Rapid Characterisation of Steel and Ni

2020/06/15   下载量: 0


应用领域 钢铁/金属
检测样本 合金
检测项目 理化分析

Introduction The groundbreaking Symmetry CMOS-based EBSD detector, together with the powerful AZtec® software, is capable of acquiring EBSD and EDS data at speeds in excess of 3000 indexed patterns per second (pps). These speeds, twice as fast as those achievable with conventional CCD-based detectors, are further enhanced by the fact that extreme pixel-binning of the diffraction patterns is not necessary. This means that the quality of the data collected using Symmetry is significantly better than with CCD-based detectors, both in terms of hit rate and also angular accuracy. In this application note we give examples of how Symmetry can be used to characterise the microstructures in two example metals at high speeds, providing reliable statistics in affordable timescales.



The groundbreaking Symmetry CMOS-based EBSD detector, together with the powerful AZtec® software, is capable

of acquiring EBSD and EDS data at speeds in excess of 3000 indexed patterns per second (pps). These speeds, twice

as fast as those achievable with conventional CCD-based detectors, are further enhanced by the fact that extreme

pixel-binning of the diffraction patterns is not necessary. This means that the quality of the data collected using

Symmetry is significantly better than with CCD-based detectors, both in terms of hit rate and also angular accuracy.

In this application note we give examples of how Symmetry can be used to characterise the microstructures in two

example metals at high speeds, providing reliable statistics in affordable timescales.

上一篇 一文了解 EDS 能谱技术发展历程
下一篇 Mapping Semiconductor Devices in the SEM




当前位置: 仪器信息网 牛津仪器 方案 Rapid Characterisation of Steel and Ni


