
2019/07/16   下载量: 0


应用领域 玩具/消费品
检测样本 自行车
参考标准 暂无

利用LaVision公司的软件平台DaVis10.0.5中加载的双脉冲双帧抖盒子算法(Shake The Box with Double Pulse-Double Frame algorithm (STB DP-DF)和新近研制的机器人型体视PIV速度矢量场测量系统,对风洞中骑自行车的假人腿部造成的阻力危机现象进行了实验研究。


Reducing the aerodynamic drag of bluff bodies can have a strong impact in different engineering fields, one of the most meaningful example is the improvement in sports performances. The phenomenon of the drag crisis has been known in the literature since the 1950s: the drag coefficient decreases in a certain range of high Reynolds number reaching a minimum value in correspondence of the so-called critical Reynolds number. Evaluating the
presence of the drag crisis and the critical Reynolds number is then a fundamental topic in the aerodynamics of bluff bodies. The present work aims to investigate experimentally the drag crisis phenomenon on one leg of a cycling mannequin. This has been carried out through the analysis of the topological characteristics of the wake at various velocities. The most recent works in the literature have shown crucial progress in the field of Particle
Image Velocimetry (PIV) due to the introduction of the Helium Filled Soap Bubbles (HFSB) as tracers and the development of the Coaxial Volumetric Velocimetry (CVV) with the employment of robotic actuation. Another critical step has been the improvement of the Lagrangian tracking algorithm Shake The Box (STB) that has helped to obtain a good accuracy even at high speeds. For these reasons, Large scale Robotic Volumetric PIV has been used for the measurements at five different speeds within the range of 5m=s to 25m=s. The Open Jet Facility (OJF) of TU Delft has been employed to perform the experiment. The subsequent analysis demonstrates that the drag crisis occurs at different velocities for three different parts of the leg; 10m=s for the thigh, 15m=s for the knee and 20m=s for the calf. This can lead to the conclusion that, in order to reduce the drag and improve the performances
in professional cycling, a new design of skin suits has to be devised. 

上一篇 在一个双稳湍流涡旋火焰中,对间歇性动态的时间-频率定位
下一篇 基于运动方程作为物理约束的拉格朗日数据梯度估算




当前位置: 仪器信息网 欧兰科技 方案 用机器人体视PIV研究自行车假人腿部的阻力危机


