCQM), which coordinates international comaprisons for NMIs, covering the fields of protein, nucleic acid, cells, organic, inorganic, electrochemical, gas and surface analysis. He is Executive Secreatry to the Joint Committee for Traceability and Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM), which develops and maintains an international database and review process for Reference Materials, Methods and Measurement Services for in vitro diagnostics. He represents the BIPM on the IUPAC Interdivisional Committee on Terminology, Nomenclature and Symbols (ICTNS), as well as ISO TC 212 for Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems. He is Deputy Chair of the UK National Measurement System’s Programme Expert Group (PEG) for Chemical and Biological Metrology and a member of the PEG for Energy and Environment Programme. Prior to establishing the Chemistry Department at the BIPM, he was a Senior Scientist at the National Physical Laboratory (UK). Dr. Wielgosz earned a M.A. in the Natural Sciences from Emmanuel College Cambridge University, and a Ph.D. in from the University of Bath, UK.   

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Xiang FANG

Director General, National Institute of Metrology (NIM), China

Mr. Fang Xiang is Director General and a research fellow of the National Institute of Metrology (NIM), China, and Chairperson (2019GA-2022GA) of Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP). Prior to his current position, he had served successively as Vice Director General of the former National Research Center for Certified Reference Materials (NRCCRM), Vice Director General of NIM and Division Director of Chemical Metrology and Analysis after NRCCRM merged into NIM in 2005, Vice Director General of China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS), Chief Engineer and then Vice Administrator of Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China (SAC). Meanwhile, he assumes the vice chairperson of Chinese Society of Metrology and Chinese Society of Mass Spectrometry. And he is one of the State Council Special Allowance Experts.

Mr. Fang Xiang has a long-term involvement in standardization, metrology and testing, and analytical instrument development and application. Being the member of national consultative committee for standardization and for new materials, he has been taking big part compiling national strategies of scientific and technological development for multiple times. He has also led a number of state-level research projects funded by  national research programs and the Natural Science Foundation of China. Due to his contribution to research on small mass spectrometer and ultratrace precision measurement technology and instrument, he was rewarded twice the National Prize for Science and Technology in 2010 and 2017 and published dozens of SCI theses and multiple PCTs.

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Hongmei Li

Director of Division of Chemical Metrology and Analytical Science, National Institute of Metrology (NIM), China

She is a committee member of CIPM/CCQM, committee member of ISO/REMCO, China’s National Representative of Analytical Chemistry Division (ACD), IUPAC, Chairperson of APMP Food Safety Focus Group (FSFG), etc. She also serves as an editor of Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Journal of Instrumental Analysis, reviewer of Analytical and Bio-analytical Chemistry, Chinese Chemical Letters.

Her team has made major breakthrough in: 1) the ultra-trace impurity identification and targeted removal techniques in high purity organic solvent, and realize industrial production; 2) the key technologies for separation and measurement of micro and trace impurities in pesticides, veterinary drugs and illicit drugs; 3) the separation and measurement techniques for diagnostic markers of major diseases (cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, tumors and diabetes mellitus) and for drugs with complex composition (monoclonal antibodies and heparin).

Also, in recent years, her group has won 2 second prize of National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology. She took part in the development of more than 150 national certified reference materials and over 10 national standards/ technical specifications, and has won 25 awards at provincial levels and above, led 10 national projects including the National Sci-Tech Support Plan and issued over 60 SCI/EI papers and 4 monographs.

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Baorong CHEN

Chief Analyst Director of Beijng KingMed Clinical Laboratory

Prof. Chen’s research area focuses on traceability and standardization of the value of Laboratory medicine, Laboratory diagnosis of endocrine genetic and metabolic disease. Her academic title include JCTLM WG2 & WG-TEP Member, IFCC WG-PE Member; IFCC WG-PE Member: Vice Chaimman of the Professional Committee of Laboratory Medicine for Capacity.

