
TEM AutoTune™ -TEM AutoTuning Software

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TEM AutoTune™






TEM AutoTune™ software package greatly simplifies the tasks of tuning a TEM (transmission electron microscope). This fully automated software package features automatic adjustment of critical microscope parameters for TEM imaging, such as focus, astigmatism, and misalignment. This autotuning software is based on tilt-induced image shift (TIS) method. Values of defocus, astigmatism, and misalignment are determined from measurement of image shift vectors associated with different beam tilts. TEM AutoTune™ software is written as a standard plug-in to Gatan's DigitalMicrograph™ software and can be used with the Gatan family of CCD cameras.


The microscope is software controlled via the standard RS232 serial interface. TEM AutoTune™ is easy to use and very flexible in setup. The auto tuning procedure works for a wide range of magnifications and is robust against the noise of an image. It is capable of aligning the microscope under low electron-dose conditions. This autotuning software offers higher speed and better accuracy than a human operator's perception. There is no restriction for the type of specimens used, so the software can be applied to both materials science and life science applications. It is an ideal and invaluable tool for both experts and novices alike.

TEM AutoTune™ includes fully automated procedures of:

Calibration: All the necessary calibrations such as beam tilt, objective lens focus and stigmators are performed and calibration data is stored within DigitalMicrograph software. The calibration data can also be saved to and loaded from a user-specified file.

Auto Focus: Set defocus to any value specified by the user.

Auto Stigmate: Correct the objective lens astigmatism and also adjust focus.

Auto Alignment: Adjust beam tilt angle to image-rotation center.

Complete Tuning: This is a one-click-does-it-all procedure to completely align the microscope (beam alignment, astigmatism, and focus adjustment).

High-precision tuning is accomplished by using high-quality images from Gatan CCD cameras. A sophisticated algorithm is used to allow image shift to be measured with sub-pixel accuracy. Gatan CCD cameras and TEM AutoTune™ make your lab more productive by automating the routine microscope-tuning procedures. Spend your time on the microscope acquiring images, not adjusting stigmation, alignment, or focus.



TEM AutoTune™ -TEM AutoTuning Software信息由科扬国际贸易(上海)有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于TEM AutoTune™ -TEM AutoTuning Software报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。
