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Company profile

北京有色金属研究总院(有研总院)创建于1952年11月,是我国有色金属行业规模最大的综合性研究开发机构,直属中央国资委。 从19世纪60年代起,我单位一直致力于空心阴极灯的研究、开发、生产和应用。1965年成功研制出我国第一支实用的空心阴极灯。今天已形成有一定实力的科研-生产-应用联合体,拥有一条生产线.可生产多达66种元素、各种型号空心阴极灯,年生产能力5万只以上。北京有色金属研究总院空心阴极灯生产线通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,并凭借可靠的质量,已获得国际市场的认可。 我单位有一支专业科技人员从事原子光谱和电真空研究,多年来在空心阴极灯的机理、原子光谱基础理论和应用、新产品的开发、原子吸收光谱分析、原子荧光光谱分析等方面积极研究开发和推广普及,目前已取得20项授权专利; 我们坚持技术先进,质量第一,服务第一. General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals (GRINM), established in November 1952, is the largest R&D institution in the field of nonferrous metals industry in China, which is directly supervised and guided by he State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) . Since 1960s, we have been engaged in the R&D, production and application of Hollow Cathode Lamp. In 1965, the first Hollow Cathode Lamp was successfully born in GRINM. Up to now, we have formed a combination of research, production and application, which has a production line with the capability of more than 50000 lamps per year and 66 kinds of elements in different model. GRINM’s production line of Hollow Cathode Lamp has passed the ISO9001:2000 and recognized by the internal market due to the credible quality. We have specialists in engaging the research in the fields of atomic spectrum and electronic vacuum. For many years they have been conducted the research in the aspects of mechanism of Hollow Cathode Lamp, theory and application of atomic spectrum foundation, R&D of new product and analytical technology of AAS and AFS. Presently 20 items of patents have been acquired. “Quality first, service most” is the basic way of product management for our company.

Business information
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