Prof. Chen is a member of the National Medical metrology technical Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the National Labeled Immunology Society, expert of Beijing Quality Control and Improvement Center; IS0 17025&15195 and IS015189 laboratory accreditation reviewers, editorial board member of Chinese Medical Journal, Chinese Clinical Laboratory Management Electronic Journal.

Prof. Chen participated in more than 20 scientific research projects, such as IFCC international Multi-center research, national 863, 11th five year plan, 13th five Year plan and national infrastructure construction projects, won 3 ministerial science and technology awards, 5 patents, formulated 25 standards, and compiled 8 monographs. She build the first medical reference laboratory in China on the JCTLM list. 

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Jinlan ZHANG

Professor of Institute of Materia Medica, PUMC & CAMS

Prof. Jinlan Zhang received her B.S. from Department of Pharmacy, Peking University Medical School, then M.S. and Ph.D. from the Institute of Materia Medica (IMM), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Since 2004, She has been a Senior Researcher and Principal Investigator at IMM. Prof. Zhang has more than 70 publications, and received several awards such as the Second Prize for Science & Technology Progress Award from the Chinese Ministry of Public Health in 1998 and so on. She was chosen to be in the 2009 New Century Talent Plan by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Her research interests include method development and standardization for active ingredients in TCM, metabolism of TCM, DMPKT of new drugs, and new method development on metabolomics and proteomics. 

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Renchao ZHENG

Professor of Zhejiang University of Technology

Zheng Renchao was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China, in 1980. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2007 at Zhejiang University of Technology. Dr. Zheng is presently the executive dean of graduate school and professor of College of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Zhejiang University of Technology. His research focuses on biocatalysis and applied microbiology. His researches are granted by Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of Zhejiang Province, National Nature Science Foundation of China and the Key Scientific and Technological Programs of Zhejiang Province. He has published more than 60 peer reviewed research papers. He is the major inventor of 26 Chinese patents, 1 US patent, 1 PCT patent, and won the 2nd Prize of the State Technological Invention Award.   

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Lihua ZHANG

Professor of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Professor Zhang obtained her Bachelor degree of science from Jinlin University in 1995. She pursued her Ph.D. study in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) under the direction of Prof. Yukui Zhang, Member of CAS, and obtained her Ph.D. degree in 2000. From 2001 to 2003, she carried out the postdoctoral research in Prof. Yoshinobu Baba’s group in Japan. Since April 2003, she has been working in DICP, CAS.

Her research interest is focused on the development of new materials, methods and platforms for qualitative and quantitative proteome analysis. Various sample preparation materials were synthesized, by which the detection sensitivity of target proteins in complex samples was improved by 2-3 orders of magnitude. Different immobilized enzymatic reactors were developed, by which the digestion time of proteins was shortened from over 10 hours to few seconds. Novel separation materials, including sub-2 micrometer core-shell particles and monoliths, were prepared, by which the high efficiency and high resolution separation of proteomic samples was achieved. Furthermore, new methods and integrated platforms for proteome qualification and quantification were proposed, by which the analysis accuracy, precision and throughput could be improved obviously. In 2004, she was selected to join “100 Talents Project” of CAS, and promoted to be a full professor in 2005. She won the second prize of National Natural Science Award (2012), and now is the editorial broad member of Proteomics, and Sci. Rep., and Editor of Anal. Bioanal. Chem. She published almost 200 SCI papers, and more than 30 patents were entitled   

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Xiaoli YANG

Director of Department of laboratory medicine, Third Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital

Yang Xiaoli, Ph.D., postgraduate instructor, Director of the Department of laboratory medicine of the Third Medical Center of PLA General Hospital and Director of the AIDS Confirmation Laboratory of armed police forces. Yang is the Chairman of the Armed Police Inspection Medicine Committee, the Standing Committee of the PLA Medical Inspection Committee, Director of the Chinese Medical Equipment Association, Deputy Secretary-General of the Inspection Medical Committee of the Chinese Hospital Association, and review expert for senior titles of the Armed Police Force Health Series. Her main research areas are molecular biology and immunology. She has published 59 articles, including 14 SCI papers.

