
DigiScan II-扫描控制器

报价 面议




Model 788





EELS加STEM附件-Gatan 805 BF/DF明暗场像探头、806 HAADF高角暗场像探头,以及扫描控制器DigiScan II;EDS型号采集整合系统。
EELS配合STEM可以获得空间分辨率为次纳米级的元素成分分析。GIF或Enfina在基本配置的基础上,增加Gatan STEMPack的成像系统包,获得同轴安装的Gatan 805明暗场像探头,也可同时配备Gatan最新的806高角暗场像探头,和DigiScan II STEM扫描控制和信号获取控制器,就可获得基于EELS的二维图像。再搭配Gatan的EDS信号获取模块,使得用户可以同时获得EELS,EDS,BF/DF以及HAADF信号,这种整合系统是市场上唯一的组合,就在Gatan! 
DigiScan II™ is Gatan's 2nd generation digital beam control and image processing system designed especially for providing photographic quality digital images, as well as enhancing advanced scanning electron beam applications.

DigiScan II works in Gatan's industry leading DigitalMicrograph™ software environment and provides the backbone of advanced EM techniques from Gatan.


DigiScan II's impressive specifications can extend the performance of all SEMs. With greater flexibility of image acquisition and signal to noise differentiation, DigiScan II can transform an older analogue microscope, even exceed the performance of modern SEM framestores.

With DigiScan II, high pixel density images can be acquired. Poster sized images can provide higher spatial resolution at lower SEM magnification. Interesting areas can be zoomed into as a post processing step without introducing pixellation.

Flexible pixel density and dwell times, high bit depth acquisition and simultaneous acquisition of multiple inputs are key to obtaining quality micro-analytical results. DigiScan II is included in MonoCL3+, ChromaCL, Spectrum Imaging and SmartEBIC products, and optional on other CL, cryo-transfer, hot stages and mechanical testing products.

Scan control
Configured for microscope's own external scan control input. One 3rd party beam control system can additionally be routed through DigiScan to allow sharing of a single external scan control input.

Continuous mode (search or preview) or single shot mode (record). Configurable persistence and integrate multiple frame modes. Digital zoom function allows increased magnification without altering SEM magnification. Waveform monitor, real-time image rotation, beam control. Area and linescan spectrum imaging functionality for advanced spectroscopic techniques.

Image options
Up to 4 analogue and 4 pulse inputs simultaneously. Controlled by software license and cabling.

User choice of pixel image size in X and Y dimensions, up to 8192 wide x 8192 high, and recorded at 1, 2, or 4 bytes per pixel. Maximum pixel resolution may depend on microscope and environment.

User choice of pixel dwell time from 400 nsec to 400 msec per pixel.



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