She has presided over 2 national-level projects, won a second prize and a third prize for scientific and technological progress of the Armed Police Force, a third prize for military medical achievement, and was authorized three utility model patents, all of which are the first completer. Currently, she leads 1 national natural science research project, 2 national key R&D sub-projects, 2 military projects, and a total research funding of 6 million RMB. In 2012, he was hired as a postgraduate instructor of clinical laboratory diagnostics at Anhui Medical University, Jinzhou Medical University, and Armed Police Logistics College.     




TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍










2020年11月10-12日,中国计量科学研究院和国际计量局拟联合举办第三届 “药物及诊断试剂研发与质控——测量与标准,质量与安全(TD-MSQS 2020)” 国际研讨会,以期进一步促进该领域的学术交流和技术发展,提升企业的研发水平和产品质量。本次会议将在南京市政府的支持下,在江苏省南京市举行。以下为本次与会的部分嘉宾介绍。

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Christa M. COBBAERT

Professor of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine.

Department of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), Leiden, the Netherlands.

Christa Cobbaert is heading the Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine Department at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) in Leiden, the Netherlands. Her scientific research is on medical test development and evaluation, with a major focus on standardization, for the sake of better patient outcome. Her work resulted in ~170 original publications and appointments on (inter)national positions because of her expertise on metrological traceability of test results.


TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Fouad ATOUF

Vice President of United States Pharmacopeia

Fouad Atouf is Vice President, Science—Global Biologics, for USP. He leads all scientific activities related to the development and maintenance of documentary and reference standards for biotherapeutics and advanced therapies. Prior to joining USP in 2006, his research at the U.S. National Institutes of Health focused on developing methods for the development of cell-based therapies for the treatment of diabetes. Dr. Atouf earned his Ph.D. in Cell Biology from the Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France.


TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Ian Young

Professor of Medicine Queen’s University Belfast,Chair of the Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM)

Ian Young is Professor of Medicine at Queen’s University Belfast, and Deputy Medical Director and Consultant Chemical Pathologist at Belfast Health and Social Care Trust.  In addition, he is Chief Scientific Advisor to the Department of Health, Northern Ireland, and Director of Research for Health and Social Care. His main clinical and research interests are in nutrition and lipid metabolism, particularly in relation to cardiovascular disease prevention and management of patients with complex lipid disorders. He is author of over 400 published research papers.  He is Past-President of the Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, UK, and Chair of the Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM). He Chair of the UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition.  He is Associate Editor for the journal Clinical Chemistry, and a member of the editorial boards of a number of other international journals.   

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍


Director of Chemistry Department, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures Pavillon de Breteuil (BIPM)

Dr. Robert Wielgosz is the Director of the Chemistry Department within the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) in Sèvres, France. He is responsible for the establishment, development and management of the BIPM program in Metrology in Chemistry, which includes international comparisons of chemical standards from National Metrology Institutes (NMIs), and capacity building programmes for Metrology for Accurate Patient Care, Safe Food and Feed and Clean Air. He is the Executive Secretary for the Consultative Committee for Amount of Substance; metrology in chemistry and biology (CCQM), which coordinates international comaprisons for NMIs, covering the fields of protein, nucleic acid, cells, organic, inorganic, electrochemical, gas and surface analysis. He is Executive Secreatry to the Joint Committee for Traceability and Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM), which develops and maintains an international database and review process for Reference Materials, Methods and Measurement Services for in vitro diagnostics. He represents the BIPM on the IUPAC Interdivisional Committee on Terminology, Nomenclature and Symbols (ICTNS), as well as ISO TC 212 for Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro diagnostic test systems. He is Deputy Chair of the UK National Measurement System’s Programme Expert Group (PEG) for Chemical and Biological Metrology and a member of the PEG for Energy and Environment Programme. Prior to establishing the Chemistry Department at the BIPM, he was a Senior Scientist at the National Physical Laboratory (UK). Dr. Wielgosz earned a M.A. in the Natural Sciences from Emmanuel College Cambridge University, and a Ph.D. in from the University of Bath, UK.   

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Xiang FANG

Director General, National Institute of Metrology (NIM), China

Mr. Fang Xiang is Director General and a research fellow of the National Institute of Metrology (NIM), China, and Chairperson (2019GA-2022GA) of Asia Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP). Prior to his current position, he had served successively as Vice Director General of the former National Research Center for Certified Reference Materials (NRCCRM), Vice Director General of NIM and Division Director of Chemical Metrology and Analysis after NRCCRM merged into NIM in 2005, Vice Director General of China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS), Chief Engineer and then Vice Administrator of Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China (SAC). Meanwhile, he assumes the vice chairperson of Chinese Society of Metrology and Chinese Society of Mass Spectrometry. And he is one of the State Council Special Allowance Experts.

Mr. Fang Xiang has a long-term involvement in standardization, metrology and testing, and analytical instrument development and application. Being the member of national consultative committee for standardization and for new materials, he has been taking big part compiling national strategies of scientific and technological development for multiple times. He has also led a number of state-level research projects funded by  national research programs and the Natural Science Foundation of China. Due to his contribution to research on small mass spectrometer and ultratrace precision measurement technology and instrument, he was rewarded twice the National Prize for Science and Technology in 2010 and 2017 and published dozens of SCI theses and multiple PCTs.

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Hongmei Li

Director of Division of Chemical Metrology and Analytical Science, National Institute of Metrology (NIM), China

She is a committee member of CIPM/CCQM, committee member of ISO/REMCO, China’s National Representative of Analytical Chemistry Division (ACD), IUPAC, Chairperson of APMP Food Safety Focus Group (FSFG), etc. She also serves as an editor of Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Journal of Instrumental Analysis, reviewer of Analytical and Bio-analytical Chemistry, Chinese Chemical Letters.

Her team has made major breakthrough in: 1) the ultra-trace impurity identification and targeted removal techniques in high purity organic solvent, and realize industrial production; 2) the key technologies for separation and measurement of micro and trace impurities in pesticides, veterinary drugs and illicit drugs; 3) the separation and measurement techniques for diagnostic markers of major diseases (cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, tumors and diabetes mellitus) and for drugs with complex composition (monoclonal antibodies and heparin).

Also, in recent years, her group has won 2 second prize of National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology. She took part in the development of more than 150 national certified reference materials and over 10 national standards/ technical specifications, and has won 25 awards at provincial levels and above, led 10 national projects including the National Sci-Tech Support Plan and issued over 60 SCI/EI papers and 4 monographs.

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Baorong CHEN

Chief Analyst Director of Beijng KingMed Clinical Laboratory

Prof. Chen’s research area focuses on traceability and standardization of the value of Laboratory medicine, Laboratory diagnosis of endocrine genetic and metabolic disease. Her academic title include JCTLM WG2 & WG-TEP Member, IFCC WG-PE Member; IFCC WG-PE Member: Vice Chaimman of the Professional Committee of Laboratory Medicine for Capacity.

Prof. Chen is a member of the National Medical metrology technical Committee, member of the Standing Committee of the National Labeled Immunology Society, expert of Beijing Quality Control and Improvement Center; IS0 17025&15195 and IS015189 laboratory accreditation reviewers, editorial board member of Chinese Medical Journal, Chinese Clinical Laboratory Management Electronic Journal.

Prof. Chen participated in more than 20 scientific research projects, such as IFCC international Multi-center research, national 863, 11th five year plan, 13th five Year plan and national infrastructure construction projects, won 3 ministerial science and technology awards, 5 patents, formulated 25 standards, and compiled 8 monographs. She build the first medical reference laboratory in China on the JCTLM list. 

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Jinlan ZHANG

Professor of Institute of Materia Medica, PUMC & CAMS

Prof. Jinlan Zhang received her B.S. from Department of Pharmacy, Peking University Medical School, then M.S. and Ph.D. from the Institute of Materia Medica (IMM), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. Since 2004, She has been a Senior Researcher and Principal Investigator at IMM. Prof. Zhang has more than 70 publications, and received several awards such as the Second Prize for Science & Technology Progress Award from the Chinese Ministry of Public Health in 1998 and so on. She was chosen to be in the 2009 New Century Talent Plan by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Her research interests include method development and standardization for active ingredients in TCM, metabolism of TCM, DMPKT of new drugs, and new method development on metabolomics and proteomics. 

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Renchao ZHENG

Professor of Zhejiang University of Technology

Zheng Renchao was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China, in 1980. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2007 at Zhejiang University of Technology. Dr. Zheng is presently the executive dean of graduate school and professor of College of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Zhejiang University of Technology. His research focuses on biocatalysis and applied microbiology. His researches are granted by Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of Zhejiang Province, National Nature Science Foundation of China and the Key Scientific and Technological Programs of Zhejiang Province. He has published more than 60 peer reviewed research papers. He is the major inventor of 26 Chinese patents, 1 US patent, 1 PCT patent, and won the 2nd Prize of the State Technological Invention Award.   

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Lihua ZHANG

Professor of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Professor Zhang obtained her Bachelor degree of science from Jinlin University in 1995. She pursued her Ph.D. study in Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) under the direction of Prof. Yukui Zhang, Member of CAS, and obtained her Ph.D. degree in 2000. From 2001 to 2003, she carried out the postdoctoral research in Prof. Yoshinobu Baba’s group in Japan. Since April 2003, she has been working in DICP, CAS.

Her research interest is focused on the development of new materials, methods and platforms for qualitative and quantitative proteome analysis. Various sample preparation materials were synthesized, by which the detection sensitivity of target proteins in complex samples was improved by 2-3 orders of magnitude. Different immobilized enzymatic reactors were developed, by which the digestion time of proteins was shortened from over 10 hours to few seconds. Novel separation materials, including sub-2 micrometer core-shell particles and monoliths, were prepared, by which the high efficiency and high resolution separation of proteomic samples was achieved. Furthermore, new methods and integrated platforms for proteome qualification and quantification were proposed, by which the analysis accuracy, precision and throughput could be improved obviously. In 2004, she was selected to join “100 Talents Project” of CAS, and promoted to be a full professor in 2005. She won the second prize of National Natural Science Award (2012), and now is the editorial broad member of Proteomics, and Sci. Rep., and Editor of Anal. Bioanal. Chem. She published almost 200 SCI papers, and more than 30 patents were entitled   

TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍

Prof. Xiaoli YANG

Director of Department of laboratory medicine, Third Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital

Yang Xiaoli, Ph.D., postgraduate instructor, Director of the Department of laboratory medicine of the Third Medical Center of PLA General Hospital and Director of the AIDS Confirmation Laboratory of armed police forces. Yang is the Chairman of the Armed Police Inspection Medicine Committee, the Standing Committee of the PLA Medical Inspection Committee, Director of the Chinese Medical Equipment Association, Deputy Secretary-General of the Inspection Medical Committee of the Chinese Hospital Association, and review expert for senior titles of the Armed Police Force Health Series. Her main research areas are molecular biology and immunology. She has published 59 articles, including 14 SCI papers.

She has presided over 2 national-level projects, won a second prize and a third prize for scientific and technological progress of the Armed Police Force, a third prize for military medical achievement, and was authorized three utility model patents, all of which are the first completer. Currently, she leads 1 national natural science research project, 2 national key R&D sub-projects, 2 military projects, and a total research funding of 6 million RMB. In 2012, he was hired as a postgraduate instructor of clinical laboratory diagnostics at Anhui Medical University, Jinzhou Medical University, and Armed Police Logistics College.     




TD-MSQS 2020 人物篇-专家介绍


